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198 lines (156 loc) · 7.53 KB

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198 lines (156 loc) · 7.53 KB

[QA] - Use enums for contract type tracking instead of strings

In QuestFactory.sol, the way that the contract decides which version of the quest will deploy is inefficient since it's using a string param contractType_. Because the amount of options that we have are limited it would be better to use an enum instead.

+    enum ContractTypes {
+        ERC20,
+        ERC1155
+    }

    contract QuestFactory is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, IQuestFactory {

        function createQuest(
            address rewardTokenAddress_,
            uint256 endTime_,
            uint256 startTime_,
            uint256 totalParticipants_,
            uint256 rewardAmountOrTokenId_,
-            string memory contractType_,
+           ContractTypes contractType_,
            string memory questId_
        ) public onlyRole(CREATE_QUEST_ROLE) returns (address) {

-           if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractType_)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked('erc20'))) {
+           if (contractType_ == ContractTypes.ERC20)

-           if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractType_)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked('erc1155'))) {
+           if (contractType_ == ContractTypes.ERC1155)  

[QA] - Use Clones.sol for Quests deployment to save gas.

The current implementation on ContractFactory will deploy a completly new contract for every quest. This is not gas efficient since the implementation used for each quest type is always the same (though, could be upgraded for future quests). A better approach will be to use Openzeppelin's Clones.sol where a single implementation contract is deployed and a lighter transparent proxy is deployed later for each new quest pointing to that single implementation contract.


An implementation example on (QuestFactory.sol)[]:

    contract QuestFactory is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, IQuestFactory {

+       mapping(ContractTypes => address) private implementations;        

+       event ImplementationUpdated(
+            ContractTypes indexed contractType,
+            address implementation,
+            uint256 timestamp
+       );

+        constructor() {
+            _initializeImplementations();
+            _disableInitializers();
+        }

+       function _initializeImplementations() private {
+          setContractImplementation(
+               ContractTypes.ERC20,
+               address(new ERC20Quest())
+           );
+           setContractImplementation(
+               ContractTypes.ERC1155,
+               address(new ERC1155Quest())
+           );
+       }

+        function setContractImplementation(
+            ContractTypes contractType,
+            address implementation
+        ) public onlyOwner {
+            implementations[contractType] = implementation;
+            emit ImplementationUpdated(
+                contractType,
+                implementation,
+                block.timestamp
+            );
+        }

        function createQuest(
            address rewardTokenAddress_,
            uint256 endTime_,
            uint256 startTime_,
            uint256 totalParticipants_,
            uint256 rewardAmountOrTokenId_,
-            string memory contractType_,
+           ContractTypes contractType_,
            string memory questId_
        ) public onlyRole(CREATE_QUEST_ROLE) returns (address) {
+           address implementation = implementations[contractType];

+           if (implementation == address(0)) {
+             revert InvalidImplementation();
+           }

+           address newQuestAddress = Clones.clone(implementation);
+           Quest(newQuestAddress).initialize(
+           );


            return newQuestAddress;
  • It's required to convert the quest contracts to initializable ones (moving the logic from the constructors to the initialize function.)

[QA] - QuestFactory.sol constructor should include a _initializeImplementations() call.

It's recommended to call the function _initializeImplementations() in the constructor on initalizable contracts. This would prevent that the reference implementation contract would be initialized for unauthorized third parties.

      /// @custom:oz-upgrades-unsafe-allow constructor
-   constructor() initializer {}
+   constructor() {
+       _initializeImplementations();
+   }

[QA] - Use inheritance over composition on RabbitHoleReceipt.sol and RabbitHoleTickets.sol.

Currently an auxiliar contract is being deployed for the NFT contracts with renderer functionality. This will add a gas overhead (since it would require to deploy two completly separated contracts and will add external calls to them) and adds unnecesary complexity to those contracts. A simpler approach would be to use inheritance instead.



-   import './ReceiptRenderer.sol';
+   import {ReceiptRenderer} from './ReceiptRenderer.sol';

    contract RabbitHoleReceipt is
+     ReceiptRenderer

-       ReceiptRenderer public ReceiptRendererContract;     

        function initialize(
-           address receiptRenderer_,
            address royaltyRecipient_,
            address minterAddress_,
            uint royaltyFee_
        ) public initializer {
            __ERC721_init('RabbitHoleReceipt', 'RHR');
            royaltyRecipient = royaltyRecipient_;
            minterAddress = minterAddress_;
            royaltyFee = royaltyFee_;
-           ReceiptRendererContract = ReceiptRenderer(receiptRenderer_);

        /// @dev set the receipt renderer contract
        /// @param receiptRenderer_ the address of the receipt renderer contract
-       function setReceiptRenderer(address receiptRenderer_) public onlyOwner {
-           ReceiptRendererContract = ReceiptRenderer(receiptRenderer_);
-       }

        /// @dev return the token uri, this delegates to the receipt renderer contract
        function tokenURI(
            uint tokenId_
        ) public view virtual override(ERC721Upgradeable, ERC721URIStorageUpgradeable) returns (string memory) {
            require(_exists(tokenId_), 'ERC721URIStorage: URI query for nonexistent token');
            require(QuestFactoryContract != IQuestFactory(address(0)), 'QuestFactory not set');

            string memory questId = questIdForTokenId[tokenId_];
            (address questAddress, uint totalParticipants, ) = QuestFactoryContract.questInfo(questId);
            IQuest questContract = IQuest(questAddress);

            bool claimed = questContract.isClaimed(tokenId_);
            uint rewardAmount = questContract.getRewardAmount();
            address rewardAddress = questContract.getRewardToken();

-           return ReceiptRendererContract.generateTokenURI(tokenId_, questId, totalParticipants, claimed, rewardAmount, rewardAddress);
+           return generateTokenURI(tokenId_, questId, totalParticipants, claimed, rewardAmount, rewardAddress);