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File metadata and controls

39 lines (23 loc) · 3.01 KB


Link: The naming of the modifier can lead to confusion, since it is has nothing to do with the admin, anyone can call a function with this modifier, even if it does not lead to bigger vulnerabilities.

Link: Unused import, could be removed

Link: I would suggest updating the state variable redeemedTokens before transferring them.


Link: I suggest to declare it as an address and cast it when calling the mint() function because the casting to address is done a lot of times. I think this will reduce a little bit of gas.

Link: I wouldn't create an internal function with just two lines just to be called once in the initialize. I suggest to remove the function and just grant the roles in the constructor.

Link: I suggest to use a uint instead of a string to identify the quests, something similar to the Counter in the ERC721 from OpenZeppelin.

Link: I suggest to introduce the contract type as boolean instead of a string. This way the if statement would be easier. Also, the last revert (revert QuestTypeInvalid();) would not be necessary. The event QuestCreated could be emitted outside the if statement. All this would lead to shorter, more readable and cheaper code.

Link: I suggest to use the functions the library of AccessControl provides directly, instead of creating a function for calling this functions. It is probably cheaper and innecesary code can be removed, making a more readable contract.

Link: I suggest to emit the event after the mint function is called.

Every contract

This is something that happens in every contract: From the article Security Pitfalls And Best practices 101 from Secureum: Unlocked pragma: Contracts should be deployed using the same compiler version/flags with which they have been tested. Locking the pragma (for e.g. by not using ^ in pragma solidity 0.5.10) ensures that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using an older compiler version with unfixed bugs.