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102 lines (77 loc) · 6.15 KB

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102 lines (77 loc) · 6.15 KB

1. cbETH UoA should be USD

code lines:

According to the cbeth, the UoA and ref of the chETH are both ETH, but the CBETHCollateral.tryPrice() uses a chainlinkFeed to get the UoA/ref. It is contradictory. The UoA should be USD.

2. SafeERC20.safeApprove can lead to Morpho deposit revert

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The SafeERC20.safeApprove can only use to init an allowance, if the allowance!=0 it will revert.

    (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0),
    "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance"

3. MorphoTokenisedDeposit _claimAssetRewards

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The MorphoTokenisedDeposit._claimAssetRewards() function is empty:

function _claimAssetRewards() internal virtual override {}

Although the Morpho uses a rewards scheme that requires the results of off-chain computation to be piped into an on-chain function, a empty _claimAssetRewards function will cause users to lose part of rewards when they withdraw if rewards are not synchronized for a long time.

Suggest to add a rewards last update timestamp check in the _claimAssetRewards function.

4. RewardableERC20Wrapper ERC777 reentrancy attack

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In the RewardableERC20Wrapper.deposit function, the _mint operation is called before underlying tokens transfer:

_mint(_to, _amount); // does balance checkpointing
underlying.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
_afterDeposit(_amount, _to);

And there is not a reentrancy guard. So if the underlying token is an ERC777 standard token, an attacker can register a tokensToSend hook on the ERC-1820 Registry. And the attacker can mint and use any number of wrapper tokens before transfering any underlying token to the RewardableERC20Wrapper.

5.The low price of RTokenAsset from price()/lotPrice() is lower than the actual value when the basket is not ready

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RTokenAsset.price()/lotPrice() uses basketRange() to get the BU range. And the basketRange() gets the basketsHeld from BasketHandler and uses RecollateralizationLibP1.basketRange to get the range with all the assets when the RToken is undercollateralized.

But if the basket is not ready ( BasketHandler.disabled = true which occurs during the basket switching, or there is any collateral is CollateralStatus.DISABLED ), the BasketHandler.basketsHeldBy will return BasketRange(FIX_ZERO, FIX_MAX). A range.bottom = 0 leads to every collateral uses the total balance to lift the range.bottom. And because the range.bottom is calculated in the pessimistic case:

uint192 anchor = ctx.quantities[i].mul(ctx.basketsHeld.bottom, FLOOR);

uint192 val = low.mul(bal - anchor, FLOOR);

// (3) Buy BUs at their high price with the remaining value
// (4) Assume maximum slippage in trade
// {BU} = {UoA} * {1} / {UoA/BU}
range.bottom += val.mulDiv(FIX_ONE.minus(ctx.maxTradeSlippage), buPriceHigh, FLOOR);

The delta value is divided by the high BU price as the increments of range.bottom. So using the total collateral balance, instead of the bal - anchor vaule(bacuase the anchor is 0 now), will lead to the range.bottom is lower than the actual value.

6. The interface IRewardable is not specified in the contract definition of ConvexStakingWrapper

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CurveStableCollateral.claimRewards needs the config.erc20 should be an IRewardable implementation:

function claimRewards() external override(Asset, IRewardable) {

But ConvexStakingWrapper doesn't specify this in the definition. Although it has implemented the claimRewards function.

7. Curve Read-only Reentrancy can increase the price of some CurveStableCollateral

If the curve pool of a CurveStableCollateral is a Plain Pool with a native gas token, just like eth/stETH pool: the price can be manipulated by Curve Read-only Reentrancy.

A example is eth/stETH pool, in its remove_liquidity function:

# snippet from remove_liquidity
CurveToken(lp_token).burnFrom(msg.sender, _amount)
for i in range(N_COINS):
    value: uint256 = amounts[i] * _amount / total_supply
    if i == 0:
        raw_call(msg.sender, b"", value=value)
    assert ERC20(self.coins[1]).transfer(msg.sender, value)

First, LP tokens are burned. Next, each token is transferred out to the msg.sender. Given that ETH will be the first coin transferred out, token balances and total LP token supply will be inconsistent during the execution of the fallback function.

The CurveStableCollateral uses total underlying token balance value / lp supply to calculate the lp token price:

    (uint192 aumLow, uint192 aumHigh) = totalBalancesValue();

    // {tok}
    uint192 supply = shiftl_toFix(lpToken.totalSupply(), -int8(lpToken.decimals()));
    // We can always assume that the total supply is non-zero

    // {UoA/tok} = {UoA} / {tok}
    low = aumLow.div(supply, FLOOR);
    high = aumHigh.div(supply, CEIL);

So the price will be higher than the actual value becuase the other assets(except eth) are still in the pool but the lp supply has been cut down during the remove_liquidity fallback.