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94 lines (74 loc) · 4.55 KB

[L-01] Missing 0 address check for defaultAdmin

In the constructor of ousgInstantManager.sol defaultAdmin is used as input but never checked for 0 value. There is also no setter so the owner won't be able to grant the roles after deployment if he enters an incorrect address.


Add a zero address check and a setter function that the owner of the contract can use to grant the admin roles to a desired address

[L-02] Wrong error message returned

In the constructor of ousgInstantManager when _ousg and _rousg have different decimals the function reverts with this error message:

"OUSGInstantManager: OUSG decimals must be equal to USDC decimals"

This error message is incorrect and should rather say:

"OUSGInstantManager: OUSG decimals must be equal to rOUSG decimals"

[L-03] Check prevents user from withdrawing as much as they want

Let's say a malicious user has somehow managed to convert all BUIDL amount the ousgInstantManager holds to USDC or at least get it below 250k (for example using flash loans if fees are set to 0).

After that when a user wants to withdraw more than 250k USDC it will enter the following if statement (keep in mind minBUIDLRedeemAmount = 250k):

    if (usdcAmountToRedeem >= minBUIDLRedeemAmount) {
      // amount of USDC needed is over minBUIDLRedeemAmount, do a BUIDL redemption
      // to cover the full amount

_redeemBUIDL() has the following check:

      buidl.balanceOf(address(this)) >= minBUIDLRedeemAmount,
      "OUSGInstantManager::_redeemBUIDL: Insufficient BUIDL balance"

This check will see that there is less than 250k BUIDL in the contract and revert even if there is for example 1 million USDC in the contract that can be used for the user to withdraw.

This means that if for example he has OUSG tokens equal to 500k USDC he can't redeem them at once because of this check. Instead he has to do 3 transactions below 250k which is not practical.


Perhaps make a check to see if the contract has enough USDC to give to the user instead of trying to convert BUIDL tokens for more USDC.

[L-04] Wrong check in _redeemBUIDL()

The _redeemBUIDL() function has the following check:

  function _redeemBUIDL(uint256 buidlAmountToRedeem) internal {
      buidl.balanceOf(address(this)) >= minBUIDLRedeemAmount, 
      "OUSGInstantManager::_redeemBUIDL: Insufficient BUIDL balance"

The require statement should actually check if the BUIDL balance is bigger than the requested buidlAmountToRedeem which can be larger than minBUIDLRedeemAmount.


Change the check from above to this:

      buidl.balanceOf(address(this)) >= buidlAmountToRedeem, 
      "OUSGInstantManager::_redeemBUIDL: Insufficient BUIDL balance"

[L-05] Wrong checks in minimum deposit/redeem setters

The function setMinimumDepositAmount() has the following check:

      _minimumDepositAmount >= FEE_GRANULARITY,
      "setMinimumDepositAmount: Amount too small"

However this check is not correct because _minimumDepositAmount and FEE_GRANULARITY are not the same decimals (_minimumDepositAmount is 6 decimal and FEE_GRANULARITY = 10_000). This means that it allows the admin to set a value for _minimumDepositAmount to for example 50_000 which isn't an appropriate value.

The same error is made in the setMinimumRedemptionAmount() function.


Change the require statement to check for a 6 decimal value instead of 10_000

[L-06] Wrong check in unwrap()

The unwrap function has the following check:

      revert UnwrapTooSmall();

The problem with this check is that ousgSharesAmount is 18 decimal but OUSG_TO_ROUSG_SHARES_MULTIPLIER= 10_000 thus the revert will never happen.


Change the if statement to check for an 18 decimal value