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Stripe.Cards resource
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mike-north committed Feb 6, 2016
1 parent f05f427 commit 0ed1a50
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Showing 2 changed files with 433 additions and 0 deletions.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions lib/stripe/cards.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
defmodule Stripe.Cards do
@moduledoc """
Main API for working with Cards at Stripe. Through this API you can:
-create cards for a customer
-delete cards for a customer
-delete all cards for a customer
-list cards for a customer
-count cards for a customer
Supports Connect workflow by allowing to pass in any API key explicitely (vs using the one from env/config).
(API ref:

def endpoint_for_entity(entity_type, entity_id) do
case entity_type do
:customer -> "customers/#{entity_id}/sources"
:account -> "accounts/#{entity_id}/external_accounts"
:recipient -> "recipients/#{entity_id}/cards"

@doc """
Creates a Card with the given parameters.
* owner_type must be either :customer, :account or :recipient
* owner_id must be the ID of the owning object
* params, must contain a "source" object, and inside it, the following parameters are required:
object, number, cvc, exp_month, exp-year
## Example
new_card = [
source: [
object: "card",
number: "4111111111111111",
cvc: 123,
exp_month: 12,
exp_year: 2020,
metadata: [
test_field: "test val"
{:ok, res} = Stripe.Cards.create :customer, customer_id, new_card
def create(owner_type, owner_id, params) do
create owner_type, owner_id, params, Stripe.config_or_env_key

@doc """
Creates a Card with the given parameters.
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
* owner_type must be either :customer, :account or :recipient
* owner_id must be the ID of the owning object
* params, must contain a "source" object, and inside it, the following parameters are required: object, number, cvc, exp_month, exp-year
* key, the stripe key to use
## Example
{:ok, res} = Stripe.Cards.create :customer, customer_id, new_card, key

def create(owner_type, owner_id, params, key) do
Stripe.make_request_with_key(:post, endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id), key, params)
|> Stripe.Util.handle_stripe_response

def update(owner_type, owner_id, id, params, key) do
Stripe.make_request_with_key(:put, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key, params)
|> Stripe.Util.handle_stripe_response

@doc """
Get a Card with the given id.
* owner_type must be either :customer, :account or :recipient
* owner_id must be the ID of the owning object
* id,id of the card
## Example
{:ok, res} = Stripe.Cards.get :customer, customer_id, id
def get(owner_type, owner_id, id) do
get owner_type, owner_id, id, Stripe.config_or_env_key

@doc """
Get a Card with the given id.
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
* owner_type must be either :customer, :account or :recipient
* owner_id must be the ID of the owning object
* id,id of the card
* key, the stripe key to use
## Example
{:ok, res} = Stripe.Cards.get :customer, customer_id, id, key
def get(owner_type, owner_id, id, key) do
Stripe.make_request_with_key(:get, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key)
|> Stripe.Util.handle_stripe_response

@doc """
Returns a list of Cards with a default limit of 10 which you can override with `list/3`
## Example
{:ok, cards} = Stripe.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, starting_after, 20)
def list(owner_type, owner_id, starting_after, limit \\ 10) do
list owner_type, owner_id, Stripe.config_or_env_key, "", limit

@doc """
Returns a list of Cards with a default limit of 10 which you can override with `list/3`
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
## Example
{:ok, cards} = Stripe.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, key, starting_after,20)
def list(owner_type, owner_id, key, starting_after, limit) do
Stripe.Util.list endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id), key, starting_after, limit

@doc """
Deletes a Card with the specified ID
## Example
{:ok, resp} = Stripe.Cards.delete :customer, customer_id, "card_id"
def delete(owner_type, owner_id, id) do
delete owner_type, owner_id, id, Stripe.config_or_env_key

@doc """
Deletes a Card with the specified ID
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
## Example
{:ok, resp} = Stripe.Cards.delete :customer, customer_id, "card_id", key
def delete(owner_type, owner_id, id,key) do
Stripe.make_request_with_key(:delete, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key)
|> Stripe.Util.handle_stripe_response

@doc """
Deletes all Cards owned by a particular entity
## Example
Stripe.Cards.delete_all :customer, customer_id
def delete_all(owner_type, owner_id) do
case all(owner_type, owner_id) do
{:ok, cards} ->
Enum.each cards, fn c -> delete(owner_type, owner_id, c["id"]) end
{:error, err} -> raise err

@doc """
Deletes all Cards owned by a particular entity
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
## Example
Stripe.Cards.delete_all :customer, customer_id, key
def delete_all(owner_type, owner_id, key) do
case all(owner_type, owner_id) do
{:ok, customers} ->
Enum.each customers, fn c -> delete(owner_type, owner_id, c["id"], key) end
{:error, err} -> raise err

@max_fetch_size 100

@doc """
List all Cards owned by a particular entity.
{:ok, cards} = Stripe.Cards.all :customer, customer_id
def all(owner_type, owner_id, accum \\ [], starting_after \\ "") do
all owner_type, owner_id, Stripe.config_or_env_key, accum, starting_after

@doc """
List all Cards owned by a particular entity.
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
{:ok, cards} = Stripe.Cards.all :customer, customer_id, key, accum, starting_after
def all(owner_type, owner_id, key, accum, starting_after) do
case Stripe.Util.list_raw("#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}",key, @max_fetch_size, starting_after) do
{:ok, resp} ->
case resp[:has_more] do
true ->
last_sub = List.last( resp[:data] )
all(owner_type, owner_id, key, resp[:data] ++ accum, last_sub["id"] )
false ->
result = resp[:data] ++ accum
{:ok, result}
{:error, err} -> raise err

@doc """
Count total number of cards owned by a particular entity.
## Example
{:ok, count} = Stripe.Cards.count :customer, customer_id
def count(owner_type, owner_id) do
count owner_type, owner_id, Stripe.config_or_env_key

@doc """
Count total number of cards owned by a particular entity.
Using a given stripe key to apply against the account associated.
## Example
{:ok, count} = Stripe.Cards.count :customer, customer_id, key
def count(owner_type, owner_id, key)do
Stripe.Util.count "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}", key

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