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Releases: code-of-chaos/obsidian-colored_tags_wrangler


08 Jan 22:49
Choose a tag to compare

Hot fix: removed a console warn printout


08 Jan 22:45
Choose a tag to compare

Reimplementation of auto background calculation for Tags, in the form of a button & setting to enable the button


05 Jan 14:51
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

  • Change: Removal of Luminance system. Now one Background opacity system by @AndreasSas in #37

Full Changelog: 0.16.5...0.17.0


04 Jan 20:10
Choose a tag to compare

Fix: Note background setting adhere to background opacity setting


04 Jan 20:06
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.16.3...0.16.4


03 Jan 12:14
Choose a tag to compare

Hotfix: / can be used in tags now


02 Jan 15:42
Choose a tag to compare

🔥 Colored Tags Wrangler - Update 0.16.1 🔥
The first update of Colored Tags Wrangler in 2024

  • Addition of two buttons next to the Tag Color picker, allowing users to move the tags around in the order. This can fix some CSS issues where one tag is assigned before the other and thus applied differently.
  • Addition of a command to export the tags as a JSON codeblock at the caret. The format is in the graph.json colorGroups, allowing users to manually insert them into the .obsidian/graph.json file.
    • Addition of two experimental commands, enabled in the debug settings, allowing the plugin (on Desktop) to directly overwrite the .obsidian/graph.json file with the same data.

The new settings' version is version 11 and changes how the Tags.ColorPicker is stored.

If you come across any issues, or have some enhancement ideas, please feel free to go to the repo:


21 Dec 01:46
Choose a tag to compare

🔥 Colored Tags Wrangler - Update 0.15.0 🔥

  • v0.14.1 had a couple of minor tweaks, and prepped the project structure for an overhaul in the near future which splits apart the "frontend" from the logic, so testing can be added more easily in the future.

  • v0.15.0 Two new additions to the code base, which involved adding JQuery as a dependency: Colored tags in Properties 🥳
    This was a much requested feature (not only on my own plugin, but something I've seen come, and although it still has a known issue where you need to reopen the file to see it work, it is fully functional. This feature is enabled by default.
    The update also adds the ability to let the entire note's background color be the same color as tag in the note's properties. This isn't enabled by default.

The new settings' version is version 10 and removes the CSS.Enable setting, as this is now split up into two settings. (see image)

If you come across any issues, or have some enhancement ideas, please feel free to go to the repo:

Sorry this update took so long, I've had a lot of health issues over the past month and grinded everything to a halt for me. I'm back to programming now, so if you post an issue, I should be quick to respond 😅

I'm also preparing an "example vault", so you can easily check the functionality of the different components of the plugin. This is still in development, and should be released soon:tm:


20 Dec 21:14
Choose a tag to compare

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.14.0...0.14.1


09 Dec 20:37
Choose a tag to compare

Colored Tags Wrangler - update 0.14.0
This update is a very minor addition, as it adds a new setting to the settings tab.
You can now enable extra CSS options. Currently this is only used for a single new settings, pertaining to the text wrapping of tags.
I frequently use - in my tags, and especially on tables this has the annoying side effect that it splits the tag over multiple lines when the table is too big.

Enabling this setting, removes this side effect.

This update also implements a Debug option for this new setting, letting you choose between 'pre' or 'nowrap'.