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Get Active Devices from an Organization

Sometimes you might want to do something useful that requires information about active devices in your organization. For example, you might want to create a simple report that illustrates how many devices are running each operating system in your Code42 environment. Your role in the organization determines which devices you have access to.

To begin, we need to initialize the SDK:

import py42.sdk
sdk = py42.sdk.from_local_account("", "my_username", "my_password")

The DeviceClient.get_all() Function

Next, we will want to make use of py42.sdk.clients.devices.DeviceClient to search for active devices in your organization. We can achieve this using the active parameter on the get_all() method.

The active parameter has three different states:

  • If active is set to True, you will only get active devices.
  • If active is set to False, you will only get deactivated devices.
  • If you don't use active, you will get all devices.

The get_all() function returns a generator of pages of devices. Depending on your account's role in the organization, you will get different lists of devices:

  • If you are logged in as an ordinary end user, get_all() returns all your devices.
  • If you are logged in as an organization administrator, get_all() returns all the devices in your organization.
  • If you are a cross-organization administrator, get_all() returns all devices across all your organizations.
  • Finally, if you are a customer cloud administrator, get_all() returns all devices in all organizations.


Here is an example using get_all() to get all active devices in your organization(s):

# For each active device in your organization, print its GUID and operating system

response = sdk.devices.get_all(active=True)
for page in response:
    devices = page["computers"]
    for device in devices:
        print("{0} - {1}".format(device["guid"], device["osName"]))

Another example might be that you are a cross-organization administrator and you wish to get all the active devices for just one of your organizations. To do this, we can make use of the py42.sdk.clients.devices.OrgClient.get_by_name() method. The get_by_name() method returns a list of organizations matching the name you give it.

# For each active device in the engineering organization, print its GUID and operating system.

# Assume there is only one org named "Engineering"
engineering_org = sdk.orgs.get_by_name("Engineering")[0]
engineering_org_uid = engineering_org["orgUid"]
response = sdk.devices.get_all(active=True, org_uid=engineering_org_uid)
for page in response:
    devices = page["computers"]
    for device in devices:
        print("{0} - {1}".format(device["guid"], device["osName"]))

We got the org UID from the engineering organization and then passed it as a parameter to the method to get all the devices, thus getting all the active devices in the engineering organization.