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py42 Basics

This guide explains the basic concepts of py42. Learning these basics can help you gain confidence in writing your own scripts. The following examples use py42.sdk.clients.departing_employee.DepartingEmployeeClient to demonstrate how to use py42:

The examples from this guide are intended as blanket concepts that apply to other areas in py42. For example, paging over users and devices works the same way as over departing employees and alerts.


To use py42, you must initialize the SDK:

import py42.sdk

sdk = py42.sdk.from_local_account("", "my_username", "my_password")


py42 clients often have a method with the name (or name prefix) get_all which handles iterating over pages of response items. Here are some examples:

  • py42.sdk.devices.get_all()
  • py42.sdk.users.get_all()
  • py42.sdk.legalhold.get_all_matters()
  • py42.sdk.orgs.get_all()

These methods each return a python generator. Looping over the pages returned by the generator gives you access to the actual list of items. Use the code snippet below as an example for working with generators and paging in py42:

# Prints the username and notes for all departing employees

pages = sdk.detectionlists.departing_employee.get_all()  # pages has 'generator' type
for page in pages:  # page has 'Py42Response' type
    employees = page["cases"]
    for employee in employees:
        username = employee["userName"]
        notes = employee["notes"]
        print("{0}: {1}".format(employee, notes))

Each page is a typical py42 response. The next section covers what you can do with Py42Response objects.


py42 clients return Py42Response objects which are intentionally similar to requests.Response objects. The Py42Response class hides unneeded metadata found on the raw requests.Response.text (which is available as Py42Response.raw_text), making it easier to get the most useful parts of the response. Also, the object is subscriptable, meaning you can access it with keys or indices (depending on the JSON type underneath data on Code42 API responses):

user = response["users"][0]
item = list_response[0]["itemProperty"]

To see all the keys on a response, observe its .text attribute. By printing the response, you essentially print its text property:

# Prints details about the response from getting a departing employee

response = sdk.detectionlists.departing_employee.get_by_username("")
print(response)  # JSON as Dictionary - same as print(response.text)
print(response.raw_text)  # Raw API response
print(response.status_code)  # 200
cloud_usernames = response["cloudUsernames"]
.. _anchor_dates:


py42 supports POSIX timestamps for date parameters. As an example, see the departing_on_or_after_epoch parameter in the py42.sdk.clients.departing_employee.DepartingEmployeeClient.get_all() method.

import py42.sdk
import py42.util
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
sdk = py42.sdk.from_local_account("", "my_username", "my_password")

# Prints all the departing employee cases on or after two weeks

# get a date in the future
departing_date = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=14)
epoch = (departing_date - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds()
# get an epoch time (float)
response = sdk.detectionlists.departing_employee.get_all(departing_on_or_after_epoch=epoch)
for page in response:
    for case in page["cases"]:


py42 throws some of its own exceptions when failures occur. py42 exceptions are found in the py42.sdk.exceptions module. Some of the available exceptions are:

  • Py42ForbiddenError: (403) With your currently signed-in account, you don't have the necessary permissions to perform the action you were trying to do.
  • Py42UnauthorizedError: (401) The username or password is incorrect.
  • Py42InternalServerError: (500) Likely an unhandled issue on our servers.

For example, you are making a create_sdk() function and want to print a more user-friendly message when the provided username or password are incorrect:

import keyring
import py42.sdk
from py42.exceptions import Py42UnauthorizedError

def create_sdk(username):
    """Tries to initialize SDK. If unauthorized, prints message and exits."""
        password = keyring.get_password("my_program", username)
        return py42.sdk.from_local_account("", username, password)
    except Py42UnauthorizedError:
        print("Invalid username or password.")