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File metadata and controls

135 lines (103 loc) · 4.68 KB

Executing Searches

py42 features a powerful, flexible query system for quickly and easily searching file events and alerts. This guide explains the syntax for building queries and executing searches.

.. _anchor_search_file_events:

Search File Events

To query for V2 file events, import the required modules and classes and create the SDK:

import py42.sdk
from py42.sdk.queries.fileevents.v2 import *
sdk = py42.sdk.from_local_account("", "my_username", "my_password")

V1 events are DEPRECATED. If you need to build V1 queries, the corresponding V1 modules can be imported in a similar manner.

from py42.sdk.queries.fileevents.v1 import *

For more details on updating to V2 file events, see the V2 File Events Guide

You must create query_filter.FilterGroup objects to conduct searches. Filter groups have a type (in the form of a class), such as email.Sender, and an operator (in the form of a function), such as is_in(). Some example filter groups look like this:

from py42.sdk.queries.fileevents.v2 import *
source_email_filter = source.EmailSender.is_in(["", ""])
event_action_filter = event.Action.exists()
destination_ip_filter = destination.PrivateIpAddress.eq("")

It is also possible to create query_filter.FilterGroups from raw JSON. For example:

raw_json = """{"filterClause":"AND","filters":[{"display":null,"value":"P1D","operator":"WITHIN_THE_LAST","term":"eventTimestamp"}]}"""
json_dict = json.loads(raw_json)
filter_group = FilterGroup.from_dict(json_dict)
.. important::
    The filter terms and query objects for file events have changed for V2.  Make sure you're using the appropriate modules to construct your queries.

There are two operators when building file_event_query.FileEventQuery objects: any() and all().

any() gets results where at least one of the filters is true and all() gets results where all of the filters are true.

any_query = FileEventQuery.any(source_email_filter, event_action_filter)
all_query = FileEventQuery.all(event_action_filter, destination_ip_filter)

For convenience, the FileEventQuery constructor works the same way as all():

all_query = FileEventQuery(event_action_filter, destination_ip_filter)

You can put filters in an iterable and unpack them (using the * operator) in a FileEventQuery. This is a common use case for programs that need to conditionally build up filters:

# Conditionally appends filters to a list for crafting a query

filter_list = []
if need_trusted:
elif need_user_emails:
    user_email_filter = user.Email.is_in(["", ""])
# Notice the use of the '*' operator to unpack filter_list
query = FileEventQuery(*filter_list)

To execute the search, use securitydata.SecurityModule.search_file_events():

# Prints the MD5 hashes of all the events where files were read by browser or other app.

query = FileEventQuery(event.Action.eq(event.Action.APPLICATION_READ))
response = sdk.securitydata.search_file_events(query)
file_events = response["fileEvents"]
for event in file_events:

If the number of events exceeds 10,000 against a query, use securitydata.SecurityModule.search_all_file_events():

query = FileEventQuery(event.Action.eq(event.Action.APPLICATION_READ))
response = sdk.securitydata.search_all_file_events(query)
file_events = response["fileEvents"]
for event in file_events:
while response["nextPgToken"] is not None:
    response = sdk.securitydata.search_all_file_events(query, page_token=response["nextPgToken"])
    file_events = response["fileEvents"]
    for event in file_events:
.. _anchor_search_alerts:

Search Alerts

Alert searches work in a very similar way to file event searches.

To start, import the filters and query object:

from py42.sdk.queries.alerts.filters import *
from py42.sdk.queries.alerts.alert_query import AlertQuery

# Create a query for getting all open alerts with severity either 'High' or 'Medium'.

filters = [AlertState.eq(AlertState.OPEN), Severity.is_in([Severity.HIGH, Severity.MEDIUM])]
query = AlertQuery(*filters)

To execute the search, use the method:

# Prints the actor property from each search result
response =
alerts = response["alerts"]
for alert in alerts: