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165 lines (121 loc) · 7.15 KB

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Express your bean structure in a reflection-free, dependency-free and type-safe model; get generic diff/comparison/toString/toJson...

This project makes heavy (maybe too much) use of the visitor pattern to avoid casting where possible.

The Model interface

A Model is used to express the hierarchical structure of an object in a type-safe and reflection-free way.

In turn, once you have your model defined, you can use it to generate a toString for your object, compare objects, diff objects, hash objects...

The Model<T> interface represents a node in the hierarchical structure for an object of type T and can be of one of the following concrete classes:

  • ValueModel<T> which represents an atomic value of type T. Atomic values must be comparable or a comparator must be given to the ValueModel.
  • ListModel<L, E> represents a list-like value (of type L) of other models (of type E). Note that L is not required to be of type List<E> but then a transformation function (Function<L, List<E>>) must be given to the ListModel.
  • SetModel<S, E> represents a set-like value (of type S) of other models (of type E). Note that S is not required to be of type Set<E> but then a transformation function (Function<S, Set<E>>) must be given to the SetModel.
  • MapModel<M, K, V> represents a map-like value (of type M) of keys (K) and values (V). As with lists and sets, M is not required to be of type Map<K, V> but a Function<M, Map<K, V>> must be given to the MapModel.
  • BeanModel<B> represents a bean of type B. A BeanModel contains a map of properties (Map<String, Property<B, ?>>).

The Model<T> interface accepts DiffVisitor<T, R>s (R being the result type).


Lets define the following classes:

public class Person {

	private String firstName;
	private String lastName;
	private LocalDate birthDate;
	private Address mainAddress;
	private Set<Address> formerAddresses;
	// getters and setters

public class Address {

	private String street;
	private String houseNumber;
	private String zipCode;
	private String city;
	private Country country;

	// getters and setters

public enum Country {


The structure of the class Person can be defined as follows:

Model<Address> addressModel = Model.bean(Address.class,"street", Address::getStreet, Model.STRING),"houseNumber", Address::getHouseNumber, Model.STRING),"city", Address::getZipCode, Model.STRING),"country", Address::getCity, Model.STRING),"street", Address::getCountry, Model.value(Country.class))

Model<Person> personModel = Model.bean(Person.class,"firstName", Person::getFirstName, Model.STRING),"lastName", Person::getLastName, Model.STRING),"birthDate", Person::getBirthDate, Model.value(LocalDate.class)),"mainAddress", Person::getMainAddress, addressModel),"formerAddresses", Person::getFormerAddresses, Model.set(addressModel))

Note that instead of using getters method references (Person::getFirstName), a lambda could also be used ((Person p) -> p.getFirstName().toUpperCase()). This allows to transform the values before they are used (if that is necessary).

With that Model<Person> you could do the following:

Person person = ... // create some person instance

String string = personModel.toString(person); // create a generic string representation for person

int comparison =, anotherPerson); // compare person with anotherPerson by comparing fields in the order they were defined (firstName, lastName, birthDate, mainAddress.street, mainAddress.houseNumber...)

personModel.get(person, Path.of("mainAddress", "city")); // extract

Diff<Person> diff = personModel.accept(new ComputeDiffModelVisitor<>(person, anotherPerson)); // returns a Diff<Person>, see below for more explanation.

The Diff interface

The Diff<T> interface represents the difference between two instances of T (left and right).

A diff:

  • has left and right values of type T
  • can be visited by a DiffVisitor<T, R>

A diff can be of one of the following concrete classes:

  • SimpleDiff<T> representing a diff between two atomic values of type T
  • ListDiff<C, E> representing a diff between two list-like values of type C containing elements of type E
  • MapDiff<M, K, V> representing a diff between two map-like values of type M containing entries with key of type K and value of type V
  • BeanDiff<B> representing a diff between two beans of type B

Basic example

left = President {
	firstNames: ['George', 'Herbert', 'Walker'],
	lastName: 'Bush',
	birthYear: 1924,
	electedYears: [1989]

right = President {
	firstNames: ['George', 'Walker'],
	lastName: 'Bush',
	birthYear: 1946,
	electedYears: [2001, 2005]

diff(left, right) = BeanDiff<President>(status = MODIFIED, left = ..., right = ...) {
	'firstNames': ListDiff<List<String>, String>(status = MODIFIED, left = ..., right = ...) [
		SimpleDiff<String>(status = UNCHANGED, left = 'George', right = 'George'),
		SimpleDiff<String>(status = REMOVED, left = 'Herbert', right = null),
		SimpleDiff<String>(status = UNCHANGED, left = 'Walker', right = 'Walker'),
	'lastName': SimpleDiff<String>(status = UNCHANGED, left = 'Bush', right = 'Bush'),
	'birthYear': SimpleDiff<Integer>(status = MODIFIED, left = 1924, right = 1946),
	'electedYears': ListDiff<List<Integer>, Integer>(status = MODIFIED, left = ..., right = ...) [
		SimpleDiff<Integer>(status = REMOVED, left = 1989, right = null),
		SimpleDiff<Integer>(status = ADDED, left = null, right = 2001),
		SimpleDiff<Integer>(status = ADDED, left = null, right = 2005),


A path object which can be used by both Model and Diff is also available:

Path path = Path.of("previousAddresses", 2, "street");

Person left = ...
Person right = ...
Model<Person> personModel = ...
Diff<Person> personDiff = personModel.diff(left, right);

Object object = personModel.get(left, path); // extract value from left
Diff<?> diff = personDiff.get(path); // extract diff


Examples can be found on the codegeny-beans-examples repo.