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Use a Knative Service to Read Secret and Config Map Data

Create a Knative service that can be requested to read data in a secret or a config map.

For the procedures here, I don't use Kubernetes client-go to access secrets or config maps. Instead, I am mounting the secret or config map to a pod through Knative and accessing that through the pod's volumes.

There are some advantages to not using client-go:

  • minimize dependencies on third party packages
  • minimize load on the Kubernetes API
  • it is faster to access data in a mounted volume compared to sending an HTTP request to a server

This procedure assumes the following have been installed:

  • Kubernetes and its kubectl client
  • Knative

I use Kind for my local Kubernetes development cluster. I used KonK to help install Knative.


  1. Build with ko

    ko was created to help Knative developers build images and binaries without the need for Dockerfiles nor Makefiles. See more information in this Knative blog.

    Follow setup instructions at

    After installing ko, set the destination for images with an environment variable.


    Run the following command from the kn-go-echo directory. It will build and push the image to your local Docker daemon. To have ko publish and use a container image registry, remove the --local flag.

    ko publish --local --tags 0.1 --base-import-paths .
  2. Create secret

    kubectl create secret generic secret-msg --from-file=messages/secret.toml
  3. Create config map

    kubectl create configmap cm-msg --from-file=messages/configmap.toml
  4. Deploy read-secret-and-cm Knative service

    kubectl apply -f knative.yaml

    Note: Currently, the kn client does not support mounting secrets or config maps into pods. That is why we're using kubectl and Kubernetes manifests to create the Knative service and trigger.

  5. Get the URL to the read-secret-and-cm service

    NAME                 URL                                                  LATEST                     AGE     CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
    read-secret-and-cm   read-secret-and-cm-00001   17h     3 OK / 3     True
  6. Go to the following endpoints from a browser to see the messages