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Library for providing exception handling for spring based REST APIs

This lib aims at providing extension to ResponseEntityExceptionHandler and handle all 4xx as well as 500 exception.

What spring-bound does

spring bound provide a simple exception handling for user exceptions(4xx). Here is the defined Exception classes for most used USER Errors.

400 BAD REQUEST BadRequestException
401 UNAUTHORIZED UnauthorizedException
403 FORBIDDEN ForbiddenException
404 NOT FOUND DataNotFoundException
    "errorMessage": "Internal Sever Error : Please Try later[Refer logs for details]",
    "category": "Internal Server Error",
    "httpErrorCode": 500,
    "transactionId": "9779f2387e8f3143",
    "timestamp": "2022-10-04T16:10:09.345+00:00"

Above is the Exception Message generated by spring-rebound.

How To Use

  • Add spring-rebound dependency
  • Make sure that com.coderhop (along with your base package) is added in ComponentScan in order to add exception handling classes.
@ComponentScan("<project base package>,com.coderhop")
  • As required throw these exception from services/other API classes like below

    throw new com.coderhop.rebound.exception.model.DataNotFoundException("No Data found for Id: 0001 ");
    //other example
    //throw new com.coderhop.rebound.exception.model.BadRequestException("Invalid Request : Employee Id cant be null");
    //throw new com.coderhop.rebound.exception.model.SystemException("Processing Logic Failed due to connection Failure");

    Here is the exception message generated for DataNotFoundException

        "errorMessage": "No Data found for Id: 0001 ",
        "category": "Not Found",
        "httpErrorCode": 404,
        "transactionId": "3fbad17306c97c6e",
        "timestamp": "2022-10-05T03:00:33.489+00:00"
  • spring-rebound piggy-back on distributed tracing library sleuth for determining transactionId . The idea is return the log correlation id as exception response in order to ease out debugging. In case application is not using sleuth it will return http request sessionId as transactionId value.

    below is log for an app which uses sleuth and transactionId can be found as trace/spanId in log statements .

    [2m2022-10-04 23:00:28.098  INFO [,,] 46036 --- [           main] com.demo.DemoApplication                 : Started DemoApplication in 3.276 seconds (JVM running for 3.99)
    2022-10-04 23:00:33.464  INFO [,3fbad17306c97c6e,3fbad17306c97c6e] 46036 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/]       : Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
    2022-10-04 23:00:33.465  INFO [,3fbad17306c97c6e,3fbad17306c97c6e] 46036 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
    2022-10-04 23:00:33.467  INFO [,3fbad17306c97c6e,3fbad17306c97c6e] 46036 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.s.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet        : Completed initialization in 2 ms