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132 lines (89 loc) · 5.15 KB


qubes-yubioath is a rofi based frontend for some of the OTP related functionality of yubikey-manager. It can be used to obtain OTP secrets from your YubiKey and integrates nicely with the isolation and security features of Qubes OS.

qubes-yubioath is inspired by qubes-keepass which provides a rofi based frontend for the password manager KeePassXC.


qubes-yubioath relies on Qubes qrexec mechanism and requires multiple installation steps in different Qubes. In the following, it is assumed that your YubiKey is attached to a qube named vault, that your window manager is i3 and that you have an AppVM Qube called app-vm. In addition, make sure that rofi and yubikey-manager are installed in the vault qube and xclip is installed in the app-vm qube.

If you already installed qubes-keepass, some installation steps can be skipped.


In dom0 create a policy file for the custom.QubesKeepass qrexec service (yes, we use the same service as qubes-keepass here, as both services have identical functionality). This service will be invoked by your vault qube to copy OTP codes to other AppVMs:

[user@dom0 ~]$ cat /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/custom.QubesKeepass
vault $anyvm allow notify=true

According to your preferences, you could also choose ask instead of the allow action or remove the notify=true option, if you do not want to be notified when something gets copied via qubes-yubioath.

If you're using Qubes 4.1 and want to follow the new qrexec policy system:

[user@dom0 ~]$ cat /etc/qubes/policy.d/30-user.policy
custom.QubesKeepass * vault @anyvm allow notify=yes

Now copy the script to a location within your $PATH environment variable and make sure that it is executable.

Finally, set up a shortcut for invoking in your i3 configuration file and make sure that the window class Rofi is configured to floating:

[user@dom0 ~]$ cat /.config/i3/config
bindsym $mod+P exec --no-startup-id
for_window [class="Rofi"] floating enable


In your vault qube you only need to copy the script to a folder that is also contained within your PATH environment variable and to make sure that the script is executable. Make sure that the location of the script matches the location specified in (default is /home/user/.local/bin/ Also the configuration file qubes-yubioath.ini needs to be copied to your vault VM. A good location for this one is /home/user/.config/qubes-yubioath.ini.


For each AppVM that is allowed to obtain OTP secrets from qubes-yubioath, you need to setup an qrexec service. This service is essentially just a pipe to xclip and looks like this:

[user@app-vm ~]$ cat /etc/qubes-rpc/custom.QubesKeepass

xclip -selection clipboard

Make sure that it is executable and that such a file exists on each AppVM you want to use qubes-yubioath with. As the qrexec service is defined outside the persistent portions of an AppVM, you probably want to set it up within the AppVMs template.


After pressing the configured shortcut for, qubes-yubioath determines your currently focused qube and displays available OTP secrets in rofi. After you selected an OTP secret, an OTP code is calculated and copied to the previously determined qube using the custom.QubesKeepass qrexec service.


qubes-yubioath supports some custom configuration options, like the parameters that are used when executing rofi or the icons that are displayed for each OTP issuer. Configuration takes place in an .ini file that is searched within the following locations:

  • ~/.config/qubes-keepass.ini
  • ~/.config/qubes-keepass/config.ini
  • ~/.config/qubes-keepass/qubes-keepass.ini
  • /etc/qubes-keepass.ini
  • /etc/qubes-keepass/config.ini
  • /etc/qubes-keepass/qubes-keepass.ini

Global Options

  • smart_sort - sort OTP secrets by their usage count. An OTP secret accessed within the last 30 seconds is always displayed first

Provider Options

qubes-yubioath allows to specify a custom icon for each OTP issuer. The following listing shows an example, where icons for two issuers were configured:

Outlook = /path/to/outlook/icon.png
Office365 = /path/to/office365/icon.png

Rofi Options

Within the section rofi.options you can specify arbitrary options that are passed to rofi when executing it.