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Build guide

To use Naggum, first of all you need to build it from source.


To build Naggum on Windows, just use Visual Studio or MSBuild like that:

$ cd naggum
$ nuget restore
$ msbuild /p:Configuration=Release Naggum.sln


See general build instructions for Linux in the file .travis.yml inside the Naggum source directory.

You'll need Mono, NuGet and F# Compiler installed. Some of them may or may not be part of your Mono installation; just make sure you've got them all.

Please note that currently the project is compatible with Mono 4.4.2+.

Below is an example of setting up these tools on NixOS Linux; feel free to add instructions for any other distributions.

NixOS Linux

The instructions have been verified on NixOS 16.03. If something doesn't work, please file an issue.

Enter the development environment:

$ cd naggum
$ nix-shell

After that you can download the dependencies and build the project using xbuild:

$ nuget restore
$ xbuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:TargetFrameworkVersion="v4.5"

After that, you can run Naggum.Compiler, for example:

$ cd Naggum.Compiler/bin/Release/
$ mono Naggum.Compiler.exe ../../../tests/test.naggum
$ mono test.exe


You can build a local copy of Naggum documentation. To do that, install Python 2.7 and Sphinx. Ensure that you have sphinx-build binary in your PATH or define SPHINXBUILD environment variable to choose an alternative Sphinx builder. After that go to docs directory and execute make html (on Linux) or .\make.bat html (on Windows).