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338 lines (287 loc) · 15.5 KB

Version 0.12.0 (UNRELEASED)

Breaking Changes

  • Buffer::new has under gone small signature changes.
    • The queue argument now accepts an owned rather than a borrowed Queue. Buffer now stores it's own ocl::Queue (changed from a core::CommandQueue, a result of the addition of the 'version control' system). It is now left to the caller to clone the queue when necessary.
    • The dims argument is now constrained by Into<SpatialDims> rather than MemLen for consistency with other arguments of it's kind.
  • Device::list, ::list_all, ::list_select, and ::list_select_wrap now wrap their return value in an ocl::Result.
  • Device::max_wg_size now returns an ocl::Result instead of panicing.
  • ProQue::max_wg_size now returns an ocl::Result instead of panicing.
  • ocl-core: ::create_context has had it's signature changed. The properties argument is now an Option<&ContextProperties>.

Version 0.11.0 (2016-08-29)

The core and ffi modules have been moved out into new crates, ocl-core and cl-sys respectively. They continue to be exported with the same names. This document will continue to contain information pertaining to all three libraries (ocl, ocl-core, and cl-sys). Issues will likewise be centrally handled from the ocl repo page.

The version control system has been implemented. Functions added since OpenCL 1.1 now take an additional argument to ensure that the device or platform supports that feature. See the ocl-core crate documentation for more information.

Breaking Changes

  • Context::platform now returns a Option<&Platform> instead of Option<Platform> to make it consistent with other methods of its kind.
  • ocl-core DeviceSpecifier::to_device_list now accepts a Option<&Platform>.
  • ocl-core Certain functions now require an additional argument for version control purposes (see the ocl-core crate documentation).
  • cl-sys Types/functions/constants from the cl_h module are now re-exported from the root crate. cl_h is now private.
  • cl-sys Functions from the OpenCL 2.0 & 2.1 specifications have been added. This may cause problems on older devices. Please file an issue if it does.

Version 0.10.0 (2016-06-11)

New Features

  • Vector types have been added making their use more intuitive.
  • MSVC support is working and should be much easier to get running (more simplification to linking libraries coming).
  • Preliminary OpenGL interop support:
    • OpenGL context handles are accepted as properties during Context creation.
      • Note: The new methods involved in this may soon be renamed.
    • Buffers can be created from a GL object.

Breaking Changes

  • The command builders for kernel, buffer, and image now accept either an Event or EventList argument when setting the wait list using ::ewait or ::ewait_opt. Awkward type ascriptions when not passing a wait list can now be removed due to the use of a trait object argument type.
  • 'fill' methods now accept a vector type.
  • Kernel::arg_vec now takes a vector type.

Version 0.9.0 (2016-03-28)

Approaching Stability

Ocl is now confirmed to work on Rust-Windows-GNU (MSYS2/MinGW-w64). AMD and Intel drivers appear to work flawlessly. NVIDIA drivers have glitches here and there (particularly to do with concurrency) but are mostly functional. Windows-MSVC testing is in progress. A short HOWTO for getting OpenCL drivers installed properly and working with Rust is in the works. For now just be sure to put a copy of the ICD loader, OpenCL.dll, usually found somewhere within the C:\Windows folder tree, into the Rust library folder (defaults to C:\Program Files\{Rust folder}\lib\rustlib\x86_64 -pc-windows-gnu\lib) and make sure your platform drivers are installed correctly (there's a registry setting + they must be in the PATH). See for links to drivers.

Still no verification on the status of OS X but there is no reason it shouldn't work fine.

Breaking Changes

  • ImageBuilder has had its row_pitch and slice_pitch methods renamed to row_pitch_bytes and slice_pitch_bytes to indicate the units they expect their arguments expressed in.
  • core::unload_platform_compiler has been removed due to platform incompatability with some drivers.
  • The KernelArg::Scalar variant now contains a primitive rather than a primitive reference.
  • ::src_file_name and ::get_file_names have been removed from ProgramBuilder. Use ::src_file to set a source file Path or PathBuf to include in the build.
  • The BuildOpt::cmplr_opt method has been removed.
  • The build module has been renamed to builders.

Version 0.8.0 (2016-03-09)

Breaking Changes

  • Buffer has undergone a major redesign:
    • The optional built-in vector has been removed. Reads and writes must now all be done using a separate data container.
    • All of the methods for reading and writing have been removed and replaced by the new command builder system, accessible with ::cmd (more documentation to come).
    • All of the traits pertaining to the internal vector, such as Index, have been removed.
    • All of the constructors have been removed and replaced by a single method, ::new.
    • Many of the convenience methods for initializing buffers with randomly scrambled or shuffled data now take the form of functions as, ::scrambled_vec and ::shuffled_vec in ocl::util.
    • ::set_queue has been renamed ::set_default_queue.
    • ::wait has been removed. Queue related methods are now accessed on the queue itself using ::queue.
    • Length is no longer padded out to the next workgroup size. It is up to the consumer to pad the sizes of buffers (the new kernel method, ::wg_info can help determine optimal sizes).
  • Image has also had its read/write methods removed and replaced with a command builder accessible using ::cmd (more documentation to come).
  • Image::set_queue has been renamed ::set_default_queue.
  • Kernel has had its various ::enqueue_*** methods removed and replaced with, you guessed it, a command builder (::cmd).
  • Kernel::new no longer accepts a global work size as an argument. Instead use the new builder-style method, ::gws after creating.
  • Kernel::set_queue has been renamed ::set_default_queue.
  • Queue::new_by_device_index has been removed.
  • The device argument for Queue::new is no longer optional.
  • ProgramBuilder::src_file now takes a Path instead of a string.
  • ProQue::create_kernel_with_dims has been removed.
  • ProQue::device_idx has been replaced by ::device.
  • Context::new_by_index_and_type has been removed.
  • core::set_kernel_arg and ::enqueue_kernel no longer have an argument for the kernel function name. Instead it is queried when needed using ::get_kernel_info.
  • SimpleDims has been renamed SpatialDims and many of its methods now return Result types.
  • OclNum has been renamed OclPrm

New Features

  • Command builders for Kernel, Buffer, and Image can now be used by calling ::cmd on each.
  • Rectangular reads, writes, and copies are now wired up and have been tested.
  • Most of the remaining functions in the core module have been implemented. Coverage is now about 98%.
  • Sampler has been added along with the appropriate methods on Kernel to accept samplers as arguments. See examples/ for usage.
  • Dimensions for images, buffers, kernels, and everything else can now be specified by using a tuple OR array with 1, 2, or, 3 components (i.e. [80, 150], (5, 1, 7) or just [250]).

Version 0.7.0 (2016-02-27)

Breaking Changes

  • Kernel::enqueue is now called Kernel::enqueue_with and has an additional parameter to set an alternative command queue. A new method with the old name is now a convenience shortcut for .enqueue_with(None, None, None).
  • ProQue::create_kernel has been renamed ProQue::create_kernel_with_dims. A new method with the old name, is now a shortcut for kernel creation using pre-assigned dimensions` (this naming is likely temporary).
  • The kernel created using ProQue::create_kernel is no longer wrapped in a result and instead panics if there is a problem. If you require a non-panicing way to create a kernel use Kernel::new.
  • Context::new has been redesigned. It is now recommended to use Context::builder or its equivalent, ContextBuilder::new' to create a Context`.
  • Queue::new now takes a Device as its second argument. Use the new Context::get_device_by_index to achieve the same result.
  • All 'standard' types refer to Device and Platform instead of core::DeviceId and core::PlatformId in method signatures.
  • Buffer::read_async and ::write_async have been renamed ::enqueue_read and ::enqueue_write and have an additional parameter to set blocking.
  • Buffer::fill_vec_async and ::flush_vec_async have been renamed ::enqueue_fill_vec and ::enqueue_flush_vec and have an additional parameter to set blocking.

New Features

Version 0.6.0 (2016-02-20)

Breaking Changes

  • Some methods and functions now return results where before they would unwind.
  • The ::release method has been removed from those types which still had it. All types now automatically release their resources properly.
  • Buffer::fill_vec and Buffer::flush_vec no longer return results and instead panic in the event of an error.
  • All of the Buffer creation methods (such as ::new and ::with_vec) now take a reference to a BufferDims type for the dims argument instead moving it.
  • The raw module has been renamed to core for clarity.
  • Functions in the core module now take references to *Raw types instead of copying them.
  • *Raw types no longer implement Copy.
  • Many of the method names dealing with references to core objects have been renamed.

New Features

  • core has a considerable number of newly implemented (and unimplemented placeholder) functions.
  • Many 'info' functions and types have been added. See the example,, for details on how to use them.
  • All types are now completely safe to clone (where appropriate) and share between threads (with the exception of Kernel, for good reason) and are reference counted automatically in coordination with the API to ensure safe and leak-free destruction.

Version 0.5.0 (2016-02-15)

Lots of changes, breaking and otherwise:

A new type, Image has been added for processing images. It is still very much a work in progress.

The new raw api allows access to OpenCL™ FFI functions with only a thin layer of abstraction providing safety and convenience. Using functions in this module is only recommended for use when functionality has not yet been implemented on the 'standard' ocl interfaces.

Breaking Changes

  • Buffer has had several methods dealing with reading and writing renamed and two new ones created.
    • ::flush_vec and ::fill_vec have been renamed to ::flush_vec_async and ::fill_vec_async.
    • ::flush_vec_wait and ::fill_vec_wait have been renamed to ::flush_vec and ::fill_vec.
    • ::read and ::write have been renamed ::read_async and ::write_async.
    • Blocking versions of read and write have been created called, you guessed it, ::read and ::write. The more straightforward, blocking versions of these methods now have the simplest names wheras the more complicated, non-blocking versions have the _async suffix.
  • Buffer non-blocking read methods (*_async) are now unsafe pending review.
  • Buffer reading and writing methods now return a Result<()>.
  • The Buffer::with_vec_shuffled and Buffer::with_vec_scrambled methods now accept a 2-tuple as the first argument instead of two separate values for the first two arguments.
  • ProQue::build has been renamed ProQue::build_program.
  • BuildOptions has been renamed to ProgramBuilder and has been redesigned:
    • A new ProgramBuilder can be created with ProgramBuilder::new or Program::builder.
    • The ::build method has been added, consuming the builder and returning a new Program.
    • Methods dealing with kernel source code have been renamed for clarity.
    • Extraneous methods have been removed.
  • The following methods on Kernel have been renamed reflecting Envoy having been recently renamed to Buffer in v0.4.0:
    • ::arg_env to ::arg_buf
    • ::arg_env_named to ::arg_buf_named
    • ::set_arg_env_named to ::set_arg_buf_named
  • Several non-essential methods on Kernel have been depricated.
  • Kernel::new and its equivalent, ProQue::create_kernel, now return a Result<Kernel> instead of just Kernel.
  • Kernel::set_arg_buf_named and Kernel::set_arg_buf_named now require an Option wrapper.
  • SimpleDims has had its variants renamed.
  • WorkSize has been renamed to WorkDims and has had its variants renamed.
  • Context::new now takes a DeviceType instead of a u32.

New Types

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