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File metadata and controls

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alea [deprecated] code style: prettier

Deprecation Notice

After a huge discussion in the team we decided to use Chakra UI which is built on the same foundamentals as Alea, but it has a lot of easily customizable components.


The design system and聽building聽blocks聽of聽every Cogito聽product.聽馃幉

alea: latin phrase for dice, cube

Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar on January 10, 49 B.C. as he led his army across the Rubicon river in Northern Italy.


There聽are聽a聽lot聽of聽great React聽UI聽component聽libraries,聽such聽as聽Material UI, Ant Design, Semantic UI, Grommet and the list goes on. Although we couldn't find a proper one which fits our custom needs without making any compromise.

On the other hand based on our early experiences we struggled a lot with component development within our application, so we wanted to create an isolated environment where we can iterate fast on component building, styling and visual testing. With the success of popular component documentation and development tools (Storybook, Docz, Styleguidist) we found our solution.


Starting聽from聽scratch聽is聽always聽a聽hard聽decision, but our goal is to create and maintain a single source of truth of our design system and our web app component library. We don't want to create another popular open source UIKit. Since we only depend on open source projects so it was a no brainer to make our library open as well.

鈿狅笍 It's still a heavily work in progress library and only fits our custom needs.

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