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A Python-based LIDA framework using ROS.


ROS Jade is a dependency of the lidapy-framework, and is only supported on the following Ubuntu releases:

  • Trusty (14.04)
  • Utopic (14.10)
  • Vivid (15.04)

Python specific dependencies are documented and managed using the requirements.txt file, which is located in the top-level project directory. These dependencies can be installed using the command pip install -r requirements.txt.

Setup Options

Two setup options are provided below for installing the lidapy-framework and the necessary dependencies.

Option 1 requires a supported version of the Ubuntu OS, and requires manual installation of the lidapy-framework dependencies.
Option 2 uses the common-ccrgdev development environment. This option will work for non-supported OSes (using VirtualBox) and provides automated dependency installation (using Vagrant provisioning).

If you plan on using Gazebo (3D environment simulation/visualization) for your agent's environment, option 1 is highly encouraged (as option 2 can result in unacceptably slow performance).

Option 1 - Setup for Supported Ubuntu OS

ROS (Jade)

Follow the Ros Jade Installation Instructions

Get lidapy-framework

To setup lidapy you need to download or clone this repository. To download click here and unzip the downloaded file or to clone into a directory where you want lidapy-framework to live run the following from that directory:

git clone

Install lidapy-framework Python dependencies

cd lidapy-framework
pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2 - Setting up a virtual machine

If you do not want to go through all these steps you may want to using our common CCRG Development environment. You can get this by going the common-ccrgdev repository.

Create a ROS workspace for lidapy-framework

A script is provided in the lidapy-framework scripts directory that will create and configure a ROS workspace for developing lidapy-framework agents.

Usage: ./ <full-path-of-workspace-directory>

Example: ./ /home/user/lidapy-workspace

After executing, you must run source ~/.lidapy/setup.bash in order to update the ROS environment variables in your current bash session. For all subsequent bash sessions, source ~/.lidapy/setup.bash will be executed automatically.

Run an agent

NOTE: Before you use the following command to run an agent make sure that the package is in the $ROSPATH or the directory pointed to by the roscd command.

roslaunch [package-name] [launch-file]


roslaunch talker_listener agent.launch

Create an agent

To create your own lidapy-framework based agents run:

catkin_create_pkg [agent-name] lidapy-rosdeps [other-ros-package-dependencies]


catkin_create_pkg text-attractor lidapy-rosdeps