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1. Registration & Validation

Rob edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 17 revisions

Registration πŸ›‚

Registration Steps Click on the images to zoom
To get started, like anywhere else on the world wide web you'll need to create an account . Once you're on the homepage you will see a login screen, simply click "Register" to create an account .
Once you have clicked Register, you will be greeted by the registration form where you get to choose your own unique username in which other players will be able to identify you. Be creative! However be sure not to use personal information in your username as it will be public. You will also need to enter a valid email address that you own as your account will be restricted if you cannot validate your email address once your account is created. Don't worry, no one can see your email address .
Once you successfully register an account you will be able to login, simply use your newly created credentials to login! After you have logged in, you will be taken directly to our main page and you will be presented with a "Notification Permissions" window. It is important you accept this to allow notifications when someone mentions you in chat or joins your game should you be in another tab or window.
After accepting the notifications you will then be taken to our main page which contains the Online User List to the left, the General Chat Channel in the center and the Quick Join game bar on the right. It may be a bit daunting a first but we promise you, navigating around will become second nature before long. ───────────────────────────

Validation βœ…

Validation Steps Click on the images to zoom
You may be eager to jump in and say hello but uh-oh! You can't type in the chat due to an error message saying you need to validate the email address on your account.
Never fear, you should have received an email looking similar to the one on the right that gives you a button to press to validate your account - nice and simple!
If you haven't received a Validation email, please wait up to 30 minutes after registering to receive it (and check your spam folder). If after 30 minutes you still haven't received it and you can't find it in a spam or junk folder, navigate to your Account tab and ensure the email address you registered with is correct .
If your email is correct, please try clicking the re-send validation email link and waiting another 30 minutes. ───────────────────────────

If you still don't receive anything, you may need to log in to your email providers settings and white-list the domain

If you're unsure how to white list a domain within your email service, please Google how and follow the instructions you find. After you have white-listed the Untap domain please attempt the re-send validation email link once again.