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coleifer committed Nov 27, 2010
1 parent 510cca7 commit 04b4d3a
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Showing 25 changed files with 4,790 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions docs/_build/html/.buildinfo
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# Sphinx build info version 1
# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
config: d28e5ae499d34af913dd00a5ce73e028
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.. peewee documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 25 21:20:29 2010.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.


* a small orm
* written in python
* provides a lightweight querying interface over sql
* uses sql concepts when querying, like joins and where clauses


# a simple query selecting a user

# get the staff and super users
editors = | Q(is_superuser=True))

# get tweets by editors

# how many active users are there?

# paginate the user table and show me page 3 (users 41-60)'username', 'asc')).paginate(3, 20)

# order users by number of tweets{
User: ['*'],
Tweet: [Count('id', 'num_tweets')]
}).group_by('id').join(Tweet).order_by(('num_tweets', 'desc'))


peewee began when I was working on a small app in flask and found myself writing
lots of queries and wanting a very simple abstraction on top of the sql. I had
so much fun working on it that I kept adding features. My goal has always been,
though, to keep the implementation incredibly simple. I've made a couple dives
into django's orm but have never come away with a deep understanding of its
implementation. peewee is small enough that its my hope anyone with an interest
in orms will be able to understand the code without too much trouble.


.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3


Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions docs/_build/html/_sources/peewee/example.txt
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Example app

.. image:: tweepee.jpg

peewee ships with an example web app that runs on the
`Flask <>`_ microframework. If you already have flask
and its dependencies installed you should be good to go, otherwise install from
the included requirements file::

cd example/
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the example

After ensuring that flask, jinja2, werkzeug and sqlite3 are all installed,
switch to the example directory and execute the ** script::


Diving into the code


In the spirit of the ur-python framework, django, peewee uses declarative model
definitions. If you're not familiar with django, the idea is that you declare
a class with some members which map directly to the database schema. For the
twitter clone, there are just three models:

represents a user account and stores the username and password, an email
address for generating avatars using *gravatar*, and a datetime field
indicating when that account was created

this is a "utility model" that contains two foreign-keys to
the User model and represents *"following"*.

analagous to a tweet. this model stores the text content of
the message, when it was created, and who posted it (foreign key to User).

If you like UML, this is basically what it looks like:

.. image:: schema.jpg

Here is the code::

database = peewee.Database(DATABASE)

# model definitions
class User(peewee.Model):
username = peewee.CharField()
password = peewee.CharField()
email = peewee.CharField()
join_date = peewee.DateTimeField()

class Meta:
database = database

def following(self):
Relationship, on='to_user_id'

def followers(self):

def is_following(self, user):
).count() > 0

def gravatar_url(self, size=80):
return '' % \
(md5('utf-8')).hexdigest(), size)

class Relationship(peewee.Model):
from_user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User, related_name='relationships')
to_user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User, related_name='related_to')

class Meta:
database = database

class Message(peewee.Model):
user = peewee.ForeignKeyField(User)
content = peewee.TextField()
pub_date = peewee.DateTimeField()

class Meta:
database = database

peewee supports a handful of field types which map to different column types in
sqlite. Conversion between python and the database is handled transparently,
including the proper handling of None/NULL.

.. note:: you might have noticed that each model sets the database attribute
explicitly. by default peewee will use "peewee.db". explicitly setting this
instructs peewee to use the database specified by ``DATABASE`` (tweepee.db).

Creating the initial tables

In order to start using the models, its necessary to create the tables. This is
a one-time operation and can be done quickly using the interactive interpreter::

>>> from app import *
>>> create_tables()

The ``create_tables()`` method is defined in the app module and looks like this::

def create_tables():
database.connect() # <-- note the explicit call to connect()

Every model has a ``create_table()`` classmethod which runs a ``CREATE TABLE``
statement in the database. Usually this is something you'll only do once,
whenever a new model is added.

.. note:: adding fields after the table has been created will required you to
either drop the table and re-create it or manually add the columns using

Connecting to the database

You may have noticed in the above model code that there is a class defined
within each model named ``Meta`` that sets the ``database`` attribute. peewee
allows every model to specify which database it uses, defaulting to "peewee.db",
but since you probably want a bit more control, you can instantiate your own
database and point your models at it::

# config
DATABASE = 'tweepee.db'

# ... more config here, omitted

database = peewee.Database(DATABASE) # tell our models to use "tweepee.db"

Because sqlite likes to have a separate connection per-thread, we will tell
flask that during the request/response cycle we need to create a connection to
the database. Flask provides some handy decorators to make this a snap::

def before_request():
g.db = database

def after_request(response):
return response

Note that we're storing the db on the magical variable ``g`` - that's a
flask-ism and can be ignored as an implementation detail. The meat of this code
is in the idea that we connect to our db every request and close that connection
every response. Django does the `exact same thing <>`_.

Doing queries

In the ``User`` model there are a few instance methods that encapsulate some
user-specific functionality, i.e.

* ``following()``: who is this user following?
* ``followers()``: who is following this user?

These methods are rather similar in their implementation but with one key

def following(self):
Relationship, on='to_user_id'

def followers(self):

.. note: the ``following()`` method specifies an extra bit of metadata,
``on='to_user_id'``. because there are two foreign keys to ``User``, peewee
will automatically assume the first one, which happens to be ``from_user``.

Specifying the foreign key manually instructs peewee to join on the ``to_user_id`` field.
the queries end up looking like::

# following:
FROM user AS t1
INNER JOIN relationship AS t2
ON = t2.to_user_id # <-- joining on to_user_id
WHERE t2.from_user_id = ?
ORDER BY username ASC

# followers
FROM user AS t1
INNER JOIN relationship AS t2
ON = t2.from_user_id # <-- joining on from_user_id
WHERE t2.to_user_id = ?
ORDER BY username ASC

Creating new objects

So what happens when a new user wants to join the site? Looking at the
business end of the ``join()`` view, we can that it does a quick check to see
if the username is taken, and if not executes a ``.create()``::

user = User.get(username=request.form['username'])
flash('That username is already taken')
except StopIteration:
user = User.create(

Much like the ``create()`` method, all models come with a built-in method called
``get_or_create`` which is used when one user follows another::

from_user=session['user'], # <-- the logged-in user
to_user=user, # <-- the user they want to follow

Doing subqueries

If you are logged-in and visit the twitter homepage, you will see tweets from
the users that you follow. In order to implement this, it is necessary to do
a subquery::

>>> qr =
>>> print qr.sql()[0] # formatting cleaned up for readability
FROM message
WHERE user_id IN (
FROM user AS t1
INNER JOIN relationship AS t2
ON = t2.to_user_id
WHERE t2.from_user_id = ?
ORDER BY username ASC

peewee supports doing subqueries on any ``ForeignKeyField`` or
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions docs/_build/html/_sources/peewee/installation.txt
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Installing peewee

First you need to grab a checkout of the code. There are a couple ways::

pip install peewee

To get the latest development version::

git clone

If you grabbed the checkout, to install system-wide, use::

python install

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