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File metadata and controls

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This exercise will verify your local Harbor is working and get you familiar with it. The Kind cluster you set up should have Harbor already installed. You can access the Harbor GUI via a web browser locally at: https://core.harbor.domain (This should have been set in your /etc/hosts file before running the srcipt)

The default credentials are:

UN: admin

PW: Harbor12345

In Harbor create a project named test 🔧

Go to Projects and click the + New Project button.

Set Project Name to test.

Set Access Level to Public (unless you intend to make it private and require login).

Leave Storage Quota at the default -1 GB.

Login to your local Harbor with Docker 🔧

docker login core.harbor.domain

Pull down a test image for this project

docker pull cmccarth/ticket-function

Tag an image for this project

docker tag cmccarth/ticket-function core.harbor.domain/test/ticket-function

Push an image to this project

docker push core.harbor.domain/test/ticket-function

Verify the image is in Harbor by viewing the repositories for the test project 🔧

Go to Projects and select the test project > then the ticket-function repository.

You should now see your image present.