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Content Trigger

This document will explain how to add an IFTTT "Content Trigger" to a Plone folder. The Content Trigger will send a triggering event to IFTTT when content in or below the folder is published. This allows creation of IFTTT applets to, for example, email, tweet, or Facebook post about the content.

Note: For the trigger to work, an IFTTT secret key must be configured for the site as described at configure_ifttt_secret_key.

Add Content Trigger

Follow the steps given below to add a Content Trigger to any folder.

  1. Traverse to the desired folder.
  2. From the IFTTT menu select Add IFTTT Content Trigger.


  1. Fill in the form with the required values and click Add. Note that the event name will be used in the URL that will trigger IFTTT, so it must be a URL-friendly name (no spaces or special characters).


Behind the Scenes

Collective.ifttt uses Plone content rules to implement IFTTT triggers. For those who are interested, this section explains what happens behind the scenes.

After the Add form gets filled in, a new content rule is dynamically created and applied to the folder. See the Rules menu on the left bar to see all the folder's content rules.


The new content rule will be triggered by a Plone Workflow state changed event. It has the following conditions defined:

  • One condition for each content type selected
  • One condition for the selected workflow transition
  • One condition for the published workflow state

The content rule will have one action, IFTTT Trigger. This action will trigger IFTTT with an event named according to what was filled out on the Add form.

Data Sent to IFTTT

The event sent to IFTTT by the Content Trigger will contain the following 3 payload data items for the content object that was published:

  • Title
  • URL
  • Description