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182 lines (118 loc) · 4.74 KB


File metadata and controls

182 lines (118 loc) · 4.74 KB


In next release ...


  • Portlet column spacing, and the omission of left- and right margins is now a global setting, and spacing can be expressed in floating point as a percentage of the available width.

    Previously, each panel had a spacing option.

    As a result of this, the HTML now uses CSS-classes to control width and position (previously inline styling). [chervol]


  • The persistent Panel class now inherits from a new PortletContainerAssignment class, which is a portlet assignment that can contain other portlets. This is a generic base class that other portlet assignments can use.

1.3.2 (2012-06-15)


  • Fixed template compatibility issue.

1.3.1 (2012-06-15)


  • Added panel-${n} classes to the panel elements.
  • Added portlet-${n} classes to the wrapper elements that render the portlet.
  • The panel elements now have a class that matches the layout id.
  • Added new spacing 'small', set at 0.55%.

1.3 (2012-06-15)


  • A panel location can now be configured to be local to nearest site context. For instance, the footer manager can be configured in this way such that it's possible to use panels to create a site footer (which will be shown on all pages within that site).
  • Layouts now have a required description attribute which will be shown in the "Manage panels" fieldset (instead of the title, which is usually very short and non-descriptive).


  • Fixed issue where the error message would not get correctly rendered.
  • Fixed issue #9: "Unexpected non-class object while iterating over viewlet managers".

1.2.3 (2012-06-08)


  • The portlet settings dictionary was missing. Not strictly a bug, but the IPortletAssignmentSettings API exists to provide this information to the column renderer and we should provide it, too, for the portlet renderer wrapper template.
  • Panel manager must provide get method. This fixes issue #8.

1.2.2 (2012-05-18)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the versioning tool to check in a document when a panel had been added. This fixes issue #5.

1.2.1 (2012-05-17)


  • Fixed an issue with incompatible template syntax.
  • Fixed an issue where a panel would not correctly return a representation string when not acquisition-wrapped. This addresses issue #5 (but turned out not quite to fix it entirely).

1.2 (2012-05-16)


  • Added three new vertical layouts, assigned respectively 1/3, 1/2 and 2/3 page width.
  • Added option to select standard, double or triple spacing, all of which are given as a percentage of the page width.


  • Fixed an issue with the panel adding view that made it impossible to add panels to content marked as private (the request would be unauthorized). This fixes issue #6.
  • Views and resources are now registered against a package-specific browser layer. This ensures that the user interface is not available unless the product is installed (issue #7).

1.1 (2012-05-15)


  • Layout titles are now simply letters: A, B, C, etc. It turned out to be difficult to provide a short, descriptive title for each layout.


  • Improved styling of adding interface.
  • Added two new horizontal layouts that assign a fixed width of 1/3 to respectively the left-most and the right-most assignment.


  • Added Danish translation.


  • Fixed layout "Left" in the case of a single assignment.
  • The addable portlets check is now robust to misconfigured adding views and will log a warning instead of letting the exception trickle through.
  • Assignments now get unique names. For example, if two calendar assignments are added, the second assignment gets the name "calendar-1".
  • The panel info hash now correctly encodes a valid portlet manager. This fixes an issue where KSS-enabled portlets would operate incorrectly.
  • The panel assignment class and traverser now inherit from OFS.Traversable.Traversable and implement the getId method. This fixes an issue where a physical path would not be correctly computed.

1.0.2 (2012-04-19)


  • Fixed issue where you could not add portlets to a panel other than the first (for a given manager). This fixes issue #3.

1.0.1 (2012-04-17)


  • Fixed template formatting issue.
  • Added markup from Plone's column renderer, wrapping each portlet in a structure that provides a unique portlet hash. Also, use a "safe" rendering method such that rendering may fail gracefully.

1.0 (2012-04-12)

  • Initial public release.