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File metadata and controls

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A simple starter repo based on Nrwl Nx.

It features a API built with Nest and an Angular app. It includes a Docker configuration that can be deployed to


git clone my-app
cd my-app
# This project uses yarn, npm will most likely work just as fine :)


yarn dev:api
yarn dev:admin


# Build the whole stack
yarn build

# Build an individual app
yarn api:build
yarn admin:build 

Building in watch mode

You can rebuild the admin in watch mode. This is a great way Angular Universal to get almost instant compilation of server side rendered code.

First, you should start the build process of the admin in watch mode:

# Build the admin app in watch mode
yarn build:watch

Leave that process running, and start the api in a second terminal, in dev mode.

yarn dev:api

This will picks up the changes in the dist folder and restarts the server. When you now refresh the page, you will get the new server side rendered output.


There is a Docker configuration (defined in that builds the app and creates a container that contains the minimal assets to run.

The docker image name is defined in package.json, you probably want to change that from colmena/angular-nest-universal to something else.

# Build and run the docker image
yarn docker

# Build the docker image
yarn docker:build

# Run the docker image
yarn docker:run

# Push the docker image
yarn docker:push


The project is configured to deploy builds to We don't build the project on, instead we deploy the assets that are built somewhere else, for instance a CI process.

now is not installed as dependency as it's rather large, people who use it generally have it installed globally.

The now team name used for the deployment is defined in the deploy script in package.json, you should update it to your team or username. The now alias and deployment name are defined in now.json.

# Make sure to build the app
yarn build

# Deploy to now
yarn deploy

MIT Licensed