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Quick usage guide

You need Docker. First fetch the image with

$ docker pull colomoto/colomoto-docker:TAG

where TAG is the version of the image, among colomoto/colomoto-docker tags. It can be omited when using latest version.

The image can be ran using

$ docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 colomoto/colomoto-docker:TAG

then, open your browser and go to http://localhost:8888 for the Jupyter notebook web interface (note: when using Docker Toolbox, replace localhost with the result of docker-machine ip default command).

Alternatively, you can use the script to ease docker invocation:

$ wget -O
$ python colomoto-docker -V TAG

If TAG is latest, it will automatically fetch the latest available tag. See python colomoto-docker -h for usage.

Embedded softwares

Besides the Jupyter notebook, the docker image provides access to the following softwares:

Tagging policy and re-executability considerations

Docker images are timestamped with tags of the form YYYY-MM-DD after each tool addition or upgrade.

In order to guarantee the re-executability of your notebook, we recommend to use these tagged images instead of the non-persistent latest tag. This can be achieved using the script to launch the docker image:

python -V latest

will fetch and run the most recent timestamped docker image (requires internet connectivity).

If you want to run an image with a given timestamp <TIMESTAMP>, use

python -V <TIMESTAMP>


Coming soon: instruction to add/update your software