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Getting started


wget -O /bin/colonies
chmod +x /bin/colonies

Development server

The development server is for testing only. All data will be lost when restarting the server. Also note that all keys are well known and all data is sent over unencrypted HTTP.

You will have to export some environmental variables in order to use the development server. Add the following variables to your shell.

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE=UTF-8
export TZ=Europe/Stockholm
export COLONIES_SERVER_TLS="false"
export COLONIES_SERVER_HOST="localhost"
export COLONIES_SERVER_ID="039231c7644e04b6895471dd5335cf332681c54e27f81fac54f9067b3f2c0103"
export COLONIES_SERVER_PRVKEY="fcc79953d8a751bf41db661592dc34d30004b1a651ffa0725b03ac227641499d"
export COLONIES_DB_HOST="localhost"
export COLONIES_DB_USER="postgres"
export COLONIES_DB_PORT="50070"
export COLONIES_DB_PASSWORD="rFcLGNkgsNtksg6Pgtn9CumL4xXBQ7"
export COLONIES_COLONY_ID="4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4"
export COLONIES_COLONY_PRVKEY="ba949fa134981372d6da62b6a56f336ab4d843b22c02a4257dcf7d0d73097514"
export COLONIES_EXECUTOR_ID="3fc05cf3df4b494e95d6a3d297a34f19938f7daa7422ab0d4f794454133341ac"
export COLONIES_EXECUTOR_PRVKEY="ddf7f7791208083b6a9ed975a72684f6406a269cfa36f1b1c32045c0a71fff05"


source devenv

Now, start the development server. The development server will automatically add the keys from the environment (e.g. COLONIES_EXECUTOR_PRVKEY) to the Colonies keychain.

colonies dev

Start an executor

Open another terminal (and source devenv).

colonies  executor os start --executorname my_executor --executortype cli 

Submit a process specification

Example process specification (see examples/function/sleep.json). The Colonies Executor will pull the process specification from the Colonies dev server and start a sleep process. This will cause the executor above to sleep for 100s. The env array in the JSON below will automatically be exported as real environment variables in the sleep process.

  "conditions": {
    "executortype": "cli"
  "func": "sleep",
  "args": [
  "env": {
    "TEST": "testenv"

Open another terminal (and source devenv).

colonies function submit --spec sleep.json


colonies function exec --func sleep --args 3 --targettype cli  

Check out running processes:

colonies process ps
| ID                                                               | FUNC  | ARGS | START TIME          | TARGET EXECUTOR |
| 6681946db095e0dc2e0408b87e119c0d2ae4f691db6899b829161fc97f14a1d0 | sleep | 3 | 2022-04-05 16:40:01    | cli             |

Check out process status:

colonies process get --processid 6681946db095e0dc2e0408b87e119c0d2ae4f691db6899b829161fc97f14a1d0
| ID                 | 6681946db095e0dc2e0408b87e119c0d2ae4f691db6899b829161fc97f14a1d0 |
| IsAssigned         | True                                                             |
| AssignedExecutorID | 66f55dcb577ca6ed466ad5fcab868673bc1fc7d6ea7db71a0af4fea86035c431 |
| State              | Running                                                          |
| SubmissionTime     | 2022-04-05 16:40:00                                              |
| StartTime          | 2022-04-05 16:40:01                                              |
| EndTime            | 0001-01-01 01:12:12                                              |
| Deadline           | 0001-01-01 01:12:12                                              |
| WaitingTime        | 753.441ms                                                        |
| ProcessingTime     | 1m23.585764152s                                                  |
| Retries            | 0                                                                |

| Func        | sleep |
| Args        | 3     |
| MaxExecTime | -1    |
| MaxRetries  | 0     |

| ColonyName     | 4787a5071856a4acf702b2ffcea422e3237a679c681314113d86139461290cf4 |
| ExecutorNames  | None                                                             |
| ExecutorType | cli                                                              |

|                                ID                                | KEY  |  VALUE  | TYPE |
| 2fe15f1b570c7328854f2374a69e45845ef5a40624ec06c287a51a5732485ecc | TEST | testenv | Env  |

Execution time constraints

The maxecution attribute specifies the maxiumum execution time in seconds before the process specification (job) is moved back to the queue. The maxretries attributes specifies how many times it may be moved back to the queue. Execution time constraint is an import feature of Colonies to implement robust workflows. If a executor crash, the process will automatically moved back to the queue and be executed by another executor.

This mechanism thus offer a last line of defense against failures and enables advanched software engineering disciplines such as Chaos Engineering. For example, a Chaos monkey may randomly kill executor pods in Kubernetes and Colonies guarantees that all jobs are eventually executed.

  "conditions": {
    "executortype": "cli"
  "func": "sleep",
  "args": [
  "maxexectime": 5,
  "maxretries": 0,
  "env": {
    "TEST": "testenv"

The process specification above will always result in failed Colonies processes as the the sleep process runs for exactly 100 seconds, but the process has to finish within 5 seconds. The colonies process psf command can be used to list all failed processes.

colonies process pss
WARN[0000] No successful processes found

colonies process psf
| ID                                                               | FUNC  | ARGS | END TIME            | EXECUTOR TYPE |
| 61789512c006fc132534d73d2ce5fd4a162f9b849548fcfe300bc5b8defa6400 | sleep | 100 | 2022-05-26 17:06:24 | cli            |

Note that setting maxretries to -1 instead if 0 will result in a loop, a job that can never succeed.