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File metadata and controls

486 lines (313 loc) · 14.4 KB

Advanced usage


The authentication requirements are part of the definition of an operation, either global or - it it exists - operation scope. Authentication can combine/require multiple identifiers as well as providing a choice of a set.

Given the following section of a description document:

      type: apiKey
      in: header
      type: http
      scheme: basic
      type: http
      scheme: bearer
      type: apiKey
      in: header
      name: x-user
      type: apiKey
      in: header
      name: x-password
      type: mutualTLS

Authentication Conditions

single identifier

  - basicAuth:[]
api.authenticate( basicAuth=(user,password) )

"or" - having a choice

Having a choice allows authentication using one valid identifier

  - basicAuth:[]
  - tokenAuth:[]
api.authenticate( basicAuth=(user,password) )
# or
api.authenticate( tokenAuth="aeBah3tu8tho" )

"and" - combining identifiers

-  user:[]
api.authenticate( user="theuser", password="thepassword" )
# same as
api.authenticate( user="theuser" )
api.authenticate( password="thepassword" )

reset authentication identifiers

api.authenticate( None )

Authentication Methods


In case you fail to authenticate using apiKey, it may be required to prefix the apiKey with a keyword which is not documented within the description document.


api.authenticate(tokenAuth=f"Token {key}")


MutualTLS authentication requires

  • certificate file
  • key file
  • (optional) password to keyfile

to authenticate to the remote server, c.f. httpx.Client.cert <>_.


when using mutualTLS with self-signed certificates, it is required to add the self-signed CA to the SSLContext of the httpx session by providing a Session Factory <advanced:Session Factory>.


Posting data to Forms using multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

OpenAPI 3.x

Refer to the unit tests how to describe form fields in the description document and how to post data:

  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_String
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_DateTime
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_Numbers
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_File
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_Select
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_Control
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_Header
  • :aioai3tests.forms_test.test_Graph

Swagger 2.0

The description document and :aioai3the unit tests <tests.pathv20_test.test_paths_parameter_format_v20>.


An example build upon the Swagger example.

openapi: 3.0.4
  - url: 'https://{host}
          - sandbox
          - api
        default: sandbox

Currently there is not public API except accessing OpenAPi._server_variables directly.

api._server_variables = {"host":"api"}

Manual Requests

Creating a request manually allows accessing the httpx.Response as part of the aiopenapi3.request.RequestBase.request return value.

from aiopenapi3 import OpenAPI
api = OpenAPI.load_sync("")
api.authenticate(AuthorizationHeaderToken=f"token {TOKEN}")

req = api.createRequest("userGetCurrent")
headers, data, response = req.request(parameters={}, data=None)

This can be used to provide certain header values (ETag), which are not parameters but required.

req = api.createRequest("user.update")
req.req.headers["If-Match"] = etag
r = await req(parameters=parameters, data=kwargs)

Request Streaming

File uploads via "multipart/form-data" as mentioned in the httpx documentation (Multipart file uploads & encoding) do not require the content of the request to be in memory but work with file-like-objects instead.

httpx request streaming using file-like objects is limited to "multipart/form-data" and "application/octet-stream". Additionally it does not support choice of encoding (such as base16, base64url or quoted-printable) as possible with OpenAPI v3.1 contentEncoding, which should not be a limitation. It can not be used with "application/json".

Use via Manual Requests using the ~aiopenapi3.request.RequestBase.request API.


Pass the form fields as a list of tuples.

data = [
    ("name",('form-data:name', file-like-object, content_type, headers))
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=2a8ae6ad-f4ad-4d9a-a92c-6d217011fe0f
Content-Length: …

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="datafile"; filename="r.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif


would have to be created such as

data = [
    ("datafile",('r.gif', Path('r.gif').open('rb'), "image/gif", {})


Mixing file-like-objects and other form data fields is possible.

data = [
    ("datafile",('r.gif', Path('r.gif').open('rb'), "image/gif", {}),
    ("path", "media/images/r.gif"),


See :aioai3tests.stream_test.test_request.


Pass the data as file-like-object or tuple where the second entry is a file-like-object as with multipart/form-data.

data = Path("/data/file").open("rb")

data = ("name", Path("/data/file").open("rb"))

Response Streaming

Responses exceeding the defined maximum content-length raise aiopenapi3.errors.ContentLengthExceededError to prevent memory exhaustion. Though it is possible to increase the defined maximum content-length, it is preferable to use streaming for large responses, limiting the amount of memory required. is similar to ~aiopenapi3.request.RequestBase.request as used in Manual Requests , but does not consume the stream, and returns the schema instead of the Model and the session which has to be closed when done.


The main difference in the async use of the streaming is await & async for.


req = api.createRequest("largeResponse")
headers, schema, session, response = await{}, data=None)

async for i in result.aiter_bytes():
await session.aclose()


req = api.createRequest("largeResponse")
headers, schema, session, response ={}, data=None)

for i in result.iter_bytes():

Non-JSON Content

In case the content is not a model (application/octet-stream), the data can be read iteratively and written/processed.

See :aioai3tests.stream_test.test_stream_data.

JSON/Arrays of Models

In case the large response is an array of models, iterative JSON parsing libraries can be used to process the data.

See :aioai3tests.stream_test.test_stream_array.

Session Factory

The session_factory argument of the initializers allow setting httpx options to the transport.

E.g. setting httpx Event Hooks:

def log_request(request):
    print(f"Request event hook: {request.method} {request.url} - Waiting for response")

def log_response(response):
    request = response.request
    print(f"Response event hook: {request.method} {request.url} - Status {response.status_code}")

def session_factory(*args, **kwargs) -> httpx.AsyncClient:
    kwargs["event_hooks"] = {"request": [log_request], "response": [log_response]}
    return httpx.AsyncClient(*args, verify=False, timeout=60.0, **kwargs)

Or adding a SOCKS5 proxy via httpx_socks and a custom timeout value:

import httpx
import httpx_socks

def session_factory(*args, **kwargs) -> httpx.AsyncClient:
    kwargs["transport"] = httpx_socks.AsyncProxyTransport.from_url("socks5://", verify=False)
    return httpx.AsyncClient(*args, verify=False, timeout=60.0, **kwargs)

Or using a self-signed CA with certificate validation and possibly mutualTLS authentication:

def self_signed(*args, **kwargs) -> httpx.AsyncClient:
    ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH, cafile="/etc/ssl/my-ca.pem")
    if (cert:=kwargs.get("cert", None)) is not None:
        """required for mutualTLS / client certificate authentication"""
        ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile=cert[0], keyfile=cert[1])
    return httpx.AsyncClient(*args, verify=ctx, **kwargs)



will force writing to /tmp/aiopenapi3-debug.log.

It can be used to inspect Description Document downloads …

aiopenapi3.OpenAPI DEBUG Downloading Description Document TS29122_CommonData.yaml using WebLoader(baseurl= …
httpx._client DEBUG HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
aiopenapi3.OpenAPI DEBUG Resolving TS29571_CommonData.yaml#/components/schemas/Gpsi - Description Document TS29571_CommonData.yaml unknown …
aiopenapi3.OpenAPI DEBUG Downloading Description Document TS29571_CommonData.yaml using WebLoader(baseurl= …
httpx._client DEBUG HTTP Request: GET "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
aiopenapi3.OpenAPI DEBUG Resolving TS29122_MonitoringEvent.yaml#/components/schemas/LocationInfo - Description Document TS29122_MonitoringEvent.yaml unknown …
aiopenapi3.OpenAPI DEBUG Downloading Description Document TS29122_MonitoringEvent.yaml using WebLoader(baseurl= …

and general httpx requests

httpx._client DEBUG HTTP Request: DELETE http://localhost:51965/v2/pets/e7e979fb-bf53-4a89-9475-da9369cb4dbc "HTTP/1.1 422 "
httpx._client DEBUG HTTP Request: GET http://localhost:54045/v2/openapi.json "HTTP/1.1 200 "
httpx._client DEBUG HTTP Request: POST http://localhost:54045/v2/pet "HTTP/1.1 201 "


The aiopenapi3.loader.Loader is used to access the description document, providing a custom loader allows adjustments to the loading process of description documents. It is possible to redirect access to description documents to a local copy to safe some round trip times using a combination different api:Loaders


aiopenapi3.OpenAPI objects can be serialized using pickle. Storing serialized clients allows re-use and improves start up time for large service description documents. The dynamic generated pydantic models can not be serialized though and have to be created after loading the object. aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.cache_store writes a pickled api object to a path, aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.cache_load reads an pickled OpenAPI object from Path and initializes the dynamic models.

from pathlib import Path
import pickle

from aiopenapi3 import OpenAPI

def from_cache(target, cache):
    api = None
        api = OpenAPI.cache_load(Path(cache))
    except FileNotFoundError:
        api = OpenAPI.load_sync(target)
    return api

api = from_cache("", "/tmp/gitea-client.pickle")


aiopenapi3.OpenAPI objects can be cloned using aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.clone - create multiple clients from the same description document.

import copy
import yarl

from aiopenapi3 import OpenAPI

api = OpenAPI.load_sync("")
api2 = api.clone(baseurl=yarl.URL("https://gitea.localhost.localnet/"))

Using clones, running multiple asyncio clients simultanously is easy. Limiting the concurrency to a certain number of clients:

# clients is a list of api instances with different base urls
clients = [Client(api.clone(url)) for url in urls]

qlen = 32
pending = set()
offset = 0
while True:
    lower = offset
    upper = min(offset + qlen - len(pending), len(clients))
    for o in range(lower, upper):
        t = asyncio.create_task(clients[o].run("/redfish/v1/Systems"))
    offset = upper

    if offset == len(clients):
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED)
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(pending, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)