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File metadata and controls

243 lines (170 loc) · 7.6 KB


To assist dealing with differences in the description document and the protocol, |aiopenapi3| provides a capable plugin interface which allows mangling the description document and the messages sent/received to match.


:class:`~aiopenapi3.plugin.Init` plugins are run at certain stages during the initialization of the OpenAPI object. Available callbacks:



The following examples modifies specific pydantic models to allow unknown properties.

class DellInit(aiopenapi3.plugin.Init):
    def initialized(self, ctx):
        Resource_Oem & Attributes are objects with additionalProperties
        the default will ignore unknown properties

        def schemas(name, fn):
            for doc in self.api._documents.values():
                schema = doc.components.schemas.get(name, None)
                if not schema:
                fn(doc, schema)

        schemas("Resource_Oem", lambda doc, schema:
            setattr(schema.get_type().Config, "extra", pydantic.Extra.allow))
                lambda doc, schema: setattr(
        return ctx

reducing initialization processing time

Large -multi megabyte- APIs have a significant processing time.

Reducing this processing time during development is possible by limiting the number of objects initialized.

The schemas callback limits initialization to the schemas returned and their dependencies. The paths callback removes all PathItems.

to speed up things, we use some aiopenapi3 plugins to limit the loading process to the schemas required
removing all paths
from aiopenapi3.plugin import Init, Document

class SchemaSelector(Init):
    remove the schemas we do not need models for

    def __init__(self, *schemas):
        self._schemas = schemas

    def schemas(self, ctx: "Init.Context") -> "Init.Context":
        ctx.schemas = {k: ctx.schemas[k] for k in (set(self._schemas) & set(ctx.schemas.keys()))}
        return ctx

class RemovePaths(Document):
    def parsed(self, ctx: "Document.Context") -> "Document.Context":
        emtpy the paths - not needed
        ctx.document["paths"] = {}
        return ctx

selector = SchemaSelector(*(list(names) + [f"{name}Request" for name in names]))
api = OpenAPI.load_file(..., plugins=[selector, RemovePaths()])


:class:`~aiopenapi3.plugin.Document` plugins allow modification of the description document. Available callbacks:


As an example, due to a bug #21997 the response repoGetArchive operation of gitea does not match the content type of the description document:

Using a Document plugin to modify the parsed description document to state the content type "application/octet-stream" for the repoGetArchive operation.

import tarfile
import io

class ContentType(aiopenapi3.plugin.Document):
    def parsed(self, ctx):
            ctx.document["paths"]["/repos/{owner}/{repo}/archive/{archive}"]["get"]["produces"] = ["application/octet-stream"]
        except Exception as e:
        return ctx

api = OpenAPI.load_sync("", plugins=[ContentType()])


:class:`~aiopenapi3.plugin.Message` plugins allow modification of the messages sent/received.

For messages sent, the available callbacks are:

Avaiable callbacks for messages received:


Signing the Body

This example signs a message body by providing a HMAC512 signature in the http headers:

class XHookSignature(aiopenapi3.plugin.Message):
    def sending(self, ctx: "Message.Context") -> "Message.Context":
        ctx.headers["X-Hook-Signature"] = sign(ctx.sending)
        return ctx

api = await aiopenapi3.OpenAPI.load_async(url, plugins=[XHookSignature()])

Correct an invalid Responses

Aliasing a property

This treatment is about a bug #22048 in the repoGetPullRequestCommits operation. The returned parameter X-Total is not set, X-Total-Count is set instead. To mitigate we provide a message plugin which copies the value to X-Total in the :meth:`aiopenapi3.plugin.Message.received` callback.

class repoGetPullRequestCommitsMessage(aiopenapi3.plugin.Message):
    def received(self, ctx: "Message.Context") -> "Message.Context":
        if ctx.operationId != "repoGetPullRequestCommits":
            return ctx
            if ctx.headers.get("X-Total", None) is None:
                ctx.headers["X-Total"] = ctx.headers.get("X-Total-Count", 0)
        except Exception as e:
        return ctx

api = OpenAPI.load_sync("", plugins=[repoGetPullRequestCommitsMessage()])
Correcting Spelling for an enum

… the ConnectorType is an enum value the services does not honor:

class SerialInterface(Message):
    def parsed(self, ctx):
        if "ConnectorType" in ctx.expected_type.get_type().__fields__ and ctx.parsed.get("ConnectorType", None) == 'DB9 Male.':
            ctx.parsed["ConnectorType"] = "DB9 Male"
        return ctx
Adding missing properties

… the service is missing required Fields:

class IdMissingMessage(Message):
    def parsed(self, ctx):
        rq = set(map(lambda x: x.alias, filter(lambda x: x.required == True, ctx.expected_type.get_type().__fields__.values())))
        av = set(ctx.parsed.keys())
        m = rq - av
        if m:
            print(f"missing {m} at {ctx.parsed}")
        for k in m:
            ctx.parsed[k] = ""
Correcting an invalid datetime value

… the service uses invalid datetime values (month & day == 0):

class DateError(Message):
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def parsed(self, ctx):
        if self.key in ctx.expected_type.get_type().__fields__:
            v = ctx.parsed.get(self.key, None)
            if v in ['0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00',"00:00:00Z"]:
                # '0000-00-00T00:00:00+00:00'
                del ctx.parsed[self.key]
        return ctx