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Other Languages Support

The CommsChampion Ecosystem is mostly about C++ and embedded systems. However, other high level languages can also be supported by generation of the bindings (glue code) using SWIG. Please refer to the documentation to make sure that the chosen target language is properly supported.

Also, to be able to properly use the protocol definition code in the target high level language the callbacks need to be properly supported. SWIG calls this feature directors. Please make sure the selected target language supports this feature. Not all of them do.

In case SWIG doesn't support required target language, but the latter has its own way to support C++ glue code, it's still beneficial to understand the way how SWIG support is implemented. It can be used as a reference to define wrapping classes required for the target language bindings.

The generation of the SWIG interface file(s) is performed using commsdsl2swig code generator, please make sure its build is enabled by using appropriate cmake options.

Build Order

  • Build and install COMMS Library project.
  • Generate the protocol definition files using commsdsl2comms.
  • Properly build and install the generated protocol definition project. It will generate appropriate cmake config file allowing the protocol headers only library to be found using find_package().
  • Generate the swig bindings using commsdsl2swig. It generates CMakeLists.txt file allowing the generated project being built separately, but some extra code injection may be required (explained later).
  • Build the project generated by the commsdsl2swig providing relevant configuration (specifying the target language(s)). Use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to specify path(s) to the installation directory of the protocol definition project as well as COMMS Library.
  • If applicable (for languages like Java or C#), perform extra compilation of the target language sources generated by the swig. This step can be done as part of the previous one using extra code injection to append relevant instructions to the CMakeLists.txt file generated by the commsdsl2swig.

Note that swig generates the following:

  • C++ sources with bindings (glue code), which needs to be compiled as a shared library (.so/.dll).
  • Target language wrapping sources, which use the glue code functions. They need to be compiled (if applicable) separately using target language compile, for example javac for Java.

Also note that bindings shared library needs to be properly loaded (if it's not done by the swig-generated integration code) by the client side before its glue code can be used.

For example in Java:

public class MyProtocol {
    static {


For more details please refer to the language specific swig documentation.

Produced Output

  • include folder - Contains header files with the declaration of the wrapper C++ classes, bindings for which are expected to be generated. Note that they don't contain real C++ code and aren't used by any C++ compiler. They are parsed by the swig. However, the directory structure resembles the one produced by the commsdsl2comms for easy navigation. The developer should use these files as reference to determine what functionality is available in the target language.
  • <protocol_name>.i - SWIG interface file containing real C++ code of the glue code classes definition as well as some swig directives specifying some extra functionality.
  • CMakeLists.txt - CMake project definition file allowing output to be built as a separate project.

Generated CMake Project

As it was mentioned above, the output of the commsdsl2swig (like any other commsdsl code generator) contains CMakeLists.txt. It can be used to build it as a separate cmake project. Note that the generated CMakeLists.txt is incomplete. Many target languages require external libraries for glue code. The comments inside the generated CMakeLists.txt indicate what extra source files need to be used to inject extra modifications to the file.

For example Python and Java support may require:


find_package(Python3 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Development)
find_package(JNI REQUIRED)
find_package(Java REQUIRED COMPONENTS Runtime Development)


set (CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -Werror)
if ("${lang}" STREQUAL "python")
elseif ("${lang}" STREQUAL "java")
    list (APPEND CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -Wall -package my_prot_pkg)
endif ()


target_link_libraries(my_prot_swig_python Python3::Python)
target_link_libraries(my_prot_swig_java JNI::JNI)

    my_prot_swig_java_compile ALL
    COMMAND ${Java_JAVAC_EXECUTABLE} -Xdiags:verbose -d . ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/output_java/*.java
    DEPENDS ${my_prot_swig_java}

Note that the generated CMakeLists.txt uses swig_add_library() cmake function. It creates multiple targets, but the provided name is the created shared library of the glue code. Also refer to the cmake documentation and use the injected code to modify the default behavior if needed.

Class Naming

In order to produce unified bindings code for all the languages (some of which may not include package / namespace feature), the C++ scope of the class is flattened by replacing :: with _ and omitting the top level namespace by default.

For example:

<shema name="my_prot">
        <int name="F1" type="uint32" />

    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <ref field="F1" />

The generated class declaration files are going to reside in include/my_prot/field/F1.h and include/my_prot/message/Msg1.h. The respective classes will be named field_F1 and message_Msg1.

The classes are not prefixed with the protocol name namespace because the swig interface file names the whole module with the protocol name.

%module(directors="1") my_prot;

Some of the target programming languages, like Python, automatically put the classes into the specified module and they are referenced using the module name:

msg = my_prot.message_Msg1()

However, there are target languages, like Java or C#, that don't do it. To achieve the same effect it is recommended to pass relevant options (-package for Java or -namespace for C#) to the swig invocation.

When there are multiple different schema names in use, then all the generated classes are prefixed with their schema (protocol) name automatically to differentiate between them.

Also, the commsdsl2swig code generator has the force-main-ns-in-names command line option forcing the main namespace prefixing of the generated classes.

Raw Data Buffer

When dealing with raw data buffers, the binding C++ classes expect to work with std::vector<unsigned char> (defined in include/DataBuf.h). The SWIG is expected to generate appropriate wrapper and/or translation functionality.

For example, in Python, it is possible to use bytearray, list of ints, or tuple of ints. The swig is expected to convert it to the relevant vector automatically.

When requesting Java code generation, the DataBuf becomes are real class with one of its constructors defined as:

public DataBuf(short[] initialElements) {...}

When requesting C# code generation, the DataBuf also becomes are real class with the following constructors:

public DataBuf(global::System.Collections.IEnumerable c) {...}
public DataBuf(global::System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> c) {...}

When working with Java and/or C#, the developer is required to copy relevant data from the native raw data buffer, used in the client code, to the created DataBuf object. The latter then passed to the relevant protocol processing member functions.

Message Handling

Following the same convention as with the protocol generated by the commsdsl2comms (unless the protocol definition defines its own <interface>) the default interface class is named Message and resides in include/my_prot/Message.h. The defined interface is really polymorphic (although not really visible in the generated class declaration):

class MsgHandler;

class Message
    virtual ~Message();

    const char* name() const;
    MsgId getId() const;
    comms_ErrorStatus read(const DataBuf& buf);
    comms_ErrorStatus write(DataBuf& buf) const;
    bool refresh();
    unsigned long length() const;
    bool valid() const;
    void dispatch(MsgHandler& handler);
    Message(const Message& other);

The dispatch() member function allows polymorphic dispatch to the handler object.

The MsgHandler is expected to define virtual handling member functions. Due to the fact that not all target languages can have overloaded member functions with the same name, the name of the handling function is expected to contain the message class name as well:

class MsgHandler
    virtual ~MsgHandler();

    virtual void handle_message_Msg1(message_Msg1& msg);
    virtual void handle_message_Msg2(message_Msg2& msg);

    virtual void handle_Message(Message& msg);

By default every handle_message_X() calls the interface invocation handle_Message(), which by default does nothing. The MsgHandler class is marked as the swig director allowing its extension by the target language.

The extending class in the target language can override any of the necessary virtual functions.

For example in Python:

class ClientMsgHandler(my_prot.MsgHandler):
    def __init__(self):

    def handle_message_Msg1(self, msg):

    def handle_Message(self, msg):
        sys.exit("shouldn't happen")

Or in Java:

public class ClientMsgHandler extends my_prot_pkg.MsgHandler {
    public void handle_message_Msg1(my_prot_pkg.message_Msg1 msg) {

    public void handle_Message(my_prot_pkg.Message msg) {
        assert false;

Working with Frames

Every protocol definition is expected to define its framing:

<shema name="my_prot">
    <frame name="ProtFrame">

The wrapping class interface definition will reside in include/my_prot/frame/ProtFrame.h and look like this:

struct frame_ProtFrame_AllFields

class frame_ProtFrame

    unsigned long processInputData(const DataBuf& buf, MsgHandler& handler);
    unsigned long processInputDataSingleMsg(const DataBuf& buf, MsgHandler& handler, frame_ProtFrame_AllFields* allFields = nullptr);
    DataBuf writeMessage(const Message& msg);
    comms_ErrorStatus appendMessage(const Message& msg, DataBuf& buf);

This is the primary integration point between the protocol library and the client code. The raw data received over the I/O link is fed into the frame object to create and process the decoded messages. The frame functionality is also used to serialize the created message object before the raw data output is sent back over the I/O link.

The processInputData() will process bytes in the input buffer, decode them, create appropriate message objects and dispatch the latter to the provided handler. The function returns number of consumed bytes in the buffer. It's up the the client code caller to manage the input buffer and delete consumed bytes from it. In case the function returns amount of consumed bytes less than held by the buffer, it means that framing of the last message is incomplete (not all bytes received). The remaining bytes need to be preserved and then re-process attempted when new raw data comes in.

The processInputDataSingleMsg() is very similar to processInputData(), but allows creation and handling only one message object at a time. It also provides an opportunity (via allFields output parameter) to get and analyze the message frame constructing fields. In cases the function invocation returns 0 when the input buffer is not empty, then it means there are not enough bytes to properly construct the message. The remaining bytes need to be preserved and then re-process attempted when new raw data comes in.

The writeMessage() needs to be used to frame and serialize any message object. The returned output buffer needs to be sent to its destination over the I/O link.

The appendMessage() is very similar to the writeMessage(), but appends the serialized message bytes to the provided buffer. It can be usefull to serialize multiple messages into the same buffer and then then them all in one go.

Memory Management

As the rule of thumb: Do NOT store references to the objects you have not explicitly created. For example the invocation of the frame's processInputData() results in creation of the message object, then dispatching it to the handler. Once the handling function returns, the allocated message object is deleted / destructed by C++ code. If such object needs to be stored, use explicit copy-construction.

For example in Python:

class ClientMsgHandler(my_prot.MsgHandler):
    def handle_message_Msg1(self, msg):
        self.msg1 = msg                        # Bad, creates dangling reference
        self.msg1 = my_prot.message_Msg1(msg)  # Good, uses explicit copy construction

Also extra care is required when working with a reference to a data member. It mustn't be accessed after the reference to the holding object is invalidated.

m = my_prot.message_Msg1()
f1 = m.field_f1()              # Reference to a member field
m = None                       # May result in destruction of the message object
f1.setValue(1)                 # Access to invalid memory

Another thing worth mentioning is that writeMessage() member function of the frame class described earlier returns data buffer by value. Although swig still uses dynamic memory allocation and returns a pointer to the dynamically allocated object, the wrapping class in cooperation with the swig binding (glue) code take care of this memory and automatically delete the dynamically allocated vector at the time when target language wrapping class is destructed. Treat this data buffer object as explicitly allocated, i.e. reference to it can be stored as long as needed.

Memory of the explicitly allocated objects are expected to be managed by the target language and its garbage collector. There should be no need to explicitly delete the allocated memory.

Working with Fields

An access to the message fields and their values is very similar to the one used when working directly with C++ code. Every message has field_x() accessor function(s) for the member field object(s), and the latter have getValue() and setValue() member functions to get / set the field's value.

For example:

<shema name="my_prot">
    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <int name="F1" type="uint8" />
    <frame name="ProtFrame">

The Python code may look like this:

msg1 = my_prot.message_Msg1()
frame = my_prot.frame_ProtFrame()
buf = frame.writeMessage(msg1)
... # Send raw data from buffer over I/O link

Working with <ref> Fields

It is quite common to define field in the global space and then <ref>-erence it as the member field of the <message>.

<shema name="my_prot">
        <int name="F1" type="uint8" />
    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <ref field="F1" />

When working with C++ there is a direct inheritance relationship between generated my_prot::field::F1 and my_prot::message::Msg1Fields::F1 and the member functions and types of the first can be used when working with the second. However, this is not the case with the generated wrapper classes:

  • field_F1 --> my_prot::field::F1
  • message_Msg1Fields_F1 --> my_prot::message::Msg1Fields::F1 --> my_prot::field::F1

It is visible there is no direct inheritance relationship between field_F1 and message_Msg1Fields_F1. As the result the member functions and types of the first cannot be seamlessly used when working with the second. To workaround this problem every wrapping class of the <ref> field has ref() member function to do the explicit conversion to the global field type:

msg1 = my_prot.message_Msg1()

Note that for some languages, like C#, the ref can be a keyword and cannot be used as a function name. In such cases swig automatically renames the function to ref_().

Working with <enum> Fields

The <enum> field wrapping declaration class defined in the include folder and processed by the swig re-defines its ValueType. Using this information swig can generated relevant target language constants and/or enum type to be used. However, the definition and the use of the enum values in the target languages may differ. For example:

<shema name="my_prot">
        <enum name="F1" type="uint8">
            <validValue name="V0" val="0" />
            <validValue name="V1" val="1" />
    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <ref field="F1" />

The field declaration code will look like this:

class field_F1
    enum class ValueType : unsigned short
        V0 = 0,
        V1 = 1,

        // --- Extra values generated for convenience ---
        FirstValue = 0, // First defined value.
        LastValue = 1, // Last defined value.
        ValuesLimit = 2, // Upper limit for defined values.


In Python the enum constants are defined by joining (with '_') the ValueType and the actual value name: ValueType_V0, ValueType_V1, ...

msg = my_prot.message_Msg1()

In languages like Java and C# the enum names are used with regular '.' separator.

msg = new my_prot_pkg.message_Msg1();

Working with Strings

The SWIG is expected to provide seamless conversion between the const char* and std::string C++ data types to the strings of the target language.

For example:

<shema name="my_prot">
    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <string name="F1" />

The generated field wrapper class message_Msg1Fields_F1 will define its ValueType to be std::string.

The target language may use the relevant strings directly:

m = my_prot.message_Msg1()
m.field_f1().setValue("hello")    # Expects const std::string&
f1_name = m.field_f1().name()     # Returns const char*
f1_val = m.field_f1().getValue()  # Returns const std::string&
print(f'{f1_name} = {f1_val}')

Working with <data> Fields

The wrapping class of the <data> field defines its ValueType as std::vector<unsigned char>, which is the same as the DataBuf described earlier. The client code is expected to work with the DataBuf object and its provided interface when dealing with the value of the relevant <data> field.

Working with <list> Fields

The ValueType of every <list> field is defined to be std::vector of the element field. The generated SWIG interface contains relevant %template directive to generate bindings (glue code) for this type. As the result, the target language code can use member functions of the std::vector to manipulate and access it. For example, in python:

msg = my_prog.message_Msg1() # Create message object
f1 = msg.field_f1()          # Access the list field
f1Vec = f1.value()           # Access the std::vector of the element storage
f1Vec.resize(2)              # Update size of the vector
f1Vec[0].setValue(...)       # Set the first element value
f1Vec[1].setValue(...)       # Set the second element value

Working with <variant> Fields

Just like working with regular C++ code generated by the commsdsl2comms, the wrapping C++ declaration class processed by the swig provides initField_X() and accessField_X() to initialize and access when already initialized specific member. The wrapping class also provides currentFieldExec() to be able to determine the actual held member field and dispatch it to the right handling function:

struct field_Variant1_Handler
    virtual ~field_Variant1_Handler();

    virtual void handle_p1(field_Variant1Members_P1& field);
    virtual void handle_p2(field_Variant1Members_P2& field);

class field_Variant1
    field_Variant1Members_P1& initField_p1();
    field_Variant1Members_P1& accessField_p1();

    field_Variant1Members_P2& initField_p2();
    field_Variant1Members_P2& accessField_p2();
    void currentFieldExec(field_Variant1_Handler& handler);

The relevant X_Handler class is marked as the director allowing its extension and overriding relevant member functions in the target language, just like it is done with the message handling.

Working with Units

Working with units in the C++ code is straightforward, just use appropriate function from the comms::units namespace.

For example, let's assume there is a field containing 1/10 of the millimeters.

<shema name="my_prot">
        <int name="Distance" type="int32" units="mm" scaling="1/10" displayDecimals="1" />
    <message name="Msg1" id="1">
        <ref field="Distance" />

In case the application code works with meters rather millimeters, the relevant code would like like:

comms::units::setMeters(msg1.field_distance(), 1.123)


auto distInMeters = comms::units::getMeters<double>(msg1.field_distance());

When working with swig wrappers there is a need to explicitly provide the wrapping member functions for the relevant field class(es). The commsdsl2swig coge generator provides a way to inject the custom code the same way as it does commmsdsl2comms.

In the case described above we would like to add member functions allowing to get / set meters to the fields value. To achieve that we need to create appropriate file injecting "public" portion of extra code to the field definition:


double getMeters() const
    return comms::units::getMeters<double>(*this);

void setMeters(double val)
    comms::units::setMeters(*this, val);

The commsdsl2swig will put the code above in the relevant header allowing generation of the relevant glue code to the extra functions by the swig. The latter just ignores contents of the functions.

The commsdsl2swig will also put the same code into the actual class definition in the generated swig interface file actually implementing the required functionality.

Then the target language can use the added extra functions:

m = my_prot.message_Msg1()

Java Tips

When Java code is generated, the name of the %module from the swig interface file (equivalent to the schema / protocol name) does NOT find its way as the global package name. Instead it is used to create a class containing all the global functions and constants. In order to wrap all the relevant protocol classes into the package, extra -package parameter needs to be passed to the swig code generator. When using swig_add_library() cmake function, just define CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS variable accordingly:

set (CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -Wall -package my_prot_pkg)

Note, that you cannot use the same name as your %module. It will create a names clash between the package and the class containing globals. However it is possible to use a trick of renaming your swig module:

set (CMAKE_SWIG_FLAGS -Wall -module Globals -package my_prot)

It will rename your class containing global functions and constants to "Globals" and allow using schema name as the package.

C# Tips

Very similar to Java, the %module name does not automatically become a global namespace. Instead, it is used as the class name containing global functions and constants. To provide a global namespace use extra -namespace parameter (instead of -package used for Java) when invoking swig.

Also be aware that ref is a keyword in C#. As the result ref() member function of the <ref> field gets automatically renamed by the swig to ref_().

Updates to SWIG Interface File

The SWIG interface file generated by the commsdsl2swig may not contain all the desired definitions required by some chosen target language. It is possible to inject extra code in two places: beginning and end. To add extra code at the beginning of the file, use <protocol_name>.i.prepend file. Use it to add global language specific definitions. Using <protocol_name>.i.append file allows injecting code at the end. Even when adding some code at the end it's possible to update any portion of the swig sections using code insertion blocks.