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comotion-sdk is the python SDK for interacting with the Comotion APIs. Initial support is limited to Dash, but may expand in future.


Documentation for this module can be found here.


In order to contribute to this project, fork this repo and submit a pull request to this project

In order to set up a local environment, pull this repo and install.

pipenv is used to manage dependencies on this project. in order to use it, ensure that pipenv is installed.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install pipenv

And then enter the virtual environment for this project that will automatically ensure all dependencies are available

pipenv install -e .
pipenv shell

Adding modules

Ensure dependencies are also added to in the install_requires section. Then run

pipenv install -e .

Ensure you understand pipenv when [installing new libraries] (

running tests

To run tests

pipenv install --deploy --dev
pipenv run test -v

Building docs

Run the following from the docs directly. Ensure to watch out for warnings. pipenv install --dev make html

Rerunning code generator

We use OpenApi generator to generate the python.

The requirements for this are a swagger file that can be gotten from WHERE?

The latest swagger file is stored in openapi_generator/comodash_api_swagger.json

Download latest jar of OpenAPI Generator

java -jar \
  ./openapi_generator/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
        -i ./openapi_generator/comodash_api_swagger.yaml\
        -g python \
        --package-name comodash_api_client_lowlevel \
        --additional-properties \
            generateSourceCodeOnly=True,library=urllib3 \
        -o ./src/

We have changed from asyncio to urllib3 to ensure simplicity in coding without requiring "await" and "async"

To generate an html of the api:

java -jar \
  ./openapi_generator/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
        -i ./openapi_generator/comodash_api_swagger.yaml\
        -g html \
        -o ./html/