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JSON-RPC 2.0 clientrpc transport

jsonrpc package implements JSON-RPC 2.0 clients and servers for automating a Bison Relay client activities, such as writing bots, interfacing with third party systems, and so on.

The server side of this package runs inside BR clients (such as brclient) while the client side may be used by other applications, such as bot daemons, to connect to and perform BR-related operations (such as sending and receiving PMs, GC messages, etc).

End-users are generally interested in the client side of this package. Currently, a single client mode is provided, which uses a websockets-based transport. This transport allows both unary requests and client-initiated server streams (requests where the server may stream data back to the client at arbitrary times).

Example Client

Following is the simplest example for creating a new client, connecting to a brclient instance with the JSON-RPC enabled and using client certficate authentication. Error handling is omitted for brevity:

	c, _ := jsonrpc.NewWSClient(
    go c.Run(context.Background())
	vc := types.NewVersionServiceClient(c)
    res := &types.VersionResponse{}
	_ = vc.Version(context.Background(), nil, res)

Example curl call

$ curl \
    --cert ~/.brclient/rpc-client.cert \
    --key ~/.brclient/rpc-client.key \
    --cacert ~/.brclient/rpc.cert \
    --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"dummy_id","method":"VersionService.Version","params":{}}' \