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Admin Commands

Teleport player to pits

/pit <id>

Parameter Description
id The car ID or name of the player to be teleported

Kick player

/kick <id> <reason>
/kick_id <id> <reason>

Parameter Description
id The car ID or name of the player to be kicked
reason Optional, will display a reason on why the player was kicked.

Ban player

/ban <ID> <reason>
/ban_id <ID> <reason>

Parameter Description
id The car ID or name of the player to be banned
reason Optional, will display a reason on why the player was banned.

Set server time

/settime <time>

Parameter Description
time Time (HH:mm), for example /settime 13:45

Set weather configuration

/setweather <weatherId>

Parameter Description
weatherId The ID of the weather specified in the server_cfg.ini
For example, if you want to use WEATHER_0, type /setweather 0

Get a list of CSP weather types


Set weather type

/setcspweather <weatherType> <transitionDuration>

Parameter Description
weatherType WeatherFX type (list of possible values)
transitionDuration How long the weather transition should take (seconds), only functional when EnableWeatherFx is set to true in extra_cfg.yml

Force headlights for a player

/forcelights <on/off> <id>

Parameter Description
on/off On = Active forcing of headlights, Off = Disable forcing of headlights
id The car ID or name of the player

NOTE: Forcing headlights for a player will still give him the opportunity to turn on/off his lights locally. His lights will however appear turned on for all other players.

Show player information (IP address, Steam profile)

/whois <id>

Parameter Description
id The car ID or name of the player

Set ballast and restrictor

/restrict <id> <restrictor> <ballast>

Parameter Description
id The car ID or name of the player
restrictor From 0 to 400, cuts the car's engine power. It limits power in the top range of the power band, will not kill total power
ballast Ballast to be added to the car in kg. Excessive ballast can severely affect handling and car behaviour

Change a configuration value

/set <key> <value>

Parameter Description
key Name of the configuration field
value New value

Values in server_cfg.ini are prefixed with Server., values in extra_cfg.yml with Extra..
Not all values can be changed at runtime.


Only use this for testing! All changes made with this command will be lost after a server restart.



/set Server.Name Start 123 - changes Server name to Start 123
/set Extra.AiParams.MinAiSafetyDistanceMeters 100 - set minimum distance between AI cars to 100 meters
/set Extra.AiParams.SplineHeightOffsetMeters 0.2 - set spline height offset to 0.2 meters

Whitelist a SteamID

/whitelist <guid>

Parameter Description
guid The SteamID of the player