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Releases: confluentinc/terraform-provider-confluent


09 Aug 23:32
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1.1.0 (August 9, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

  • Released confluent_connector resource is now Generally Available and recommended for use in production workflows.

Bug fixes:


30 Jun 20:40
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1.0.0 (June 30, 2022)

Full Changelog

The Confluent Terraform Provider is now Generally Available and recommended for use in production workflows.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed "undefined response type" error for confluent_connector resource (#53).
  • Updated docs.


28 Jun 17:59
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0.13.0 (June 28, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

  • Added support for kafka_api_key, kafka_api_secret, kafka_rest_endpoint attributes in a provider block to make rest_endpoint attribute and credentials block optional for confluent_kafka_acl and confluent_kafka_topic resources (#37, #54).
  • Added disable_wait_for_ready attribute to disable readiness check for confluent_api_key resource (#25, #51).
  • Added support for pausing / resuming a connector by adding status attribute for confluent_connector resource.

Bug fixes:


27 Jun 20:37
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0.12.0 (June 27, 2022)

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Breaking changes:

  • Reverted resource versioning changes introduced in 0.11.0. For example, the confluent_environment_v2 resource was renamed to confluent_environment. User feedback on versioned resources made it clear that the pain of manually updating the TF state file outweighs the potential benefits of deprecation flexibility that versioned resources could have provided. In order to avoid forcing users to edit their TF state files (either manually or by running commands like terraform state mv) in the future, TF state migrations will be handled within the Confluent Terraform Provider whenever possible.

Follow Confluent Provider 0.12.0: Upgrade Guide to update your TF state and TF configuration files accordingly (direct updates from both 0.10.0 and 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 are supported).


15 Jun 23:20
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0.11.0 (June 15, 2022)

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Breaking changes:

  • Renamed all resources and data sources to contain a version postfix that matches their API group version (find a full list here). For example, the confluent_environment resource was renamed to confluent_environment_v2 to match org/v2 API group version.
  • Renamed http_endpoint attribute to rest_endpoint for confluent_kafka_cluster, confluent_kafka_topic, confluent_kafka_acl resources and data sources to match Cluster settings tab on the Confluent Cloud Console where the corresponding attribute is called REST endpoint.
  • Renamed api_key and api_secret attributes of provider block to cloud_api_key and cloud_api_secret, respectively.

Follow Confluent Provider 0.11.0: Upgrade Guide to update your TF state and TF configuration files accordingly.


08 Jun 09:28
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0.10.0 (June 7, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

Bug fixes:

  • Adjusted waiting time for confluent_role_binding resource to avoid sync issues.
  • Added client validation for topic name for confluent_kafka_topic.
  • Resolved 4 Dependabot alerts.
  • Update SDK for API Key Mgmt API to display more descriptive errors for confluent_api_key.
  • Fixed importing error for confluent_connector.
  • Fixed provisioning error for confluent_connector resource (#43).
  • Fixed minor documentation issues.


25 May 20:52
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0.9.0 (May 25, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

  • Added new confluent_network data source (#39).
  • Added dns_domain and zonal_subdomains computed attributes for confluent_network resource (#40).
  • Decreased the creation time of confluent_role_binding resource by 4.5x (#24).

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed provisioning error for confluent_connector resource (#43).
  • Fixed minor documentation issues (#31, #36).

0.8.0 (May 12, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

Bug fixes:

  • Updated input validation for confluent_private_link_access and confluent_kafka_cluster resources (#18).
  • Fixed minor documentation issues (#15).


13 May 18:08
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Doc fixes (no code changes).


  • 447bfd7 Update docs for confluent_api_key. (#31)


13 May 02:30
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0.8.0 (May 12, 2022)

Full Changelog

New features

Bug fixes:

  • Updated input validation for confluent_private_link_access and confluent_kafka_cluster resources (#18).
  • Fixed minor documentation issues (#15).


04 May 18:42
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Doc fixes (no code changes).
