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OpenTracing Tracer implementation for GCloud StackDriver based on Java. Caution The tracer is highly experimental. Feel free to contribute!


  • opentracing's boolean, number and string tags are mapped to stackdriver string labels
  • no baggage item support
  • no log support
  • so far there only exists a primitive text map propagator but you can easily write and hook in your own
  • SpanBuilders 'withTag' not implemented



Sample usage

// gcloud configuration
TraceService traceService = TraceGrpcApiService.builder()
        .setProjectId("Your project id")
        .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream(new FileInputStream("credentials.json")))


// create new tracer
Tracer tracer = new StackDriverOTTracer(Trace.getTracer());

// spawn new spans
Span parentSpan = tracer.buildSpan("/api/v1/test").start();
parentSpan.setTag("description","just a test");

Span childSpan = tracer.buildSpan("authorize").asChildOf(parentSpan).start();

// ...



How to build

mvn clean install

Further examples

Extracting trace information from map

HashMap<String, String> fakeHeaders = new HashMap<>();
fakeHeaders.put(TextMapPropagator.FIELD_TRACE_ID, "ea3e3b18e8ce393683a2b1c533c5cb2c");
fakeHeaders.put(TextMapPropagator.FIELD_SPAN_ID, "4994894571082534213");

// restore span context by extracting text map
SpanContext extractedContext = tracer.extract(Format.Builtin.TEXT_MAP, new TextMapExtractAdapter(fakeHeaders));

// attach restored span context to context

// attached span will now be parent of following span
Span myChildSpan = tracer.buildSpan("Hello world!").withStartTimestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()).start();

Registering own propagator implementation (e.g for transmitting trace information via HTTPHeaders)

tracer.registerPropagator(yourFormat, yourPropagator);

...where yourPropagator needs to implement DatatypePropagator


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