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This is the code release for the Airway Intubation Landmarks Detection

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Landmark Detection using Transformer Toward Robot-assisted Nasal Airway Intubation

Tianhang Liu, Hechen Li, Long Bai, Yanan Wu, An Wang, Mobarakol Islam, Hongliang Ren

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  title={Landmark Detection using Transformer Toward Robot-assisted Nasal Airway Intubation},
  author={Liu, Tianhang and Li, Hechen and Bai, Long and Wu, Yanan and Wang, An and Islam, Mobarakol and Ren, Hongliang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02845},


Robot-assisted airway intubation application needs high accuracy in locating targets and organs. Two vital landmarks, nostrils and glottis, can be detected during the intubation to accommodate the stages of nasal intubation. Automated landmark detection can provide accurate localization and quantitative evaluation. The Detection Transformer (DeTR) leads object detectors to a new paradigm with long-range dependence. However, current DeTR requires long iterations to converge, and does not perform well in detecting small objects. This paper proposes a transformer-based landmark detection solution with deformable DeTR and the semantic-aligned-matching module for detecting landmarks in robot-assisted intubation. The semantics aligner can effectively align the semantics of object queries and image features in the same embedding space using the most discriminative features. To evaluate the performance of our solution, we utilize a publicly accessible glottis dataset and automatically annotate a nostril detection dataset. The experimental results demonstrate our competitive performance in detection accuracy.


To run the training of the model created in the work, please follow the below process:

Firstly, the anaconda is required and environment can be created:

conda create -n samdef python=3.9
conda activate samdef

And then to install pytorch:

conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Please ensure your device can support cuda. The cpu version of MMdetection may introduce errors.

To install MMdetection:

pip install mim
pip install mmengine
pip install mmcv-full=1.7
pip install mmdet

In our experiments, we run the previous version of mmcv-full to build models. The newer version of mmdetection has made a great change of mmcv which may also introduce errors. MMdetection run training and testing of models with config files. Almost all of experiments of our work is run with MMdetection, and therefore, we recommend reading official documents of MMdetection before trying to run our code. In this repository, the config files used in experiment of this work are also provided. The file with name of is the config file for training and testing with the nostril dataset. And the other one with the name of is for glottis dataset. Please change the path inside the config file based on your own device.

To train the model:

Single GPU:

python tools/ [config_file]

Multiple GPU:

bash tools/ [config_file]  [NUM_GPU]

The [config_file] means the path to the config file. The [NUM_GPU] means the number of GPU to be used for training.

To test the model:

To test model:

python tools/ [config_file] [checkpoint]

The [config_file] the config file also used in training. The [checkpoint] is the pth file storing the training information.



The nostril dataset was created based on the public BioID dataset. The original BioID dataset provides 21 keypoints on the human face for face recognition. In this work, we followed the MSCOCO format and labeled nostril locations as one of the chosen landmarks according to the original BioID annotations. To get more information about BioID Dataset, please refer to the website BioID. You can download the bounding box annotations with the provided link below and download the corresponding picture files from the BioID official website. The picture files are further transferred into png files in our experiments.


The glottis is the other one landmark we chose for airway intubation detection. BAGLS dataset is the first large-scale, publicly available dataset of endoscopic high-speed video with frame-wise segmentation annotations. Similarly, we recreate annotations to denote glottis' locations with bounding boxes and annotated following the MSCOCO format. To get more information about BAGLS Dataset and download images, please refer to the website BAGLS and corrresponding paper BAGLS Publication. In our glottis bounding box annotations, we only use the images that are explicitly collected from the nasal endoscopic videos. We didn't change file names and followed the split of the original BAGLS.

To get our annotations

You can download our annotations through the below Google Drive links.

# Dataset Download Link
1 Glottis Glottis
2 Nostril Nostril


This is the code release for the Airway Intubation Landmarks Detection






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