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122 lines (86 loc) · 4.71 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (86 loc) · 4.71 KB


A GeoNames powered geocoding search control for Leaflet.

It allows you to enter a placename, display a list of search results using GeoNames, and select a placename to zoom to.

Location markers remain on the map until the search field is cleared. Click on icon to open / close unless alwaysOpen is set to true (in which case clicking on the icon does nothing).

See examples.

*Tested with Leaflet 1.1.0


From NPM:

npm install leaflet-geonames


Include the CSS:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="L.Control.Geonames.css" />

This control uses Google Material Icons by default.

Include the JavaScript:

<script src="L.Control.Geonames.min.js"></script>

Example usage:

var control = L.control.geonames({
    //position: 'topcenter', // In addition to standard 4 corner Leaflet control layout, this will position and size from top center.
    position: 'topleft',
    geonamesSearch: '', // Override this if using a proxy to get connection to geonames.
    geonamesPostalCodesSearch: '', // Override this if using a proxy to get connection to geonames.
    username: '', // Geonames account username.  Must be provided.
    maxresults: 5, // Maximum number of results to display per search.
    zoomLevel: null, // Max zoom level to zoom to for location. If null, will use the map's max zoom level.
    className: 'leaflet-geonames-icon', // Class for icon.
    workingClass: 'leaflet-geonames-icon-working', // Class for search underway.
    featureClasses: ['A', 'H', 'L', 'P', 'R', 'T', 'U', 'V'], // Feature classes to search against.  See:
    baseQuery: 'isNameRequired=true', // The core query sent to GeoNames, later combined with other parameters above.
    showMarker: true, // Show a marker at the location the selected location.
    showPopup: true, // Show a tooltip at the selected location.
    adminCodes: {}, // Filter results by the specified admin codes mentioned in `ADMIN_CODES`. Each code can be a string or a function returning a string. `country` can be a comma-separated list of countries.
    bbox: {}, // An object in form of {east:..., west:..., north:..., south:...}, specifying the bounding box to limit the results to.
    lang: 'en', // Locale of results.
    alwaysOpen: false, // If true, search field is always visible.
    enablePostalCodes: true, // If true, use postalCodesRegex to test user provided string for a postal code.  If matches, then search against postal codes API instead.
    postalCodesRegex: POSTALCODE_REGEX_US, // Regex used for testing user provided string for a postal code.  If this test fails, the default geonames API is used instead.
    title: 'Search by location name or postcode', // Search input title value.
    placeholder: 'Enter a location name' // Search input placeholder text.

For mobile responsive view, use position: 'topcenter' and alwaysOpen: true options. See mobile example using a mobile device or emulator.


Search Event

This control fires a search event with the value of search parameters:

control.on('search', function(e){console.log(e.params)});

results in {q: "oregon", lang: "en"}

Select Event

This control fires a select event when an option was selected from list, with the full response JSON from geonames:

control.on('select', function(e){console.log(e.geoname)});

results in {adminCode1: "OR", lng: "-120.50139", geonameId: 5744337, ...}



See changelog


Developed with support from the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, and maintained with support from Peninsular Florida LCC.

Some ideas derived from L.GeoSearch.
