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File metadata and controls

367 lines (318 loc) · 14.7 KB

Koji Integration


These plugins provide integration with Koji

  • pre-build
    • add_filesystem
    • koji
    • fetch_maven_artifacts
    • inject_parent_image
  • post-build
    • koji_upload
  • exit
    • koji_import
    • koji_tag_build


  • add_filesystem: Provides special handling for images with FROM koji/image-build. For these images it creates a Koji task to create a installed filesystem archive as described here
  • koji: Creates a yum repofile to allow instructions in the Dockerfile to have access to RPMs available from the appropriate Koji tag
  • koji_parent: Determines the expected NVR (Name-Version-Release) of the Koji build for the parent image. It waits for a given amount if build does not exist yet
  • fetch_maven_artifacts: Uses configuration files to download external maven artifacts. One of these sources can be a Koji build
  • fetch_sources: Determines and pulls sources which should be added into source container image, based on provided koji build N-V-R/ID
  • inject_parent_image: Overwrites the parent image to be used based on a given Koji build


  • koji_upload: Runs in the worker build to upload platform specific information to koji, and capture platform specifc metadata.


  • koji_import: Runs as an exit plugin in the orchestrator build to gather the platform specific metadata from each worker build and combine into a single build to be imported into Koji via the Koji Content Generator API.

    When importing a build using the Content Generator API, metadata to describe the build is generated. This follows the Koji metadata format specification but in some cases content generators are free to choose how metadata is expressed.

    Each build creates a single output archive, in the Combined Image JSON + Filesystem Changeset format.

  • koji_tag_build: Used to tag the imported koji build based on a target. Refer to "koji tags and targets"

Type-specific metadata

Build metadata

For atomic-reactor container image builds the image type is used, and so type-specific information is placed into the build.extra.image map. Note that this is a legacy type in koji and may be changed to use build.extra.typeinfo.image. Clients fetching such data should first look for it within build.extra.typeinfo.image and fall back to build.extra.image when the former is not available.

Data which is placed here includes

  • build.extra.image.autorebuild (boolean): true if this build was triggered automatically; false otherwise
  • build.extra.image.triggered_after_koji_task (int): Only defined for autorebuilds, specifies original Koji task ID for autorebuild
  • build.extra.image.isolated (boolean): true if this build was an isolated build; false otherwise
  • (str or null): Filename of the markdown help file in the repository if this build has a markdown help converted to man page; null otherwise
  • build.extra.container_koji_task_id (int): Koji task ID which created the BuildConfig for this OpenShift Build ― note that this location is technically incorrect but remains as-is for compatibility with existing software
  • build.extra.filesystem_koji_task_id (int): Koji task ID which atomic-reactor created in order to generate the initial layer of the image (for FROM koji/image-build images) ― note that this location is technically incorrect but remains as-is for compatibility with existing software
  • build.extra.image.media_types (str list): Container image media types for which this image is available, where "application/json" is for a Docker Registry HTTP API V1 image; currently this key is only set when Pulp integration is enabled
  • build.extra.image.operator_manifests (map): Operator bundle images metadata
  • build.extra.image.operator_manifests.custom_csv_modifications_applied (boolean): indicates if custom user modifications were done to operator bundle images metadata
  • build.extra.image.operator_manifests.related_images (map): Metadata about related_images in operator bundle
  • build.extra.image.operator_manifests.related_images.pullspecs (map list): list of used pullspecs. Map keys: original - original pullspec value in CSV; new - new pullspec replaces by OSBS; pinned - boolean if pullspec digest was pinned by OSBS
  • build.extra.image.operator_manifests.related_images.created_by_osbs (boolean): True if relatedImages section in CSV file was created by OSBS
  • build.extra.image.parent_build_id (int): Koji build id of the parent image, if found
  • build.extra.image.parent_image_builds (map of maps): Keys are parent images given in the Dockerfile, which are regular images and not 'scratch' or custom image ('koji/image-build), and includes registry, organization and tag, its value being a map representing the Koji build (if found) for that image, with keys id (int) and nvr (str).
  • build.extra.image.parent_images (str list): All parent images given in the Dockerfile, in the same order, and unmodified.
  • build.extra.image.index (map): Information about the manifest list
  • build.extra.image.flatpak (boolean): true if this image is a Flatpak
  • build.extra.image.modules (boolean, currently Flatpak-only): The modules that provide the packages for this image, resolved to NAME-STREAM-VERSION. This will include the resolved versions of the modules in source_modules, and the dependencies of those modules.
  • build.extra.image.source_modules (boolean, currently Flatpak-only): The modules that were specified as input to the build process.
  • build.extra.image.odcs (map): Information about ODCS
  • build.extra.image.odcs.compose_ids (int list): List of each ODCS compose used
  • build.extra.image.odcs.signing_intent (str): Final signing intent of the ODCS composes after adjusting for CLI parameter
  • build.extra.image.odcs.signing_intent_overridden (boolean): Whether or not the signing intent used is different than the one defined in container.yaml
  • build.extra.image.yum_repourls (str list): Provided and inherited yum repourls
  • build.extra.submitter (string): Username that submitted the build via content generator API
  • build.owner (string or null): Username that started the task
  • build.extra.image.go (map): Information about container first Go modules
  • build.extra.image.go.modules (map list): Entries with Go modules information
  • build.extra.operator_manifests_archive (string): Name of the archive containing operator manifest files. Included here for legacy reasons. build.extra.typeinfo.operator-manifests.archive Should be preferred
  • (map): Information about middleware artifacts fetched using fetch-artifacts-pnc
  • build.extra.image.remote_sources (map list): Entries with information about remote sources
  • build.extra.typeinfo.remote-sources (map list): Entries with information about remote sources
  • build.custom_user_metadata (map): Custom userdata

The index map has these entries

  • pull (str list): docker pull specifications for the manifest list, by tag and by digest
  • tags (str list): Primary tags applied to the manifest list when it was created
  • floating_tags (str list): Floating tags applied to the manifest list when it was created
  • unique_tags (str list): Unique tags applied to the manifest list when it was created
  • digests (map): A map of media type (such as "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.list.v2+json") to manifest digest (a string, usually starting "sha256:"), for each grouped object; note that this will include manifest lists but not image manifests

The build.extra.image.go.modules entries are maps composed of the following entries

  • module (str): Module name for the top-level Go language package to be built, as in
  • archive (str): Possibly-compressed archive containing full source code including dependencies
  • path (str): Path to directory containing source code (or its parent), possibly within archive

The build.extra.image.remote_sources and build.extra.typeinfo.remote-sources entries are maps containing the following keys:

  • name (str): name of remote source
  • url (str): cachito request url

build.extra.typeinfo.remote-sources contains additional key:

  • archives (str list): names of remote-sources archives

The build.extra.typeinfo.icm entry is map containing the following keys:

  • name (str): name of icm
  • archives (str list): names of icm json

For operator builds, the operator manifests metadata is placed in build.extra.typeinfo.operator-manifests. If this is present, the data in build.extra.image will also be appended into build.extra.typeinfo.image by koji.

Data which is placed here includes:

  • build.extra.typeinfo.operator-manifests.archive (str): Name of the archive containing operator manifest files

General build info metadata is placed in build.extra.osbs_build.

Data which is placed here includes

  • build.extra.osbs_build.kind (str): Build kind, either container_build or source_container_build
  • build.extra.osbs_build.subtypes(str list): Build subtypes: flatpak, operator_appregistry, operator_bundle. Others might be added in future
  • build.extra.osbs_build.engine (str): Build engine with which to build image, bsi (for source containers), docker_api, imagebuilder, buildah_bud

Source container metadata

The same note about image, build.extra.typeinfo.image and build.extra.osbs_build from previous section applies here.

Data which is placed here includes:

  • build.extra.image.media_types: the same as for image builds (see previous section)
  • build.extra.image.sources_for_nvr (str): koji N-V-R for the original image build
  • build.extra.image.sources_signing_intent (str): signing intent used to fetch source RPMs
  • build.extra.submitter: the same as for regular image builds (see previous section)

Buildroot metadata

In each buildroot, the extra.osbs key is used to define a map that contains these items:

  • build_id (str): the build ID which resulted in the buildroot currently running atomic-reactor (currently incorrect)
  • builder_image_id (str): the docker pull-by-digest specification for the buildroot currently running atomic-reactor
  • koji (dict): a dictionary containing the following items
    • build_name (str): the koji name-nvr of the build
    • builder_image_id (dict): the docker digests of the build if availble or an empty dict otherwise.

Output metadata

Each output has a type field. The docker image archive output is identified by type "docker-image", and has these type-specific data:

  • extra.image.arch (str): architecture for this image archive
  • extra.docker (map): information specific to the Docker image

The docker map has these entries:

  • id (str): the image ID ― for Docker 1.10 and higher this is a content-aware image ID
  • parent_id (str): the image ID of the parent image
  • repositories (str list): docker pull specifications for the image in the docker registry (or in Crane, if Pulp/Crane integration is used), by tag and by digests (there may be multiple digests, e.g. v2 schema 1 and v2 schema 2)
  • config (map): The "v2 schema 2" 'config' object but with the container_config entry removed
  • tags (str list): the image tags (i.e. the part after the ':' ) applied to this image when it was tagged and pushed
  • layer_sizes (map list): the image layer uncompressed sizes, the oldest layer first (the size information comes from docker history command)
  • digests (map): a map of media type (such as "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json") to manifest digest (a string usually starting "sha256:"), for each available media type which can be retrieved by digest (media types only reachable by tag are not included).

Type-specific metadata: Example

Content generator metadata in context:

  "metadata_version": 0,
  "build": {
    "name": "package-name-docker",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "release": "1",
    "owner": "kojiadmin",
    "extra": {
      "image": {
        "autorebuild": false,
        "isolated": false,
        "help": null,
        "parent_build_id": 123456
      "submitter": "osbs",
      "filesystem_koji_task_id": 123457,
      "container_koji_task_id": 123456
    "start_time": ...,
    "end_time": ...,
    "source": "git://...#..."
  "buildroots": [
      "id": 1,
      "container": {
        "type": "docker",
        "arch": "x86_64"
      "extra": {
        "osbs": {
          "build_id": "(should be build which created the buildroot image)",
          "builder_image_id": "docker-pullable://.../buildroot@sha256:abcdef..."
          "koji": {
            "name": package-name:1.0.0-1",
            "builder_image_id": {
              "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json": "sha256:123abc",
              "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json": "sha256:123def"
      "content_generator": {
        "name": "atomic-reactor",
        "version": "1.2.3"
      "host": {...},
      "components": [...],
      "tools": [...]
  "output": [
      "type": "docker-image",
      "extra": {
        "image": {
          "arch": "x86_64"
      "docker": {
        "id": "sha256:abc123def...",
        "parent_id": "sha256:123def456...",
        "layer_sizes": [
            {"diff_id": "sha256:123def456...",
             "size": 1234556},
            {"diff_id": "sha256:456789013...",
             "size": 9494949}
        "repositories": [
        "config": {
          "docker_version": "1.10.3",
          "rootfs": {...},
          "config": {...},
        "tags": [
        "digests": {
          "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json": "sha256:123abc",
          "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json": "sha256:123def"
      "components": [...],