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Standalone Userspace Image Convertor

Standalone userspace image-convertor is a tool to convert OCIv1 images into overlaybd format in userspace, without the dependences of containerd and tcmu. Only several ovelraybd tools binary are required.

This convertor is stored in bin after make.

This is an experimental feature and will be continuously improved.


There's no need to install containerd, no need to launch and mount tcmu devices, no need to run as root. Only several tools are required:

  • overlaybd-create, overlaybd-commit and overlaybd-apply

    Three overlaybd tools provided in overlaybd, stored at /opt/overlaybd/bin.

  • baselayer

    stored at /opt/overlaybd/baselayers/ext4_64 after installing overlaybd. This is required if flag --mkfs is false.

Overall, the requirements are /opt/overlaybd/bin/{overlaybd-create,overlaybd-commit,overlaybd-apply} and /opt/overlaybd/baselayers/ext4_64(optional).

Basic Usage

# usage
$ bin/convertor --help

overlaybd convertor is a standalone userspace image conversion tool that helps converting oci images to overlaybd images

  convertor [flags]

  -r, --repository string         repository for converting image (required)
  -u, --username string           user[:password] Registry user and password
      --plain                     connections using plain HTTP
      --verbose                   show debug log
  -i, --input-tag string          tag for image converting from (required)
  -o, --output-tag string         tag for image converting to
  -d, --dir string                directory used for temporary data (default "tmp_conv")
      --oci                       export image with oci spec
      --mkfs                      make ext4 fs in bottom layer (default true)
      --vsize int                 virtual block device size (GB) (default 64)
      --fastoci string            build 'Overlaybd-Turbo OCIv1' format (old name of turboOCIv1. deprecated)
      --turboOCI string           build 'Overlaybd-Turbo OCIv1' format
      --overlaybd string          build overlaybd format
      --db-str string             db str for overlaybd conversion
      --db-type string            type of db to use for conversion deduplication. Available: mysql. Default none
      --concurrency-limit int     the number of manifests that can be built at the same time, used for multi-arch images, 0 means no limit (default 4)
      --cert-dir stringArray      In these directories, root CA should be named as *.crt and client cert should be named as *.cert, *.key
      --root-ca stringArray       root CA certificates
      --client-cert stringArray   client cert certificates, should form in ${cert-file}:${key-file}
      --insecure                  don't verify the server's certificate chain and host name
      --reserve                   reserve tmp data
      --no-upload                 don't upload layer and manifest
      --dump-manifest             dump manifest
  -h, --help                      help for convertor

# examples
$ bin/convertor -r -u user:pass -i 6.2.6 -o 6.2.6_obd
$ bin/convertor -r -u user:pass -i 6.2.6 --overlaybd 6.2.6_obd --fastoci 6.2.6_foci
$ bin/convertor -r -u user:pass -i 6.2.6 -o 6.2.6_obd --vsize 256

Layer/Manifest Deduplication

To avoid converting the same layer for every image conversion, a database is required to store the correspondence between OCIv1 image layer and overlaybd layer.

We provide a default implementation based on mysql database, but others can be added through the ConversionDatabase abstraction. To use the default:

First, create a database and the overlaybd_layers table, the table schema is as follows:

CREATE TABLE `overlaybd_layers` (
  `host` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `repo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `chain_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'chain-id of the normal image layer',
  `data_digest` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'digest of overlaybd layer',
  `data_size` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'size of overlaybd layer',
  PRIMARY KEY (`host`,`repo`,`chain_id`),
  KEY `index_registry_chainId` (`host`,`chain_id`) USING BTREE

If you also want caching for manifests to avoid reconverting the same manifest twice, you can create the overlaybd_manifests table, the table schema is as follows:

CREATE TABLE `overlaybd_manifests` (
  `host` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `repo` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `src_digest` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'digest of the normal image manifest',
  `out_digest` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'digest of overlaybd manifest',
  `data_size` bigint(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'size of overlaybd manifest',
  `mediatype` varchar(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'mediatype of the converted image manifest',
  PRIMARY KEY (`host`,`repo`,`src_digest`, `mediatype`),
  KEY `index_registry_src_digest` (`host`,`src_digest`) USING BTREE

with this database you can then provide the following flags:

    --db-str          db str for overlaybd conversion
    --db-type         type of db to use for conversion deduplication. Available: mysql. Default none

# example
$ bin/convertor -r -u user:pass -i 6.2.6 -o 6.2.6_obd --db-str "dbuser:dbpass@tcp(" --db-type mysql
  • Note that we have also provided some tools to create such a database and examples of usage as well as a dockerfile that could be used to setup a simple converter with caching capabilities, see samples.


Standalone userspace image-convertor is developed based on libext2fs, and we have provided a customized libext2fs to make the conversion faster. We used standalone userspace image-convertor (with custom libext2fs), standalone userspace image-convertor (with origin libext2fs) and embedded image-convertor to convert some images and did a comparison for reference.


Image Image Size with custom libext2fs with origin libext2fs embedded image-convertor
jupyter-notebook 4.84 GB 93 s 238 s 101 s
php-laravel-nginx 567 MB 13 s 20 s 15 s
ai-cat-or-dog 1.81 GB 27 s 54 s 60 s
cypress-chrome 2.73 GB 70 s 212 s 87 s

Use with origin libext2fs

Standalone userspace image-convertor uses customized libext2fs by default. If you want to use original libext2fs instead of it, see the cmake cache entry -D ORIGIN_EXT2FS=1 of overlaybd.