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The threaded algorithm supports the use of multiple threads.

.. name_supports::
   :filter: threads


The threaded algorithm is work in progress and should be considered experimental. It works fine in an isolated environment using the contourpy tests and benchmarks, but needs to be rigorously tested in real-world environments that that include mixed Python/C++ code and multiple threads before it can be considered production quality.

threaded shares most of its code with serial except for the high-level processing of chunks which it performs in parallel using a thread pool, and the creation of `NumPy`_ arrays is limited to a single thread at a time.


The domain must be divided into chunks for multithreaded contouring.

Create a :class:`~contourpy.ThreadedContourGenerator` by calling :func:`~contourpy.contour_generator` in the usual way, ensuring that the domain is chunked:

>>> from contourpy import contour_generator
>>> import numpy as np
>>> z = np.ones((100, 50))  # Sample z data.
>>> cont_gen = contour_generator(z=z, name="threaded", chunk_count=5, thread_count=4)
>>> cont_gen.thread_count
>>> cont_gen.chunk_count

Here the 25 chunks will be divided up between the 4 threads.

The thread_count argument is optional, if not specified the default is thread_count=0 which means it will use the maximum number of threads available. This number can be checked using:

>>> import contourpy
>>> contourpy.max_threads()


:func:`contourpy.max_threads()` is implemented using the C++ function std::thread::hardware_concurrency.

If you request more threads than the number of chunks, the thread count will be reduced accordingly.


The order of processing chunks is not deterministic. If you use a :class:`~contourpy.LineType` or :class:`~contourpy.FillType` that do not arrange the results by chunk, the order of returned lines/polygons is also not deterministic. This includes LineType.Separate, LineType.SeparateCode, FillType.OuterCode and FillType.OuterOffset.