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194 lines (154 loc) · 5.86 KB

Indirect simple shooting

In this tutorial we present the indirect simple shooting method on a simple example.

using Suppressor # to suppress warnings

Let us start by importing the necessary packages.

using OptimalControl
using MINPACK # NLE solver

Let us consider the following optimal control problem:

$$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \min \displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \int_{t_0}^{t_f} u^2(t) \, \mathrm{d} t\\[1.0em] \dot{x}(t) = \displaystyle -x(t)+\alpha x^2(t)+u(t), \quad u(t) \in \R, \quad t \in [t_0, t_f] \text{ a.e.}, \\[0.5em] x(t_0) = x_0, \quad x(t_f) = x_f, \end{array} \right.%$$

with $t_0 = 0$, $t_f = 1$, $x_0 = -1$, $x_f = 0$, $\alpha=1.5$ and $\forall, t \in [t_0, t_f]$, $x(t) \in \R$.

t0 = 0
tf = 1
x0 = -1
xf = 0
α  = 1.5
@def ocp begin
    t ∈ [ t0, tf ], time
    x ∈ R, state
    u ∈ R, control
    x(t0) == x0
    x(tf) == xf
    ẋ(t) == -x(t) + α * x(t)^2 + u(t)
    ∫( 0.5u(t)^2 ) → min
nothing # hide

The pseudo-Hamiltonian of this problem is

$$H(x,p,u) = p \, (-x+\alpha x^2+u) + p^0 u^2 /2,$$

where $p^0 = -1$ since we are in the normal case. From the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, the maximising control is given by

$$u(x, p) = p$$

since $\partial^2_{uu} H = p^0 = - 1 < 0$. Plugging this control in feedback form into the pseudo-Hamiltonian, and considering the limit conditions, we obtain the following two-points boundary value problem (BVP).

$$\left\{ \begin{array}{l} \dot{x}(t) = \phantom{-} \nabla_p H[t] = -x(t) + \alpha x^2(t) + u(x(t), p(t)) = -x(t) + \alpha x^2(t) + p(t), \\[0.5em] \dot{p}(t) = - \nabla_x H[t] = (1 - 2 \alpha x(t))\, p(t), \\[0.5em] x(t_0) = x_0, \quad x(t_f) = x_f, \end{array} \right.$$

where $[t]~= (x(t),p(t),u(x(t), p(t)))$.

!!! note "Our goal"

Our goal is to solve this (BVP).

To achive our goal, let us first introduce the pseudo-Hamiltonian vector field

$$\vec{H}(z,u) = \left( \nabla_p H(z,u), -\nabla_x H(z,u) \right), \quad z = (x,p),$$

and then denote by $z(\cdot, t_0, x_0, p_0)$ the solution of the following Cauchy problem

$$\dot{z}(t) = \vec{H}(z(t), u(z(t))), \quad z(t_0) = (x_0, p_0).$$

To compute $z$ with the OptimalControl package, we define the flow of the associated Hamiltonian vector field by:

u(x, p) = p

f = Flow(ocp, u)
nothing # hide

!!! note "Nota bene"

Actually, $z(\cdot, t_0, x_0, p_0)$ is also solution of

    \dot{z}(t) = \vec{\mathbf{H}}(z(t)), \quad z(t_0) = (x_0, p_0),
where $\mathbf{H}(z) = H(z, u(z))$ and $\vec{\mathbf{H}} = (\nabla_p \mathbf{H}, -\nabla_x \mathbf{H})$. This is what is actually computed by `Flow`.

We define also an auxiliary exponential map for clarity.

exp(p0; saveat=[]) = f((t0, tf), x0, p0, saveat=saveat).ode_sol
nothing # hide

Now, to solve the (BVP) we introduce the shooting function.

$$\begin{array}{rlll} S \colon & \R & \longrightarrow & \R \\\ & p_0 & \longmapsto & S(p_0) = \pi(z(t_f, t_0, x_0, p_0)) - x_f, \end{array}$$

where $\pi(x,p) = x$. At the end, solving (BVP) leads to solve

$$S(p_0) = 0.$$

This is what we call the indirect simple shooting method.

S(p0) = exp(p0)(tf)[1] - xf;                        # shooting function

nle = (s, ξ) -> s[1] = S(ξ[1])                      # auxiliary function
ξ = [ 0.0 ]                                         # initial guess

global indirect_sol =      # hide
@suppress_err begin # hide
fsolve(nle, ξ)      # hide
indirect_sol = fsolve(nle, ξ)                       # resolution of S(p0) = 0
end                 # hide

p0_sol = indirect_sol.x[1]                          # costate solution
println("costate:    p0 = ", p0_sol)
@suppress_err begin # hide
println("shoot: |S(p0)| = ", abs(S(p0_sol)), "\n")
end # hide
nothing # hide

We get:

times = range(t0, tf, length=2) # hide
p0min = -0.5 # hide
p0max = 2 # hide
plt_flow = plot() # hide
p0s = range(p0min, p0max, length=20) # hide
for i ∈ 1:length(p0s) # hide
    sol = exp(p0s[i]) # hide
    x = [sol(t)[1] for t ∈ sol.t] # hide
    p = [sol(t)[2] for t ∈ sol.t] # hide
    label = i==1 ? "extremals" : false # hide
    plot!(plt_flow, x, p, color=:blue, label=label) # hide
end # hide
p0s = range(p0min, p0max, length=200) # hide
xs  = zeros(length(p0s), length(times)) # hide
ps  = zeros(length(p0s), length(times)) # hide
for i ∈ 1:length(p0s) # hide
    sol = exp(p0s[i], saveat=times) # hide
    xs[i, :] = [z[1] for z ∈ sol.(times)] # hide
    ps[i, :] = [z[2] for z ∈ sol.(times)] # hide
end # hide
for j ∈ 1:length(times) # hide
    label = j==1 ? "flow at times" : false # hide
    plot!(plt_flow, xs[:, j], ps[:, j], color=:green, linewidth=2, label=label) # hide
end # hide
plot!(plt_flow, xlims = (-1.1, 1), ylims =  (p0min, p0max)) # hide
plot!(plt_flow, [0, 0], [p0min, p0max], color=:black, xlabel="x", ylabel="p", label="x=xf") # hide
sol = exp(p0_sol) # hide
x = [sol(t)[1] for t ∈ sol.t] # hide
p = [sol(t)[2] for t ∈ sol.t] # hide
plot!(plt_flow, x, p, color=:red, linewidth=2, label="extremal solution") # hide
plot!(plt_flow, [x[end]], [p[end]], seriestype=:scatter, color=:green, label=false) # hide
plt_shoot = plot(xlims=(p0min, p0max), ylims=(-2, 4), xlabel="p₀", ylabel="y") # hide
plot!(plt_shoot, p0s, S, linewidth=2, label="S(p₀)", color=:green) # hide
plot!(plt_shoot, [p0min, p0max], [0, 0], color=:black, label="y=0") # hide
plot!(plt_shoot, [p0_sol, p0_sol], [-2, 0], color=:black, label="p₀ solution", linestyle=:dash) # hide
plot!(plt_shoot, [p0_sol], [0], seriestype=:scatter, color=:green, label=false) # hide
plot(plt_flow, plt_shoot, layout=(1,2), size=(800, 450)) # hide