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Getting Started for Local Development

Convox Praxis is a universal infrastructure framework. When you develop and deploy applications using the Praxis CLI, API and SDK you completely abstract away concerns about where your application is running. In minutes you can set up a system that has perfect development / production parity and deploy your app to the cloud.

This guide will walk you through installing the Praxis CLI and setting up a Docker-based development environment for an app.

The Getting Started for Production Deploys will walk you through creating a Convox account and setting up a an AWS-based production environment for an app.

Together you'll see how Praxis offers an app workflow -- build, config, diff, test and promote -- that works exactly the same in development and production. The result is a simple, fast and portable dev, test and deploy workflow.

Setting up your development environment

Install the CLI

First, install the Praxis cx command line client.


$ curl -o /usr/local/bin/cx
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cx


$ curl -o /usr/local/bin/cx
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cx

Confirm that cx is correctly installed and up to date:

$ cx update
updating cli to 20170628170448: OK

Install the development environment

Your applications will run in an isolated environment called a Rack. While your production Rack will run on a cloud infrastructure provider like AWS, you can also install a local Rack on your development computer. This makes it easy to achieve dev/prod parity.

To install a local Rack you'll first need to install Docker. The free Docker Community Edition can be found for your OS here.

Once you have Docker up and running you can use cx to install a local Rack:

$ sudo cx rack install local
installing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.rack.plist
installing: /Library/LaunchDaemons/convox.router.plist

This starts the Praxis API on your computer, which the cx tool will use to manage apps.

This also starts the Praxis Router on your computer, which manages load balancing, DNS, and SSL certificates for your development apps. You can load the Praxis Certificate Authority (CA) public key into your keychain so all development SSL traffic is trusted:

$ open /Users/Shared/convox/ca.crt

In the "Add Certificates" dialog, select the "System" keychain, and click "Add". Then in the "Keychain Access" app, search for "convox" and double click on "ca.convox". In the root certificate dialog, change "When using this certificate:" to "Always Trust" and close the dialog.

Developing your first app

Clone the example app

We'll use the Praxis documentation site to demonstrate development. It's a Go app using the Hugo project for static websites.

Clone the app and enter its directory:

$ git clone
$ cd praxis-site/


The first thing to take note of in the project is the convox.yml file. This is where the app's description and configuration live.

    certificate: ${HOST}
    port: 1313
    scale: 2
    test: make test

The convox.yml for this site is pretty straightfoward. It defines a single service called web.

Nested under web is a certificate config. An SSL certificate will be automatically configured for the domain specified by the app's HOST environment variable. HOST is automatically set and can be overridden for a custom domain.

The port configuration means containers for the web service will listen on port 1313 for http requests.

Two copies of the container will be run, according to the scale setting.

The app's default test command is make test as configured by test. This will be used later in the guide.

The convox.yml you cloned also has a workflows section. You can ignore that for the purposes of this guide.

Deploy the app

Now that you've seen what a Praxis app looks like, you can deploy it to your local Rack.

First you'll need to create an app in your Rack to use as a deployment target:

$ cx apps create praxis-site

You should now see it in your apps list:

$ cx apps
praxis-site  running

Now deploy:

$ cx deploy
building: /Users/matthew/code/convox/praxis-site
uploading: OK
starting build: eed730a1180227074e774357acf8201cd39fe8f7478c367374ced3ded78cb92e
preparing source
restoring cache
building: .
running: docker build -t 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 /tmp/503720936
Sending build context to Docker daemon  19.56MB
Step 1/2 : FROM convox/hugo:0.0.1
 ---> 95f8d1e0347e
Step 2/2 : COPY . /app
 ---> 1ae0dab8258d
Removing intermediate container 256b517ec707
Successfully built 1ae0dab8258d
running: docker tag 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 convox/praxis-site/web:BLFMGFUNTS
saving cache
storing artifacts
starting: convox.praxis-site.service.web.1
starting: convox.praxis-site.service.web.2

The application is now deployed to your local Rack. You can find its endpoints with the CLI:

$ cx services
web   https://web.praxis-site.convox

You can visit https://web.praxis-site.convox to view it.

With the convox.yml file and a cx deploy command we have an app running with:

  • A static hostname
  • Trusted SSL
  • Load balancing to two containers

Edit the source

Now that you have the app up and running, you can try the development cycle by making a change to the source code and deploying it to your local Rack.

Open content/ in the project and add the text "Hello, this is a change!" right below the Introduction header. After the edit your file should look like this:

title: Introduction
weight: 5

# Introduction

Hello, this is a change!

Then deploy the changes:

$ cx deploy

Reload the site in your browser and verify that the Introduction text has changed.

Run tests

You can test an app using cx test. This command will create a temporary app, deploy the current code to it, and sequentially run the test: command specified for each service. If a test: command is not specified, no tests will be run. cx test will abort and pass through any non-zero exit code returned by a test command.

$ cx test
convox  | creating app test-1498754013: OK
build   | building: /Users/matthew/code/convox/praxis-site
build   | uploading: OK
build   | starting build: d62123b840ae443a061039c39fcce61f82988458f368090b4e0e76cb15a00221
build   | preparing source
build   | building: .
build   | running: docker build -t 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 /tmp/144541219
build   | Sending build context to Docker daemon  11.23MB
build   | Step 1/2 : FROM convox/hugo:0.0.1
build   |  ---> 95f8d1e0347e
build   | Step 2/2 : COPY . /app
build   |  ---> Using cache
build   |  ---> f3d8a00acd8a
build   | Successfully built f3d8a00acd8a
build   | Successfully tagged 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13:latest
build   | running: docker tag 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 convox/test-1498754013/web:BFHEYFLOFN
build   | storing artifacts
build   | build complete
release | starting: convox.test-1498754013.service.web.1
release | starting: convox.test-1498754013.service.web.2
web     | running: make test
web     | test -f static/images/logo.png

If you'd like to see the test fail, just delete static/images/logo.png and run cx test again.

With the convox.yml file and a cx test command have achieved development / test environment parity!

Building without deploying

While cx deploy is an easy way to deploy changes, the build, configure and promote steps are possible with the CLI so you can customize your workflow.

This time, let's create a build but not deploy it:

$ cx build
uploading: .
starting build: 16dd308f6b61e40b768d60eb8238b758dee8e9a3848d2330b0ca9bd26a817031
preparing source
restoring cache
building: .
running: docker build -t 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 /tmp/124604449
Sending build context to Docker daemon 19.56 MB
Step 1/2 : FROM convox/hugo:0.0.1
 ---> 95f8d1e0347e
Step 2/2 : COPY . /app
 ---> 5c9e32a1e857
Removing intermediate container 8bebd36bc5a9
Successfully built 5c9e32a1e857
running: docker tag 9836064b94124bad54f83c70026dd85fcb8b5a13 convox/praxis-site/web:BHRATEYFZS
saving cache
storing artifacts

Building without deploying is useful to stage changes and then deploy them as a unit.

Set an environment variable

A new release is also created when you change the application's environment.

$ cx env set FOO=bar
updating environment: OK

View releases

Every time you build your app or change an environment variable, a new "release" is created to keep up with these changes. You can list these releases:

$ cx releases
ID          BUILD       STATUS    CREATED
RGCMQGSYYN  BLFBFMFXFR  created   4 seconds ago
RTTOIDQIFF  BLFBFMFXFR  created   2 minutes ago
RTKJFWMKYG  BHRATEYFZS  promoted  4 minutes ago
RYCQLGAAAV  BJKETOESCA  promoted  19 minutes ago

You can see from this list that the most recent release, RGCMQGSYYN, was created but not promoted which means its changes have not yet been deployed.

Releases that aren't promoted are useful to run pre-deploy commands like database migrations or asset uploads.

$ cx run --release RGCMQGSYYN web hugo convert toJSON -o /tmp

Diff releases

Before you promote a release, you can use cx diff to summarize the changes about to be deployed:

$ cx diff
diff --git 663957140/.env 924574153/.env
index e69de29..1566bb1 100644
--- 663957140/.env
+++ 924574153/.env
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

diff --git 663957140/content/ 924574153/content/
index 308583e..82f79db 100644
--- 663957140/content/
+++ 924574153/content/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ weight: 5

# Introduction

-Hello, this is a change!
+Hey, this is another change.

Once you verify the diff you can promote it.

Promote a release

$ cx promote
promoting RWSHXASNDF: OK
starting: convox.praxis-site.service.web.1
starting: convox.praxis-site.service.web.2

The release will now show as promoted.

$ cx releases
ID          BUILD       STATUS    CREATED
RWSHXASNDF  BOMBKQZCLA  promoted  4 minutes ago
RGCMQGSYYN  BLFBFMFXFR  created   5 minutes ago
RTTOIDQIFF  BLFBFMFXFR  created   7 minutes ago
RTKJFWMKYG  BHRATEYFZS  promoted  11 minutes ago
RYCQLGAAAV  BJKETOESCA  promoted  27 minutes ago

Refresh your browser to see your change in action!

A faster development loop

You may be thinking that this is shaping up to be a pretty nice workflow but it's a bit laborious for development. You can use cx start to pull an application into the foreground. cx start will restart the services of the application in development mode and set up live code-sync with your local development checkout allowing you to use your own tools and editor.

$ cx start

Go ahead and delete the "Hello, this is a change!" line you added previously. You'll be able to immediately view the changes in your browser.

Code sync

Convox code sync allows changes you make in your local files to be instantly reflected in the app containers. This lets you see the effect of changes without having to redeploy your appliction repeatedly.

Any directory that appears in a COPY or ADD line in your Dockerfile will be synced. This project has:

COPY . .

in the Dockerfile, so the entire project directory is synced.

Going to production

The local Rack is great for development, but eventually you'll also want to set up a production Rack on the internet where you can deploy your apps and make them accessible to others.

Because Praxis offers dev/prod parity, you can install a production environment in your AWS account with:

$ cx rack install aws

After a few minutes of setup, you can use the same exact CLI workflow to deploy your first app to AWS:

$ cx apps create praxis-site
$ cx deploy
$ cx services

However, the Convox Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes it even easier manage your production Racks and Apps and share them with your development team.

Check out the Getting Started for Production Deploys guide to walk through creating a Convox account and setting up a an AWS-based production environment for an app.