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Generating Label Cohesive and Well-Formed Adversarial Claims

This is the code base for the paper Generating Label Cohesive and Well-Formed Adversarial Claims to be presented at EMNLP 2020.

Adversarial Architecture

Adversarial attacks reveal important vulnerabilities and flaws of trained models. One potent type of attack are universal adversarial triggers, which are individual n-grams that, when appended to instances of a class under attack, can trick a model into predicting a target class. However, for inference tasks such as fact checking, these triggers often inadvertently invert the meaning of instances they are inserted in. In addition, such attacks produce semantically nonsensical inputs, as they simply concatenate triggers to existing samples. Here, we investigate how to generate adversarial attacks against fact checking systems that preserve the ground truth meaning and are semantically valid. We extend the HotFlip attack algorithm used for universal trigger generation by jointly minimising the target class loss of a fact checking model and the entailment class loss of an auxiliary natural language inference model. We then train a conditional language model to generate semantically valid statements, which include the found universal triggers. We find that the generated attacks maintain the directionality and semantic validity of the claim better than previous work.


  title={Generating Label Cohesive and Well-Formed Adversarial Claims},
  author={Atanasova, Pepa and Wright, Dustin and Augenstein, Isabelle},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2020 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (EMNLP)}

Dataset Preparation

The data used for training a fact checking model can be found at HuggingFace fever_gold_evidence dataset

  1. We join each claim with its gold evidence sentences from the Wikipedia pages. This is done for SUPPORTS and REFUTES classes as NEI do not have evidence.
    export PYTHONPATH=./
    python scripts/ --dataset_dirs data/paper_train.jsonl --wiki_dir data/wiki-pages/wiki-pages/ --output_paths data/train_sr_nli.jsonl

Where paper_train.jsonl is an example path to a FEVER's dataset file in jsonl format, and wiki-pages is an example path to the Wikipedia dump from the FEVER dataset.

  1. We then collect evidence sentences for the NEI class using the Papelo system from FEVER'2018 and merge the outputs of the system for the NEI class with the gold evidence sentences collected in the previous step.
    python fever2018-retrieval/src/scripts/retrieval/ --db data/fever/fever.db --model data/index/fever-tfidf-ngram\=2-hash\=16777216-tokenizer\=simple.npz --in-file data/fever-data/train_nei.jsonl --out-file data/fever/train_nei.sentences.p5.s5.jsonl --max-page 2 --max-sent 2

    python scripts/ --dataset_dirs data/fever/train_nei.sentences.p5.s5.jsonl --wiki_dir data/wiki-pages/wiki-pages/ --output_paths data/train_nei_nli.jsonl

    python scripts/ --sr_file data/train_sr_nli.jsonl --nei_file data/train_nei_nli.jsonl --output_path data/train_nli.jsonl

Builder Models

We train a RoBERTa model on the data prepared in the previous step which is used for the adversarial attacks
python builders/ --gpu --lr 2e-5 --model_path fever_roberta_2e5 --batch_size 8 --type roberta

Trigger Generation

Triggers can be generated with varying the weights for the FC and the NLI objective. For example, for attacks only using the FC objective, the weights are --fc_w 1 --nli_w 0 :
python attack_multiple_objectives/ --gpu --model_path fever_roberta_2e5 --fc_model_type roberta --batch_size 10 --trigger_length 3 --labels 3 --epochs 20 --fc_w 1 --nli_w 0 --attack_class SUPPORTS --target REFUTES

The resulting triggers are serialized to the attack_results directory. The code is based on the code of the Universal Adversarial Attacks

To evaluate the generated triggers:

python attack_multiple_objectives/ --gpu --model_path fever_roberta_2e5 --fc_model_type roberta --batch_size 4 --labels 3 --triggers_file data/fc10_nli0_ppl0_SUPPORTS_to_REFUTES_1_triggers.tsv --attack_class SUPPORTS

Conditional Adversarial Claim Generation

To generate adversarial claims, first train a GPT-2 model for the particular types of claims you wish to generate (SUPPORTS, REFUTES, or NOT ENOUGH INFO). The following is an example of how to create a model which generates SUPPORTS claims.

python \
  --dataset_loc data/train_nli.jsonl \
  --val_dataset data/dev_nli.jsonl \
  --train_pct 0.9 \
  --n_gpu 1 \
  --n_epochs 20 \
  --seed 1000 \
  --model_dir gpt2_models/1_candidate_4_random_supports \
  --batch_size 4 \
  --lr 0.00003 \
  --target_class "SUPPORTS" \
  --run_name 1c_4e_supports \
  --tags "gpt2 training supports"

You can then generate adversarial examples via the following. You will need to have a trained BERT model on SNLI as the nli_model parameter.

python \
  --dataset_loc data/test_nli.jsonl  \
  --model_loc gpt2_models/1_candidate_4_random_supports/model.pth \
  --triggers_file data/fc10_nli0_ppl0_SUPPORTS_to_REFUTES_1_triggers.tsv \
  --output_file gpt2_models/1_candidate_4_random_supports/generation_s_to_r.txt \
  --target_class SUPPORTS \
  --nli_model transformer_snli_2e5_1

Final generated claims

The final generated claims for both experiments can be found in final_labelled_annotations.tsv. The columns are as follows:

  • original file: Internal filename which generated this claim. Files containing 'no_stsb' are for claims generated with triggers from the model trained without the stsb objective.
  • idx: An internal index for the claim.
  • claim: The generated claim.
  • evidence: The evidence paired with the claim.
  • triggers: The triggers used to generate the claim.
  • semantically coherent: Claim quality score.
  • label: The final adjudicated label of the claim,evidence pair.
  • title: The title of the wikipedia article originating the evidence.
  • ann1_label: The original label from the first annotator.
  • ann1_label: The original label from the second annotator.
  • pred_label: The predicted label of the external fact checking model.
  • control_group: Whether or not the STSB objective was used to generate the triggers (0: no stsb; 1: uses stsb)