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Another way of looking at memory management for collections


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⚠️ This project is in its infancy. Please give feedback to improve it—even if it's just that some documentation parts are hard to understand.


Buffers are another way of looking at memory management for collections. A buffer is responsible for the memory but not its contents; this allows the data layout to have many shapes (see the model section for more information about it).

To define a buffer compose the desired parts and then use it in a collection:

use buffers::{

type ExampleBuffer<T> = ZstoBuffer< // Optimization for types where T is a Zero-Sized Type
  ExponentialGrowthBuffer<          // Make the buffer to grow exponentially
    SvoBuffer<                      // Add Small Vector Optimization
      HeapBuffer<T>,                // Save the values on the heap (base buffer)

let example_vector: Vector<u32, ExampleBuffer<_>> = Vector::new();
let my_inline_vector: Vector<u32, InlineBuffer<_, 128>> = Vector::new();

There's also a default buffer meant to be ok in most use cases:

use buffers::{DefaultBuffer, collections::Vector};

let mut another_vector: Vector<u32, DefaultBuffer<_>> = Vector::new();
let mut default_vector = Vector::<u32>::new(); // Equivalent to previous line

The model (and why I made it)

Currently collections are responsible for managing its memory and layout. If you need or want a different layout than the provided, you must reimplement the entire collection. A good example of this (an the one that started it all) is SoA derive which has to reimplement Vec and all its functions; a lot of times by simply copying the source code with some type annotation change to simply make a vector with a structure of arrays. This is also visible in the standard library: there is an undocumented RawVec, which has a lot of common functions for memory management and was created to reduce duplication.

If you squint a bit, you may see that what's common in this cases is that the collections have multiple responsibilities:

  1. Saving and retrieving objects and values with some properties.
  2. Managing the raw memory (in a layout) to do so.

Multiple collections may use the same underlying layout (eg. Vec and VecDeque), so what would happen if we made an abstraction for just it? This is the result.

I called this abstraction a buffer and it turns out it has some nice properties (some which I didn't notice at first):

  1. Reuse in multiple collections (so one specification can be reused)
  2. Remove the knowledge on how the memory is obtained
  3. Allows dynamic and static memory versions (static vector for free)
  4. Allows non-contiguous memory layouts (like SoA)
  5. Isolation and composition of optimizations, and thus allows for targeted optimizations for each use case when necessary (see composition)
  6. Simpler code

Difference from an allocator

An allocator is responsible for the necessary strategies to share the entire or part of the system memory when requested. It supports dynamic layout and is used by multiple collections (and buffers).

A buffer may use any number of allocators (see HeapBuffer and AllocatorBuffer) and use them to aquire memory. But it doesn't care about how it's saved on the actual memory, nor the relationship needs to be one to one.

Buffer as a composite

The usual implementation of collections have some optimizations. This optimizations are balanced to be good enough for most use cases. If a use case is specific enough, then you use another collection.

As it turns out, you can make a buffer which uses another buffer underneath. This composite structure allows to make each implementation into a single buffer and to choose which one you'd like to use (or make ones which are tuned).

List of base buffers (composite leafs)

  1. InlineBuffer: a buffer with an underlying fixed-size array. It cannot be resized. This makes it possible to use on the stack.
  2. HeapBuffer: a buffer that uses std::ptr to dynamically allocate and grow.
  3. ZstBuffer: a buffer for zero-sized types (ZST) only. It's a ZST itself.
  4. SliceBuffer: a buffer wrapping a &mut [MaybeUninit<T>].
  5. AllocatorBuffer: a buffer that uses an allocator to dynamically allocate and grow. It requires the allocator feature (enabled by default) since it uses the unstable allocator API.

List of composite buffers

  1. ZstoBuffer (Zero-Sized Type Optimization): optimization that uses ZstBuffer whenever T is a ZST, or its child otherwise.
  2. SvoBuffer (Small Vector Optimization): have a small inline buffer but can grow into a bigger one (its child). This prevents allocations on small vectors.
  3. ExponentialGrowthBuffer: when trying to grow it will grow to the smallest power of 2 at least as big as the requested value. Useful to not allocate at every push.
  4. AtLeastBuffer: specifies that when growing will at least grow to a set size.
  5. ArrayBuffer: buffer for buffer where the elements are fixed-sized arrays (eg. [i32; 3]). It makes a SoA composite buffer, where each position has its own buffer.

There are also a few others that are utilities to make other buffers or for testing.

It's also worth noting that any DerefMut (like Box) of a buffer also works like a composite buffer (there is a blanket impl for them).


For now, I've only implemented Vector. It's basically Vec with a buffer (some methods may be missing).

How to make your own

A Buffer implementation have four types of member functions:

  • Show the capacity (capacity)
  • Manage data (put, take, manually_drop)
  • Resizing (try_grow, try_shrink)
  • Utils which have default implementations. Allows override when knowledge allows optimizations (for example moving values when the data is contiguous)

This abstraction only assumes that the elements can be references by a usize index, so the underlying mechanism could be a lot of things.

There are more traits which add capabilities to your:

  1. CopyValueBuffer: Adds copy which can copy a value of a position (if its type is Copy).
  2. PtrBuffer: You have a pointer-like type which alows to read an element.
  3. RefBuffer: You can generate a reference-like for the elements.
  4. ContiguousMemoryBuffer: This is a marker trait which indicates that the memory is contiguous.

To modify an exiting buffer's behaviour you may use IndirectBuffer instead of implementing it yourself. It will have a blanket Buffer implementation and the same methods as it but with a default implementation which forwards it to the inner buffer.


The code currently requires the nightly compiler because of dropck_eyepatch for Drop Check (Rustonomicon)

There is an allocator feature to enable an allocator-based buffer. It also requires nightly.

Lack of code optimization

There are currently no optimizations of the code. This is because the effect of the layout is too strong (I saw very big swings where should be none). It's obvious that it needs to be optimized, probably by sprinkling inline and cold everywhere, but I need to make sure it actually does what I think it does.

I plan to tackle this next, but it will require to make tools that randomize the layout (probably based on Stabilizer)


The names try to convey purpose:

  • files work as the table of contents for that module.
  • Files and folders starting with a number are sorted and the main code of the module.
  • Files and folders starting with a letter contain code that isn't the main part of the module (utilities, building blocks, etc.) and are not meant to be used directly on another project.

This convention helped me when I was thinking abstractly, but I may go with a more traditional one if it's simpler for people to read.


Another way of looking at memory management for collections



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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