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This commit removes the hook.
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aspiwack committed Dec 4, 2013
1 parent eaa9c14 commit f1a2c15
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Showing 9 changed files with 68 additions and 80 deletions.
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions plugins/funind/
Expand Up @@ -289,12 +289,13 @@ let build_functional_principle interactive_proof old_princ_type sorts funs i pro
let new_princ_name =
next_ident_away_in_goal (Id.of_string "___________princ_________") []
let hook = hook new_principle_type in
(Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
(hook new_principle_type)
(* let _tim1 = System.get_time () in *)
ignore ( (Proofview.V82.tactic (proof_tac ( mkConst funs) mutr_nparams)));
Expand All @@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ let build_functional_principle interactive_proof old_princ_type sorts funs i pro
(* let dur1 = System.time_difference tim1 tim2 in *)
(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to compute proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur1)); *)
(* end; *)
get_proof_clean true
get_proof_clean true,Ephemeron.create hook

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ let generate_functional_principle
register_with_sort InProp;
register_with_sort InSet
let (id,(entry,g_kind,hook)) =
let ((id,(entry,g_kind)),hook) =
build_functional_principle interactive_proof old_princ_type new_sorts funs i
proof_tac hook
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ let make_scheme (fas : (constant*glob_sort) list) : Entries.definition_entry lis
s::l_schemes -> s,l_schemes
| _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "")
let (_,(const,_,_)) =
let ((_,(const,_)),_) =
build_functional_principle false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,7 +586,7 @@ let make_scheme (fas : (constant*glob_sort) list) : Entries.definition_entry lis
(* If we reach this point, the two principle are not mutually recursive
We fall back to the previous method
let (_,(const,_,_)) =
let ((_,(const,_)),_) =
(List.nth other_princ_types (!i - 1))
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions plugins/funind/
Expand Up @@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ let save with_clean id const (locality,kind) hook =

let cook_proof _ =
let (id,(entry,strength,hook)) = Pfedit.cook_proof (fun _ -> ()) in
let (id,(entry,strength)) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in

let get_proof_clean do_reduce =
let result = cook_proof do_reduce in
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions plugins/funind/indfun_common.mli
Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ val save : bool -> Id.t -> Entries.definition_entry -> Decl_kinds.goal_kind ->
val get_proof_clean : bool ->
Names.Id.t *
(Entries.definition_entry * Decl_kinds.goal_kind *
unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook Ephemeron.key)
(Entries.definition_entry * Decl_kinds.goal_kind)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plugins/xml/
Expand Up @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ let show_pftreestate internal fn (kind,pftst) id =

let show fn =
let pftst = Pfedit.get_pftreestate () in
let (id,kind,_,_) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
let (id,kind,_) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
show_pftreestate false fn (kind,pftst) id

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions proofs/
Expand Up @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ let delete_all_proofs = Proof_global.discard_all
let set_undo _ = ()
let get_undo _ = None

let start_proof (id : Id.t) str hyps c ?init_tac hook terminator =
let start_proof (id : Id.t) str hyps c ?init_tac terminator =
let goals = [ (Global.env_of_context hyps , c) ] in
Proof_global.start_proof id str goals hook terminator;
Proof_global.start_proof id str goals terminator;
let env = Global.env () in
ignore (Proof_global.with_current_proof (fun _ p ->
match init_tac with
| None -> p,true
| Some tac -> Proof.run_tactic env tac p))

let cook_this_proof hook p =
let cook_this_proof p =
match p with
| {;entries=[constr];persistence;hook } ->
| {;entries=[constr];persistence } ->
| _ -> Errors.anomaly ~label:"Pfedit.cook_proof" (Pp.str "more than one proof term.")

let cook_proof hook =
cook_this_proof hook (fst (Proof_global.close_proof (fun x -> x)))
let cook_proof () =
cook_this_proof (fst (Proof_global.close_proof (fun x -> x)))
let get_pftreestate () =
Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ let get_current_goal_context () =

let current_proof_statement () =
match Proof_global.V82.get_current_initial_conclusions () with
| (id,([concl],strength,hook)) -> id,strength,concl,hook
| (id,([concl],strength)) -> id,strength,concl
| _ -> Errors.anomaly ~label:"Pfedit.current_proof_statement" (Pp.str "more than one statement")

let solve ?with_end_tac gi tac pr =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ open Decl_kinds
let next = let n = ref 0 in fun () -> incr n; !n

let build_constant_by_tactic id sign ?(goal_kind = Global,Proof Theorem) typ tac =
start_proof id goal_kind sign typ (fun _ _ -> ()) (fun _ -> ());
start_proof id goal_kind sign typ (fun _ -> ());
let status = by tac in
let _,(const,_,_) = cook_proof (fun _ -> ()) in
let _,(const,_) = cook_proof () in
delete_current_proof ();
const, status
with reraise ->
Expand Down
14 changes: 6 additions & 8 deletions proofs/pfedit.mli
Expand Up @@ -62,24 +62,22 @@ type lemma_possible_guards = Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards
val start_proof :
Id.t -> goal_kind -> named_context_val -> constr ->
?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic ->
unit declaration_hook -> Proof_global.proof_terminator -> unit
Proof_global.proof_terminator -> unit

(** {6 ... } *)
(** [cook_proof opacity] turns the current proof (assumed completed) into
a constant with its name, kind and possible hook (see [start_proof]);
it fails if there is no current proof of if it is not completed;
it also tells if the guardness condition has to be inferred. *)

val cook_this_proof : (Proof.proof -> unit) ->
val cook_this_proof :
Proof_global.proof_object ->
(Id.t *
(Entries.definition_entry * goal_kind *
unit declaration_hook Ephemeron.key))
(Entries.definition_entry * goal_kind))

val cook_proof : (Proof.proof -> unit) ->
val cook_proof : unit ->
(Id.t *
(Entries.definition_entry * goal_kind *
unit declaration_hook Ephemeron.key))
(Entries.definition_entry * goal_kind))

(** {6 ... } *)
(** [get_pftreestate ()] returns the current focused pending proof.
Expand All @@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ val get_current_goal_context : unit -> Evd.evar_map * env
(** [current_proof_statement] *)

val current_proof_statement :
unit -> Id.t * goal_kind * types * unit declaration_hook Ephemeron.key
unit -> Id.t * goal_kind * types

(** {6 ... } *)
(** [get_current_proof_name ()] return the name of the current focused
Expand Down
72 changes: 32 additions & 40 deletions proofs/
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ type proof_object = {
id : Names.Id.t;
entries : Entries.definition_entry list;
persistence : Decl_kinds.goal_kind;
hook : unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook Ephemeron.key

type proof_ending = Vernacexpr.proof_end * proof_object
Expand All @@ -84,7 +83,6 @@ type pstate = {
section_vars : Context.section_context option;
proof : Proof.proof;
strength : Decl_kinds.goal_kind;
pr_hook : unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook Ephemeron.key;
mode : proof_mode Ephemeron.key;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,36 +237,31 @@ let _ = Errors.register_handler begin function
| _ -> raise Errors.Unhandled

(* [start_proof s str env t hook tac] starts a proof of name [s] and
conclusion [t]; [hook] is optionally a function to be applied at
proof end (e.g. to declare the built constructions as a coercion
or a setoid morphism); init_tac is possibly a tactic to
systematically apply at initialization time (e.g. to start the
proof of mutually dependent theorems).
It raises exception [ProofInProgress] if there is a proof being
currently edited. *)
(* [start_proof id str goals terminator] starts a proof of name [id]
with goals [goals] (a list of pairs of environment and
conclusion); at the end of the proof [terminator] is called to
close the proof. It raises exception [ProofInProgress] if there
is a proof being currently edited. *)

let start_proof id str goals hook terminator =
let start_proof id str goals terminator =
let initial_state = {
pid = id;
terminator = Ephemeron.create terminator;
proof = Proof.start Evd.empty goals;
endline_tactic = None;
section_vars = None;
strength = str;
pr_hook = Ephemeron.create hook;
mode = find_proof_mode "No" } in
push initial_state pstates

let start_dependent_proof id str goals hook terminator =
let start_dependent_proof id str goals terminator =
let initial_state = {
pid = id;
terminator = Ephemeron.create terminator;
proof = Proof.dependent_start Evd.empty goals;
endline_tactic = None;
section_vars = None;
strength = str;
pr_hook = Ephemeron.create hook;
mode = find_proof_mode "No" } in
push initial_state pstates

Expand All @@ -288,46 +281,45 @@ let set_used_variables l =
let get_open_goals () =
let gl, gll, shelf , _ , _ = Proof.proof (cur_pstate ()).proof in
List.length gl +
List.fold_left (+) 0
List.fold_left (+) 0
( (fun (l1,l2) -> List.length l1 + List.length l2) gll) +
List.length shelf
List.length shelf

let close_proof ~now fpl =
let { pid;section_vars;strength;pr_hook;proof;terminator } =
let { pid;section_vars;strength;proof;terminator } =
cur_pstate ()
let initial_goals = Proof.initial_goals proof in
let entries = Future.map2 (fun p (c, t) -> { Entries.
const_entry_body = p;
const_entry_secctx = section_vars;
const_entry_type = Some t;
const_entry_inline_code = false;
const_entry_opaque = true }) fpl initial_goals in
const_entry_body = p;
const_entry_secctx = section_vars;
const_entry_type = Some t;
const_entry_inline_code = false;
const_entry_opaque = true }) fpl initial_goals in
if now then
List.iter (fun x -> ignore(Future.join x.Entries.const_entry_body)) entries;
{ id = pid ;
entries = entries ;
persistence = strength ;
hook = pr_hook } , terminator
persistence = strength } , terminator

let return_proof () =
let { proof } = cur_pstate () in
let initial_goals = Proof.initial_goals proof in
let evd =
try Proof.return proof with
| Proof.UnfinishedProof ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save an incomplete proof"))
| Proof.HasShelvedGoals ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with shelved goals"))
| Proof.HasGivenUpGoals ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with given up goals"))
| Proof.HasUnresolvedEvar ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with existential " ++
str"variables still non-instantiated"))
try Proof.return proof with
| Proof.UnfinishedProof ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save an incomplete proof"))
| Proof.HasShelvedGoals ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with shelved goals"))
| Proof.HasGivenUpGoals ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with given up goals"))
| Proof.HasUnresolvedEvar ->
raise (Errors.UserError("last tactic before Qed",
str"Attempt to save a proof with existential " ++
str"variables still non-instantiated"))
let eff = Evd.eval_side_effects evd in
(** ppedrot: FIXME, this is surely wrong. There is no reason to duplicate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -483,8 +475,8 @@ let _ =

module V82 = struct
let get_current_initial_conclusions () =
let { pid; strength; pr_hook; proof } = cur_pstate () in
pid, ( snd (Proof.initial_goals proof), strength, pr_hook)
let { pid; strength; proof } = cur_pstate () in
pid, ( snd (Proof.initial_goals proof), strength)

type state = pstate list
Expand Down
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions proofs/proof_global.mli
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ type proof_object = {
id : Names.Id.t;
entries : Entries.definition_entry list;
persistence : Decl_kinds.goal_kind;
hook : unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook Ephemeron.key

type proof_ending = Vernacexpr.proof_end * proof_object
Expand All @@ -73,15 +72,13 @@ type closed_proof = proof_object*proof_terminator Ephemeron.key
val start_proof : Names.Id.t ->
Decl_kinds.goal_kind ->
(Environ.env * Term.types) list ->
unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook ->
proof_terminator ->
(** Like [start_proof] except that there may be dependencies between
initial goals. *)
val start_dependent_proof : Names.Id.t ->
Decl_kinds.goal_kind ->
Proofview.telescope ->
unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook ->
proof_terminator ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,7 +174,7 @@ val get_default_goal_selector : unit -> Vernacexpr.goal_selector

module V82 : sig
val get_current_initial_conclusions : unit -> Names.Id.t *(Term.types list *
Decl_kinds.goal_kind * unit Tacexpr.declaration_hook Ephemeron.key)

type state
Expand Down
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions toplevel/
Expand Up @@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ let save_anonymous_with_strength proof kind save_ident =

(* Admitted *)

let admit () =
let (id,k,typ,hook) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
let admit hook () =
let (id,k,typ) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
let e = Pfedit.get_used_variables(), typ, None in
let kn = declare_constant id (ParameterEntry e,IsAssumption Conjectural) in
let () = match fst k with
Expand All @@ -299,19 +299,20 @@ let start_hook = ref ignore
let set_start_hook = (:=) start_hook

let get_proof proof do_guard opacity =
let (id,(const,persistence,hook)) =
Pfedit.cook_this_proof !save_hook proof
let get_proof proof do_guard hook opacity =
let (id,(const,persistence)) =
Pfedit.cook_this_proof proof
id,{const with const_entry_opaque = opacity},do_guard,persistence,hook

let start_proof id kind ?sign c ?init_tac ?(compute_guard=[]) hook =
let hook = Ephemeron.create hook in
let terminator = let open Vernacexpr in function
| Admitted,_ ->
admit ();
admit hook (); Interface.AddedAxiom
| Proved (is_opaque,idopt),proof ->
let proof = get_proof proof compute_guard is_opaque in
let proof = get_proof proof compute_guard hook is_opaque in
begin match idopt with
| None -> save_named proof
| Some ((_,id),None) -> save_anonymous proof id
Expand All @@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ let start_proof id kind ?sign c ?init_tac ?(compute_guard=[]) hook =
| None -> initialize_named_context_for_proof ()
!start_hook c;
Pfedit.start_proof id kind sign c ?init_tac hook terminator
Pfedit.start_proof id kind sign c ?init_tac terminator

let rec_tac_initializer finite guard thms snl =
Expand Down

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