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part: canonical structure
part: canonical structure
The Canonical Structure mechanism.
part: checker
part: checker
The coqchk binary for validating .vo files.
part: CI
part: CI
The continuous integration system.
part: coercions
part: coercions
The coercion mechanism.
part: cofixpoints
part: cofixpoints
About CoFixpoint, cofix and mutual statements
part: coinductives
part: coinductives
CoInductive types, cofixpoints etc.
part: compiler
part: compiler
part: config
part: config
Configuration, e.g. -R -Q -I for libraries
part: congruence
part: congruence
The congruence tactic.
part: coq_makefile
part: coq_makefile
The coq_makefile binary for generating makefiles.
part: coqdep
part: coqdep
The coqdep binary for resolving dependencies amongst coq .v files.
part: coqdoc
part: coqdoc
The coqdoc binary for building documentation.
part: CoqIDE
part: CoqIDE
Issues and PRs related to CoqIDE or other IDE features of coq.
part: custom
part: custom
The custom notation system.
part: derive
part: derive
part: diffs
part: diffs
The diff mechanism for printing.
part: elaboration
part: elaboration
The elaboration engine, also known as the pretyper.
part: existential variables
part: existential variables
Existential variables, also known as evars, represent as yet unknown values in a proof.
part: extraction
part: extraction
The extraction mechanism.
part: firstorder
part: firstorder
Issues and PRs about the firstorder tactic.
part: fixpoints
part: fixpoints
About Fixpoint, fix and mutual statements
part: functional scheme
part: functional scheme
The Functional Scheme vernac command.
part: funind
part: funind
part: gallina
part: gallina
The gallina commands
part: hints
part: hints
Hint mechanism, databases, etc.
part: implicit arguments
part: implicit arguments
The implicit arguments mechanism, generalizable variables, etc.
part: inductives
part: inductives
Inductive types, fixpoints, etc.
part: installation
part: installation
The installation process.
part: kernel
part: kernel
part: libobject
part: libobject
Libobject and .vo files handling