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65 lines (50 loc) · 4.58 KB

File metadata and controls

65 lines (50 loc) · 4.58 KB


Minor changes

  • Added support for autoSubmit setting: This can be configured from the developer panel, it speeds up the signup flow for the user.


Minor changes

  • Updated the PasskeyList component: Improvements to the UI and show more details about the passkeys.


Minor changes

  • Added a login state button for quicker re-authentication with a passkey on previously authenticated accounts.
  • Improved state management. The user can reset the authentication process by navigating to the initial URL where it started.
  • Fixed icon alignment issues for smart email shortcut and social login buttons.
  • Improved the user experience of passkey error screens.


Major Changes

  • Introduced social login capabilities using OAuth services (Google, Microsoft, and GitHub).
  • Added support for authentication with phone numbers using sms otp.
  • Added support for authentication with just the username which uses passkeys for signup and login.
  • Improved email link authentication with added support for cross-device verification.
  • Email and SMS resend timers are now synced with back-end so refreshing the page does not restart the timer during signup.
  • Introduced hash-based URL navigation to better manage the signup flow state, ensuring that refreshing the page does not lose the user's current progress.
  • Better back navigation support when going through different steps of signup flow.
  • Added another option for Corbado.mountAuthUI: handleNavigationEvents which can be use to enable and disable hash-based urls.
  • Users can now edit their email, phone number, or username midway through the signup process without needing to restart signup flow.
  • Removed the passkey benefits screen; instead, passkey creation and append screens have been made more descriptive to reduce the need for multiple navigations.
  • In production mode, errors are now displayed on top of the Corbado's UI screen rather than replacing it entirely, maintaining the user interface continuity even when errors occur.
  • Breaking change: Restructured translation files (see docs)
  • Breaking change: Restructured custom themes (see docs)
  • Breaking change: Enhanced layout of the Corbado UIs and introduced more customizable CSS variables and classes, making it easier to modify the appearance and feel of the application.
  • Breaking change: Removed the separate Corbado.mountLoginUI and Corbado.mountSignUpUI, enabling direct navigation to login-init and signup-init screens for quicker access to authentication.
  • Breaking change: Transitioned the logout method to be asynchronous, improving performance and user experience.

Minor changes:

  • Improved support for icons in dark mode, enhancing visibility and user experience in low-light environments
  • Users can now change typography settings more easily using CSS variables.
  • If an authentication process is interrupted, the initial screens will now be pre-filled with the last entered data, reducing the need for users to re-enter information.
  • We now only see smart email shortcut button on email authentication screens of the mail client we are using (e.g. if we are using then we only see Open in Gmail button).


  • Introduced the global Corbado object to access authentication state and the currently authenticated user's data.
  • Introduced the Corbado.load async funtion, making it possible to use the Corbado's authentication state throughout the application.
  • Created components: Corbado.mountSignUpUI, Corbado.mountLoginUI, and Corbado.mountAuthUI to enable user authentication.
  • Added support for signup/login with email OTPs and email magic links.
  • Added support for passkey-based authentication.
  • Added support for custom stylings.
  • Added support for custom translations.
  • Created the Corbado.mountPasskeyListUI component, which provides a ready-to-use interface for passkey management for logged-in users.
  • Added error handling screens.
  • Create a Corbado.onError callback for users to react on Corbado's errors.
  • Added option setShortSessionCookie to store user's session details as cookies for supporting multi-page applications (e.g., PHP).
  • Added support for auto language detection from the browser and default language selection in cases where we don't have the translation for that language.
  • Added support for dark mode and auto dark mode detection from the browser.
  • Added the pre-configured custom theme corbado-funk.