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Release 2.3 (January 10, 2020)

Release Notes

This release updates Core Plot to be compatible with Xcode 11 and Swift 5. It adds support for platform-native fonts and colors, including dynamic system colors.

The Mac deployment target remains OS X 10.8. The iOS deployment target remains iOS 8.0 for both the framework and the static library. The tvOS deployment target remains tvOS 9.0.


  • New: Added support for platform native fonts (NSFont and UIFont).
  • New: Added support for platform native colors (NSColor and UIColor), including dynamic system colors.
  • New: Added support for variable bar widths in bar, range, and trading range plots.
  • Changed: Updated the Core Plot project to prefer the new Xcode build system introduced with Xcode 9.
  • Changed: Updated all framework and example code to be compatible with Xcode 11 and the latest SDKs on all platforms.
  • Changed: Updated all Swift example apps to Swift 5.
  • Changed: Added arm64e as a valid build architecture on iOS.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed DTrace probing to support Xcode's New Build System.
  • Removed: Removed docset generation. Docsets are no longer supported under Xcode 9.3.
  • Removed: Removed the AAPLot and StockPlot example apps because the Yahoo finance API that both relied for data is no longer available.

Release 2.2 (September 18, 2016)

Release Notes

This release updates Core Plot to be compatible with Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

The Mac deployment target remains OS X 10.8. The iOS deployment target has changed to iOS 8.0 for both the framework and the static library. The tvOS deployment target remains tvOS 9.0. Core Plot no longer requires the Accelerate framework.


  • New: Increased the iOS deployment target to iOS 8.
  • Changed: Added Swift name mappings for all string constants.
  • Changed: Updated all Swift example apps to Swift 3.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the dependency on the Accelerate framework.

Release 2.1 (April 16, 2016)

Release Notes

This release adds a tvOS framework and removes the deprecated CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj project file. All Core Plot build targets for Mac, iOS, tvOS, and the documentation are in the CorePlot.xcodeproj project file. Annotated type definitions (e.g., CPTNumberArray) were changed to exclude the pointer star ("*") so they can be used interchangeably with class names.

Curved scatter plots received several improvements. This release adds options to use Catmull-Rom and Hermite cubic splines to draw curved scatter plot lines. When a Hermite spline is used to draw a monotonic data series, the curved line will be monotonic as well. Plot spaces have new methods to scale the plot space to fit entire plots.

The Mac deployment target has increased to OS X 10.8. The iOS deployment target remains iOS 6.0 for the static library and iOS 8.0 for the framework. The tvOS deployment target is tvOS 9.0.


  • New: Increased the Mac deployment target to OS X 10.8.
  • New: Added a tvOS framework.
  • New: Added an option to anchor alternating band fills to a specific starting value.
  • New: Added support for animating NSNumber properties with CPTAnimation.
  • New: Added support for NSSecureCoding.
  • New: Added an option to draw legend swatches to the left or right side of the title.
  • New: Added options to use Catmull-Rom and Hermite cubic splines to draw curved scatter plot lines.
  • New: Added a method to automatically scale the plot space to fit the entire plot.
  • Changed: Changed the annotated type definitions to exclude the pointer star ("*").
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the deprecated CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj project file.

Release 2.0 (October 4, 2015)

Release Notes

This release contains changes that will break apps built against earlier Core Plot versions. For a cleaner public API and ease of use from Swift, all public properties and methods that take NSDecimal values have been changed to take NSNumber values instead. See the Release 2.0 API Changes wiki page for a detailed list of the API changes.

The Mac and iOS projects have been combined into one project file. The CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj project file is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. There is now an iOS framework target in addition to the static library in the CorePlot.xcodeproj project file.

The deployment target has increased to iOS 6.0 for the static library and iOS 8.0 for the framework. The Mac deployment target remains OS X 10.7.


  • New: Combined the Mac and iOS projects and added an iOS framework target. The CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj project file is deprecated.
  • New: Added histogram style options to CPTScatterPlot.
  • New: Added iOS unit tests.
  • New: Added plot space point conversion methods that take an NSArray of coordinate values.
  • New: Added nullability annotations to all property and method declarations.
  • New: Added type annotations to all arrays, sets, and dictionaries.
  • New: Added the log-modulus scale type.
  • Changed: Increased the deployment target to iOS 6.0 and Mac OS X 10.7. The iOS framework requires iOS 8 or higher.
  • Changed: Changed the Installation Directory for the Mac framework to "@rpath" and updated the Runpath Search Path in each Mac example app.
  • Changed: Changed all public properties and methods that take NSDecimal values to take NSNumber values instead. Use NSDecimalNumber to maintain full decimal precision.
  • Changed: Added properties to CPTPlotRange and CPTMutablePlotRange to read and write all range properties as NSNumber, NSDecimal, or double.
  • Changed: Renamed the CPTXYAxis.orthogonalCoordinateDecimal property to CPTXYAxis.orthogonalPosition.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 1.6 (May 9, 2015)

Release Notes

This release adds support for @3x and stretchable images, plot area fill bands, new axis and plot delegate methods, and trackpad and scroll wheel gestures on the Mac. The behavior of all axis and plot xxxWasSelected delegate methods changed to require both a down and up event on the same element instead of only the down event. The deployment target has increased to iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7 and all iOS clients must now link against the Accelerate framework.


  • New: Added hand cursors to the Mac hosting view to indicate when user interaction is enabled and when dragging is in progress.
  • New: Added two additional initialization methods to CPTImage.
  • New: Added a dependency on the Accelerate framework. All iOS clients must now link against this framework.
  • New: Added a shared header file for apps using Core Plot with CocoaPods.
  • New: Added support for pinch zoom gestures on the Mac.
  • New: Added support for trackpad and mouse wheel scrolling gestures on the Mac.
  • New: Added a scroll wheel event to <CPTResponder>.
  • New: Added axis and plot delegate methods for touch down and up events on labels.
  • New: Added scatter plot data line selection delegate methods.
  • New: Added scatter plot area fill bands.
  • New: Added new methods to all plots to allow labels, styles, and plot symbols to be updated independent of the plot data.
  • New: Added support for stretchable images.
  • New: Added support for @3x images.
  • New: Added support for using an Objective-C block to calculate plot values in the function datasource class.
  • New: Added support for categorical plot data.
  • New: Added showBarBorder property to CPTTradingRangePlot.
  • Changed: Increased the deployment target to iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X 10.7.
  • Changed: Enabled automatic reference counting (ARC) in the framework projects.
  • Changed: Updated CPTImage to automatically handle switching between Retina and non-Retina displays.
  • Changed: Changed the behavior of all axis and plot xxxWasSelected delegate methods to require both a down and up event on the same element instead of only the down event.
  • Changed: Changed the class prefix for the Quartz Composer plug-ins from "CP" to "CPT".
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the deprecated plot space methods.

Release 1.5.1 (March 16, 2014)

Release Notes

This release updates release 1.5 to work with Xcode 5.1.


  • Removed: Removed the -all_load linker flag from the iOS project.
  • Removed: Removed support for garbage collection.

Release 1.5 (March 15, 2014)

Release Notes

This release adds new animation options, user interaction for annotations and plot areas, and new customization options for legends, range plots, and axis titles. It also added plot space properties to permit more fine-grained control of momentum scrolling.


  • New: Updated CPTAnimation to allow animations to start at the current value of the animated property instead of a fixed value.
  • New: Animations can now start when the value of the animated property enters the animated range.
  • New: Added an identifier and user info dictionary to animation operations.
  • New: Added annotations to the responder chain.
  • New: Added plot area delegate methods to report user interaction with the plot area.
  • New: Added legend delegate methods to customize the swatch fill and border line style for each legend entry.
  • New: Added a plot property to control drawing of the legend entry swatch.
  • New: Added options to draw a background fill behind and a border line around each legend entry.
  • New: Added an axis property to control the offset direction of the title independent of the tick direction.
  • New: Added a border line around range plot area fills.
  • New: Added a plot space method to scale the plot range for a single coordinate.
  • New: Added properties to control momentum scrolling for the x- and y-directions separately.
  • Changed: Switched to a new algorithm for computing curved scatter plots.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the elastic global range properties from CPTXYPlotSpace. Turning on momentum scrolling now automatically allows elastic ranges, too.

Release 1.4 (September 28, 2013)

Release Notes

This release adds a helper class that makes it easy to create a datasource to plot a mathematical function. The function datasource can plot any c-style function that returns the value of y = f(x). The release also adds new delegate methods for legends and axis labels, a new line drawing style, new axis and data label positioning options, and support for label formatters that return styled text.

This release deprecates all plot space methods that take a c-style array of coordinate values. They have been replaced with equivalent methods that add an additional parameter to pass the size of the array and will be removed in a future release.


  • New: Added properties to allow axis labels to be positioned independent of the tick direction.
  • New: Added legend delegate methods to notify the delegate when a legend entry is selected.
  • New: Added support for lines drawn with a gradient following the stroked path.
  • New: Added support for axis and plot data label formatters that return styled text.
  • New: Added a datasource class that automatically creates scatter plot data from a function.
  • New: Added an option to turn off automatic plot data label anchor point adjustments.
  • New: Added a count parameter to all plot space methods that take a c-style array of coordinate values and deprecated the old versions. These methods will be removed in release 2.0.
  • New: Added axis label selection delegate methods.
  • Changed: Updated all projects to support Xcode 5.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 1.3 (June 30, 2013)

Release Notes

This release adds support for styled text (via NSAttributedString) in all titles, labels, and text layers. It adds support for momentum scrolling and "rubber band" snap-back when scrolling beyond the global x- and y-ranges.


  • New: Added support for styled text in all titles, labels, and text layers.
  • New: Added a minor tick label shadow property to CPTAxis.
  • New: Added a property to hide plot data labels.
  • New: Added support for momentum scrolling.
  • New: Added support for "rubber band" snap-back when scrolling reaches the global x- and y-ranges.
  • New: Added line break mode support to CPTTextStyle.
  • New: Added a maximum layer size to CPTTextLayer.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 1.2 (April 6, 2013)

Release Notes

This release adds animation support for plot ranges, decimal values, and other properties. It also updates some of the example apps to use ARC.


  • New: Added animation support for plot ranges, decimal values, and other properties.
  • New: Added starting and ending anchor point properties for radial gradients.
  • Changed: Changed the type of all axis and plot label formatters from NSNumberFormatter to NSFormatter.
  • Changed: Updated all CPTTestApp example apps for Mac and iOS to use ARC.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 1.1 (November 11, 2012)

Release Notes

This release adds many new plot properties, delegate methods, and data bindings.


  • New: Added Bezier curve interpolation option to CPTScatterPlot.
  • New: Added printing support to the OS X hosting view.
  • New: Added a plot data label selection delegate method.
  • New: Added a line fill property to CPTLineStyle.
  • New: Added point selection delegate methods to CPTRangePlot and CPTTradingRangePlot.
  • New: Added an end angle property and the ability to rotate data labels relative to the pie radius to CPTPieChart.
  • New: Added the -didFinishDrawing: delegate method to CPTPlot.
  • New: Added selection delegate methods that include the event that triggered the selection to all plots.
  • New: Added plot space convenience methods that convert global interaction coordinates obtained from an OS event to plot area drawing coordinates.
  • New: Added the plot symbol anchor point.
  • New: Added a corner radius property to CPTBarPlot that applies to the base value end of the bars.
  • New: Added a method to CPTBarPlot that computes a plot range that encloses all of the bars, including the bar width and bar offset.
  • New: Added bindings for plot data labels, bar plot fills and borders, and pie chart fills and radial offsets.
  • New: Added bindings and data source methods for all line styles and fills in range and trading range plots.
  • New: Added additional data source methods to all plots so each data source item can be supplied one at a time or in an array.
  • New: Added multi-dimensional data array support to CPTNumericData.
  • New: Added a new plot datasource method that returns a multi-dimensional CPTNumericData containing data for all plot fields.
  • Changed: Changed the superclass of CPTTextLayer from CPTLayer to CPTBorderedLayer.
  • Changed: Changed all iOS header files to "Project" visibility to prevent problems with archiving an app that uses the Core Plot static library.
  • Changed: Significant updates to the API documentation for organization and clarity.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 1.0 (February 20, 2012)

Release Notes

This release contains changes that will break apps built against earlier Core Plot versions. CPTPlotRange has been split into mutable and immutable variants similar to CPTLineStyle and CPTTextStyle. This change will break existing code that changes plot ranges; that code should be updated to use the mutable versions. The CPTBarPlotField enum was changed so that the field values start at zero like all other plots. This will affect any existing code that used hard-coded values for the fields instead of the enum field names (CPTBarPlotFieldBarLocation, etc.). The CPTNewCGColorFromNSColor() function was renamed to CPTCreateCGColorFromNSColor() to conform to Apple's memory management naming conventions.

Core Plot now supports projects that use automatic reference counting (ARC). For compatibility with older systems, Core Plot itself does not use ARC but its header files and binaries can be used in applications that do.


  • New: Added a script to automatically format the code following the coding standards using uncrustify.
  • New: Added support for automatic reference counting (ARC).
  • New: Added the HTML docs built with Doxygen to the source code repository so that they can be viewed online with a web browser.
  • New: Added an identifier property to CPTLayer, replacing the one from CPTPlot and CPTPlotGroup.
  • New: Added control chart and multi-colored bar plot examples to the Plot Gallery app.
  • New: Added a mouse zoom user interface to the DropPlot app.
  • Changed: Split CPTPlotRange into mutable and immutable variants.
  • Changed: Changed the CPTBarPlotField enum values.
  • Changed: Renamed the CPTNewCGColorFromNSColor() function to CPTCreateCGColorFromNSColor().
  • Changed: Updated all projects to support Xcode 4.2.
  • Changed: Made all CPTAxis delegate methods optional.
  • Changed: Added the -[CPTAxis axis:shouldUpdateMinorAxisLabelsAtLocations:] delegate method.
  • Changed: Added a graph fill to the Slate theme so that all themes have explicit fills.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed unused NSException extensions.
  • Removed: Removed unused methods from CPTLayer and CPTTextLayer.

Release 0.9 Beta (September 25, 2011)

Release Notes

This release contains several changes that will break apps built against earlier Core Plot versions. The MacOS hosting view has been renamed and many deprecated properties and methods have been removed. The axis constraints system has been changed; the new class-based system is easier to set up and less prone to problems than the old struct-based system. This release also adds support for many new features including hi-dpi displays on MacOS, @2x images on both iOS and MacOS, shadows on many plot elements, arrows and other line caps on axis lines, and animation support for many plot properties.


  • New: Added support for hi-dpi displays in MacOS 10.7 Lion.
  • New: Added support for @2x images on hi-dpi displays.
  • New: Added support for shadows.
  • New: Added arrows and other line caps for axis lines.
  • New: Added animation support for many plot properties.
  • New: Added a shape property setter to CPTMutableNumericData.
  • New: Implemented the <NSCoding> protocol in all Core Plot classes.
  • New: Added several new plots to the Plot Gallery example application.
  • New: Added some unit tests.
  • Changed: Renamed the MacOS hosting view to CPTGraphHostingView to match the iOS nomenclature.
  • Changed: Renamed the CPTBarPlot barLengths property to barTips to conform with the field naming convention (location, tip, and base).
  • Changed: Changed the axis constraints mechanism--it now uses a class instead of a struct.
  • Changed: Made plot point pixel alignment optional.
  • Changed: Made the header files for several internal classes private.
  • Changed: Performance enhancements in several plots and CPTXYAxis.
  • Changed: Updated all projects to support Xcode 4.1.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the unused CPTLayoutManager protocol.
  • Removed: Removed the unused CPTPolarPlotSpace class.
  • Removed: Removed deprecated properties and methods.
  • Removed: Removed the unused default z-position from all layers.

Release 0.4 Alpha (July 7, 2011)

Release Notes

This release contains several changes that will break apps built against earlier Core Plot versions. The class prefix for all Core Plot classes and public symbols changed from "CP" to "CPT". Also, the iOS SDK is no longer supported. iOS projects that were built against the SDK must be updated to include the Core Plot project file or link against the new universal static library instead.


  • New: Added iOS universal static library build target.
  • New: Added graph legends.
  • New: Implemented logarithmic plot scales.
  • New: Added support for multi-line text in CPTTextLayer.
  • New: Added a text alignment property to CPTTextStyle.
  • New: Added a title rotation property to CPTAxis.
  • New: Added several new plots to the Plot Gallery example application.
  • New: Added an equal interval axis labeling policy.
  • Changed: Changed the class prefix from "CP" to "CPT" to prevent conflicts with Apple's Core PDF framework.
  • Changed: Updates to suppress compiler warnings when using the LLVM compiler.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the iOS SDK build and installer packaging scripts.

Release 0.3 Alpha (May 4, 2011)

Release Notes

This release adds a new plot type (range plots) and adds features to several other plot types. CPTextStyle and CPLineStyle have been split into mutable and immutable variants similar to Cocoa's string, data, and collection classes. This change will break existing code that changes text style and line style properties; that code should be updated to use the mutable versions.


  • New: Added an option in CPBarPlot to set bar widths in data or view coordinates.
  • New: Added the allowPinchScaling property to CPGraphHostingView.
  • New: Added a shared cache of common values to the NSDecimal conversion utility functions for performance.
  • New: Added support for variable bar plot base values, useful for making stacked plots.
  • New: Added range plot type.
  • New: Added minor axis tick labels.
  • New: Added pie chart overlay fill.
  • New: Added some unit tests.
  • Changed: Split CPTextStyle and CPLineStyle into mutable and immutable variants.
  • Changed: Updated all projects to support Xcode 4.
  • Changed: Drawing performance improvements in CPBarPlot.
  • Changed: Updated Doxygen configuration files and comments for Doxygen 1.7.3.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 0.2.2 Alpha (November 10, 2010)

Release Notes

This is a maintenance release that corrects some packaging errors in release 0.2.1. It also adds support for missing data in all plot types.


  • New: Added support for missing plot data points.
  • New: Added histogram interpolation to CPScatterPlot.
  • New: Added secondary scatter plot fill.
  • Changed: Updated the release packaging scripts.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.

Release 0.2.1 Alpha (October 20, 2010)

Release Notes

This release adds methods to improve plot performance by only updating the parts of the data cache that changed. It also adds support for Xcode 3.2.4 and the iOS 4.1 SDK.


  • New: Added packaging scripts for releases.
  • New: Added plot methods to add, remove, and reload plot data records without reloading all of the data.
  • New: Added support for axis label alignment.
  • Changed: Updated all projects to support Xcode 3.2.4 and the iOS 4.1 SDK.
  • Changed: Optimized plot symbol drawing.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed the Core Plot animation classes.

Release 0.2 Alpha (September 10, 2010)

Release Notes

This release adds data labels to all plots and adds features to scatter plots and pie charts. It also makes substantial improvements to CPNumericData and modifies the plots to use it for the internal data cache. All C++ code has been removed from Core Plot, which improves performance and simplifies the process of linking Core Plot into other projects.


  • New: Added plot data labels.
  • New: Added stepped interpolation to CPScatterPlot.
  • New: Added NSDecimal support to CPNumericData.
  • New: Added NSDecimal utility functions for all primitive types supported by NSNumber.
  • New: Added slice selection delegate method to CPPieChart.
  • New: Added some unit tests.
  • Changed: Updated the example apps to demonstrate new features.
  • Changed: Changed the plot data cache to use CPNumericData.
  • Changed: Miscellaneous bug fixes and cleanup.
  • Removed: Removed all C++ code.

Release 0.1 Alpha (June 20, 2010)

Release Notes

First official release package.


  • New: Implemented basic graph architecture, axes, and plots.
  • New: Added several example applications.
  • New: Added masksToBorder property to CPBorderedLayer.
  • New: Implemented automatic and locations provided axis labeling policies.
  • New: Added Quartz Composer plugin.
  • New: Added documentation targets and Doxygen comments to all classes.
  • New: Added unit tests.
  • New: Implemented themes.