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Material Styled Components

Fork details

This repo is a independently managed fork of MerlinLabs/styled-material-components. The goals:

  • More strict eslint rules
  • PropTypes for documenting and monitoring components behaviour
  • Tests (coming soon) via Jest
  • Use latest and greatest versions of React and styled-components

Styled Components inspired library that implements Material Design for stress free React Application scaffolding.

Table of Contents

  1. Inspiration and goals
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributing
  4. How to use
  5. Theme Provider
  6. Component Example
  7. Decorator Example

Inspiration and goals

  1. Styled Components is a great way to couple components with styles.
  2. Material Components is the best implementation of material design spec (it is google afterall)
  3. We want a native react implementation of the above, and Styled Components gives us that power.
  4. Sass Mixins can be mostly written as styled component mixins. See src/mixins/ for examples of this.

Getting Started

  • Fork the repo
  • Run:
yarn install
yarn build
yarn dev


How to use

The components in this library are Styled Components and have full access to the Style Components v3 api. That means you can call .extend on any of the exported components to modify the styling of everything within the component.

Theme Provider

Similar to the Styled Components ThemeProvider (its a thin wrapper around it) except that it provides a default theme that matches material design's default theme. You can provide a custom theme here with any option from src/theme/defaultTheme.js overwritten. You can nest ThemeProviers just like with StyledComponents to overwrite portions of the theme for sections of your application

Component Example


This component is for creating a material design button. It has props that match the documentation from Material Components

Example Implementation:

// Flat button with primary text color
<Button primary>I’m a Button</Button>

// Flat button with accent text color
<Button accent>I’m a Button</Button>

// Raised button with primary background color
<Button raised primary>I’m a Button</Button>

Decorator Example


This is a decorator (higher order component) to add a javascript ripple effect to any element that is a styled component. (it must have the .extend function).

const JSRippleButton = withRipple(Button);
<JSRippleButton raised primary>Test</JSRippleButton>