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Deploy models as Realtime APIs

this is an example for cortex release 0.19 and may not deploy correctly on other releases of cortex

This example shows how to deploy a realtime text generation API using a GPT-2 model from Hugging Face's transformers library.

Implement your predictor

  1. Create a Python file named
  2. Define a Predictor class with a constructor that loads and initializes the model.
  3. Add a predict function that will accept a payload and return the generated text.

import torch
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel

class PythonPredictor:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
        print(f"using device: {self.device}")
        self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
        self.model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("gpt2").to(self.device)

    def predict(self, payload):
        input_length = len(payload["text"].split())
        tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(payload["text"], return_tensors="pt").to(self.device)
        prediction = self.model.generate(tokens, max_length=input_length + 20, do_sample=True)
        return self.tokenizer.decode(prediction[0])

Here are the complete Predictor docs.

Specify your Python dependencies

Create a requirements.txt file to specify the dependencies needed by Cortex will automatically install them into your runtime once you deploy:

# requirements.txt


Configure your API

Create a cortex.yaml file and add the configuration below. A RealtimeAPI provides a runtime for inference and makes your implementation available as a web service that can serve real-time predictions:

# cortex.yaml

- name: text-generator
  kind: RealtimeAPI
    type: python

Here are the complete API configuration docs.

Deploy your model locally

cortex deploy takes your Predictor implementation along with the configuration from cortex.yaml and creates a web API:

$ cortex deploy

creating text-generator (RealtimeAPI)

Monitor the status of your API using cortex get:

$ cortex get --watch

env     realtime api     status     last update   avg request   2XX
local   text-generator   updating   8s            -             -

Show additional information for your API (e.g. its endpoint) using cortex get <api_name>:

$ cortex get text-generator
status   last update   avg request   2XX
live     1m            -             -

endpoint: http://localhost:8888

You can also stream logs from your API:

$ cortex logs text-generator


Once your API is live, use curl to test your API (it will take a few seconds to generate the text):

$ curl http://localhost:8888 \
    -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"text": "machine learning is"}'

"machine learning is ..."

Deploy your model to AWS

Cortex can automatically provision infrastructure on your AWS account and deploy your models as production-ready web services:

$ cortex cluster up

This creates a Cortex cluster in your AWS account, which will take approximately 15 minutes.

After your cluster is created, you can deploy your model to your cluster by using the same code and configuration as before:

$ cortex deploy --env aws

creating text-generator (RealtimeAPI)

Note that the --env flag specifies the name of the CLI environment to use. CLI environments contain the information necessary to connect to your cluster. The default environment is local, and when the cluster was created, a new environment named aws was created to point to the cluster. You can change the default environment with cortex env default <env_name).

Monitor the status of your APIs using cortex get:

$ cortex get --watch

env     realtime api     status   up-to-date   requested   last update   avg request   2XX
aws     text-generator   live     1            1           1m            -             -
local   text-generator   live     1            1           17m           3.1285 s      1

The output above indicates that one replica of your API was requested and is available to serve predictions. Cortex will automatically launch more replicas if the load increases and will spin down replicas if there is unused capacity.

Show additional information for your API (e.g. its endpoint) using cortex get <api_name>:

$ cortex get text-generator --env aws

status   up-to-date   requested   last update   avg request   2XX
live     1            1           17m           -             -

metrics dashboard:
endpoint: https://***

Use your new endpoint to make requests to your API on AWS:

$ curl https://*** \
    -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"text": "machine learning is"}'

"machine learning is ..."

Perform a rolling update

When you make a change to your or your cortex.yaml, you can update your api by re-running cortex deploy.

Let's modify to set the length of the generated text based on a query parameter:


import torch
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel

class PythonPredictor:
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
        print(f"using device: {self.device}")
        self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
        self.model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("gpt2").to(self.device)

    def predict(self, payload, query_params):  # this line is updated
        input_length = len(payload["text"].split())
        output_length = int(query_params.get("length", 20))  # this line is added
        tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(payload["text"], return_tensors="pt").to(self.device)
        prediction = self.model.generate(tokens, max_length=input_length + output_length, do_sample=True)  # this line is updated
        return self.tokenizer.decode(prediction[0])

Run cortex deploy to perform a rolling update of your API:

$ cortex deploy --env aws

updating text-generator (RealtimeAPI)

You can track the status of your API using cortex get:

$ cortex get --env aws --watch

realtime api     status     up-to-date   stale   requested   last update   avg request   2XX
text-generator   updating   0            1       1           29s           -             -

As your new implementation is initializing, the old implementation will continue to be used to respond to prediction requests. Eventually the API's status will become "live" (with one up-to-date replica), and traffic will be routed to the updated version.

Try your new code:

$ curl https://*** \
    -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"text": "machine learning is"}'

"machine learning is ..."

Run on GPUs

If your cortex cluster is using GPU instances (configured during cluster creation), you can run your text generator API on GPUs. Add the compute field to your API configuration:

# cortex.yaml

- name: text-generator
  kind: RealtimeAPI
    type: python
    gpu: 1

Run cortex deploy to update your API with this configuration:

$ cortex deploy --env aws

updating text-generator (RealtimeAPI)

You can use cortex get to check the status of your API, and once it's live, prediction requests should be faster.

A note about rolling updates in dev environments

In development environments, you may wish to disable rolling updates since rolling updates require additional cluster resources. For example, a rolling update of a GPU-based API will require at least two GPUs, which can require a new instance to spin up if your cluster only has one instance. To disable rolling updates, set max_surge to 0 in the update_strategy configuration:

# cortex.yaml

- name: text-generator
  kind: RealtimeAPI
    type: python
    gpu: 1
    max_surge: 0


Run cortex delete to delete each API:

$ cortex delete text-generator --env local

deleting text-generator

$ cortex delete text-generator --env aws

deleting text-generator

Running cortex delete will free up cluster resources and allow Cortex to scale down to the minimum number of instances you specified during cluster creation. It will not spin down your cluster.

Next steps