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Getting Started with CTL

This guide will help you get started writing contracts with CTL. Please also see our guide comparing CTL with Plutus/PAB which offers a more abstract overview of the project.

Table of Contents


You need to have set up a Purescript project using CTL as a dependency (more details here). You will also need to become familiar with CTL's runtime as its runtime services are required for executing virtually all contracts.

Importing CTL modules

The Contract interface

CTL's public interface is contained in the Contract.* namespace. We recommend to always prefer imports from the Contract namespace. That is, avoid importing any CTL modules not contained in Contract, which should be considered internal. Importing non-Contract modules will make your code more brittle and susceptible to breakages when upgrading CTL versions.

For example, avoid the following:

-- Anything not in in the `Contract` namespace should be considered an
-- **internal** CTL module

import Types.TokenName (TokenName)
import Types.Scripts (MintingPolicy)

Instead, prefer:

import Contract.Value (TokenName)
import Contract.Scripts (MintingPolicy)

Our Prelude

Unlike Haskell, Purescript's Prelude is not imported implicitly in every module and is much smaller in scope (for example, common non-primitive types like Maybe are contained in their own packages, rather than in the Prelude). Rather than require users to import Purescript's Prelude and other common modules directly, we offer a Contract.Prelude that re-exports Purescript's Prelude, several common modules (e.g. Data.Maybe, Data.Either, etc...), and CTL-specific functionality. We recommend using Contract.Prelude as a replacement for Prelude in projects using CTL, particularly for developers who are less familiar with Purescript and its divergences from Haskell.

Executing contracts and the ContractConfig

Unlike Plutus/PAB, CTL is structued internally around a familiar mtl-style monad transformer stack. As such, contracts written in CTL are called from other Purescript code (i.e. CTL has no concept of "endpoints" or "activation"). The top-level of your program written in CTL will look like the following:

main :: Effect Unit
main = ...

(Effect is Purescript's synchronous effect monad.)

Internally, CTL uses Purescript's Aff monad, which represents asynchronous effects. Thus, you must first call the eliminator for Aff to run your Contract code:

main :: Effect Unit
main = Contract.Monad.launchAff_ $ do -- we re-export this for you

Within this Aff action, you should create a wallet type and initialize your ContractConfig:

main :: Effect Unit
main = Contract.Monad.launchAff_ $ do
  wallet <- Contract.Wallet.mkNamiWalletAff
  cfg <- undefined -- see the next section for more details on this part

Then use the eliminator Contract.Monad.runContract (or runContract_ to discard the return value):

main :: Effect Unit
main = Contract.Monad.launchAff_ $ do
  wallet <- Contract.Wallet.mkNamiWalletAff
  cfg <- undefined
  runContract_ cfg $ do

Making the ContractConfig

The ContractConfig contains the configuration values and websocket connections that are required to execute contracts written in CTL. For local development and testing, we provide Contract.Monad.traceContractConfig where all service hosts are set to localhost and the logLevel is set to Trace. Needless to say, this is not viable for production or staging environments.

It is not recommended to directly construct or manipulate a ContractConfig yourself as the process of making a new config initializes websockets. Instead, use Contract.Monad.ConfigParams with Contract.Monad.mkContractConfig.

As explained in the Plutus/PAB comparison, the ContractConfig environment using Purescript's extensible records. This can also be done via ConfigParams, which holds an extraConfig field corresponding to the Row Type argument to ContractConfig (and by extension, Contract).

An example of building a ContractConfig via ConfigParams is as follows:

main :: Effect Unit
main = Contract.Monad.launchAff_ $ do -- we re-export this for you
  wallet <- Contract.Wallet.mkNamiWalletAff -- for the Nami backend
  cfg <- mkContractConfig $ ConfigParams
    -- The server defaults below are also exported from
    -- `Contract.Monad`
    { ogmiosConfig: defaultOgmiosWsConfig
    , datumCacheConfig: defaultDatumCacheWsConfig
    , ctlServerConfig: defaultServerConfig
    , networkId: TestnetId
    , logLevel: Trace
    , extraConfig: { apiKey: "foo" }
    , wallet
  runContract_ cfg someContractWithApiKeyInEnv

-- As we provided `(apiKey :: String)` to the `extraConfig` above, we can now
-- access it in the reader environment of any `Contract` actions call using
-- the `ContractConfig` we created above. We can also retain polymorphism
-- by adding `| r` to the row type
  :: forall (r :: Row Type). Contract (apiKey :: String | r) Unit
someContractWithApiKeyInEnv = ...

Building and submitting transactions

Unlike PAB, CTL obscures less of the build-balance-sign-submit pipeline for transactions and most of the steps are called individually. The general workflow in CTL is similar to the following:

  • Build a transaction using Contract.ScriptLookups and Contract.TxConstraints (it is also possible to directly build a Transaction if you require even greater low-level control over the process, although we recommend the constraints/lookups approach for most users):

    contract = do
        constraints :: TxConstraints Unit Unit
        constraints = TxConstraints.mustPayToScript vhash unitDatum
            $ Value.lovelaceValueOf
            $ BigInt.fromInt 2_000_000
        lookups :: ScriptLookups PlutusData
        lookups = ScriptLookups.validator validator
      -- `liftedE` will throw a runtime exception on `Left`s
      ubTx <- liftedE $ Lookups.mkUnbalancedTx lookups constraints
  • Sign it and balance it using Contract.Transaction.balanceAndSignTx:

    contract = do
      -- `liftedM` will throw on `Nothing`s
      BalancedSignedTransaction bsTx <-
        liftedM "Failed to balance/sign tx" $ balanceAndSignTx ubTx
  • Submit using Contract.Transaction.submit (note that due to current infelicities in CTL's internal transaction builder, we must currently use the CBOR of the balanced and signed transaction rather than the transaction itself; this will be resolved in an upcoming CTL version):

    contract = do
      txId <- submit bsTx.signedTxCbor
      logInfo' $ "Tx ID: " <> show txId

Awaiting tx confirmation

One major caveat to using CTL in its current state is that we have no equivalent of Plutus' awaitTxConfirmed. We cannot guarantee that a transaction that has been accepted into a mempool has actually been added to a block. When Contract.Transaction.submit returns, this is not a guarantee that your transaction has been accepted into a block. If transaction confirmation is critical for you, you may wish to adopt a different strategy: sleeping for a pre-determined amount of time, looping until an address contains UTxOs from the recently submitted transaction, etc.... We plan to add functionality similar to awaitTxConfirmed in upcoming versions of CTL.


Without light wallet

We provide KeyWallet to enable testing outside of the browser, or in-browser without a light wallet installed. To generate a key, you can use cardano-cli as follows:

$ cardano-cli address key-gen --normal-key --signing-key-file payment.skey --verification-key-file payment.vkey

The signing key can be loaded to CTL using Contract.Wallet.KeyFile.mkKeyWalletFromFile See also examples/Pkh2PkhKeyWallet.purs.

From here you can submit transactions that will be signed with your private key, or perhaps export transactions to be tested with external tools such as plutip testing tool. We are currently working on integration with the plutip. These will be included in an upcoming release of CTL.

With a light wallet

For full testing with browser-based light wallets, tools such as puppeteer or its Purescript bindings might be useful.