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data systems

LD edited this page May 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Stellar systems

Stellar system are virtual bodies that contain one or more bodies, which can in turn be also stellar systems. They are used to group together all theses bodies, provide common reference frame and provide a local reference point.


System is used for planet systems or solar systems where there is a primary object, the star or the planet, and a collection of satellites (or planets). Several properties of the system will be copied from the primary body, like the albedo color, absolute magnitude, ...

Usually the orbit of the primary body is set to fixed and the actual orbit of the body is configured on the system itself.


  • type: system
  • name: list of names of the system, mandatory.
  • orbit: orbit of the system, mandatory.
  • rotation: rotation of the system, mandatory.
  • children: list of the children of the system. The first child is the primary body of the system, mandatory.


    name: Mars System
    orbit: mars
        - planet:
            name: Mars
            radius: 3396.2
            rotation: mars
        - moon:
            name: Phobos
            radius: 27
            orbit: phobos
            rotation: phobos
        - moon:
            name: Deimos
            orbit: deimos
            rotation: deimos


Barycenter is used to groups several bodies into a system without a defined primary. This is mainly used for multi-star systems. The properties of the barycenter is the addition of the properties of all the children bodies, like the absolute magnitude.


type: barycenter

Other parameters identical to system, except there is no primary object.


- barycenter:
    name: [ALF Cen, Gliese 559]
        type: fixed
        ra: 219.92
        de: -60.8351
        distance: 1.34749
        distance-units: pc
      - star:
          name: [Toliman, ALF01 Cen, HR 5460, HIP 71683, HD 128621]
          magnitude: 4.34237
          spectral-type: 'G2V'
            type: elliptic
            semi-major-axis: 12.9599
            period: 79.85
            eccentricity: 0.52
            inclination: 79
            ascending-node: 204
            arg-of-periapsis: 52
            mean-anomaly: 204.084
      - star:
          name: [Rigil Kentaurus, ALF02 Cen, HR 5459, HIP 71681, HD 128620]
          magnitude: 5.68237
          spectral-type: 'K1V'
            type: elliptic
            semi-major-axis: 10.7567
            period: 79.85
            eccentricity: 0.52
            inclination: 79
            ascending-node: 204
            arg-of-periapsis: 232
            mean-anomaly: 204.084
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